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16-07-2016, 07:12 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I agree completely and have said so in the past.

Perhaps May, being a woman, might also see the sense in this, she presumably not having the testosterone to want to go into every possible war (and yes, I know Maggie did, but that was after our own people were being attacked).
We are at war with IS.
The only thing our leaders haven't got the hang of is winning that war.

I predict a lot of U turns within 12 months, when these type of attacks have quadrupled in number and frequency.

The more we let them get away with it, the longer we allow them to appear successful the more attractive they become to those that are weak of mind, dismayed or brainwashed.
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16-07-2016, 07:39 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
We are at war with IS.
The only thing our leaders haven't got the hang of is winning that war.

I predict a lot of U turns within 12 months, when these type of attacks have quadrupled in number and frequency.

The more we let them get away with it, the longer we allow them to appear successful the more attractive they become to those that are weak of mind, dismayed or brainwashed.
I agree, but sending troops abroad is not the answer. We need to sort out the problem amongst us.
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16-07-2016, 08:11 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

IS will not stop.
We are better fighting them on their turf than ours.
We are at more risk than we have ever, ever been before.

If they're not stopped soon the violence will be on our streets, on every corner.

I've never been one for war, the opposite in fact.
I am a firm believer that a soldier's main objective is to protect and keep the peace but.....this is entirely different.

What's the point of NATO and the UN?
These muppets can't see what's happening or the real threat involved.

Listen to the frontline soldiers that have completed tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, they've seen the real horrors of the extremist mentality.
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16-07-2016, 08:17 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
We are at war with IS.
The only thing our leaders haven't got the hang of is winning that war.

I predict a lot of U turns within 12 months, when these type of attacks have quadrupled in number and frequency.

The more we let them get away with it, the longer we allow them to appear successful the more attractive they become to those that are weak of mind, dismayed or brainwashed.
And that is where we are making the biggest mistake of all - just as Hollande is doing now - refusing to define who the real enemy is. The real enemy is Islam and it is inside the perimeter walls. Unless politicians are willing to face this fact we will never get anywhere. Geert Wilders - Dutch Politician - is one such politician who is but others are coming around to the fact - thankfully. People like Hollande will not I suspect because the Muslim vote is keeping him in power. This is all nicely tied in to the corruption of the EU - power politicians willing to throw their own country's populace to the wolves for some misguided vision or to keep in control.

Geert Wilder
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16-07-2016, 08:18 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Just so very , very sad.Innocent bystanders and babies .
Be strong, France , you have had a lot thrown at you of late.
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16-07-2016, 08:22 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

So......your plan is to defeat Islam?

Is us a representative of extremism, not Islam as a whole.

Their teachings and interpretation is not mainstream.

IS are the enemy right now, ignoring that fact will result in tens of thousands dying whilst we sit doing nothing.

This isn't a Muslim problem for Muslims.
It's a problem for us all, a big threat that seems to be overlooked for some unknown reasons.
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16-07-2016, 08:24 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Just so very , very sad.Innocent bystanders and babies .
Be strong, France , you have had a lot thrown at you of late.
The French are strong, very strong indeed.
But this isn't a French problem, it's a world problem.
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16-07-2016, 08:26 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
So......your plan is to defeat Islam?

Is us a representative of extremism, not Islam as a whole.

Their teachings and interpretation is not mainstream.

IS are the enemy right now, ignoring that fact will result in tens of thousands dying whilst we sit doing nothing.

This isn't a Muslim problem for Muslims.
It's a problem for us all, a big threat that seems to be overlooked for some unknown reasons.
You can beat yourself up with that lot till you are blue in the face. You will never get things under control until you can control Islam and it's teachings (and teachers). I'm talking about in our own countries not in the seething cauldron of confusion where it originates from.

The terrorist attacks are but a part of the problem. There is far more going on that no-one seems to be focusing on and addressing - far more in fact.
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16-07-2016, 08:29 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
You can beat yourself up with that lot till you are blue in the face. You will never get things under control until you can control Islam and it's teachings (and teachers).

The terrorist attacks are but a part of the problem. There is far more going on that no-one seems to be focusing on and addressing - far more in fact.
Aren't you suggesting exactly the same as IS, without the murder?

I'm not a politician, I don't do politics.
I am merely an old ex soldier that knows soldiering and how to deal with immediate threats to the lives of innocent people.
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16-07-2016, 08:35 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Aren't you suggesting exactly the same as IS, without the murder?
What do you mean?

Swimfeeders knows the answers. You get shot of the radicals - all of them. Either lock them up or deport them en masse. After that you pay attention to all aspects of the teachings in this and other countries. Everywhere where this ideology exists and is practiced will have to be monitored. WE do not budge an inch on anything regarding our culture but all Muslims must abide by ours. WE do not change our laws but all Muslims must abide by ours.

Once all the above is carried out - complete with only allowing a certain amount of Mosques to exist - then what they are teaching anywhere will have to be controlled too.

It isn't rocket science.

If Geert Wilders gets in power in the Netherlands I should think he will follow the above agenda.
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