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25-06-2018, 06:37 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Swim i agree that there are different ways of looking at how well we are doing & I know that many politicians, who wanted to leave, are being as stupid as the Remainers who still think they can change the vote but one person's criticism of the people who are in charge of this country, can influence thousands of voters.
Would it not be better if those, who wanted to leave, supported the government decisions and made the remain protesters look like a pathetic group who can't accept a democratic vote?
The government know a lot more than we do about what is said behind closed doors, but if we can't trust them to run this country, maybe we should have stayed in the EU and been governed by leaders of other countries leaders, who don't have to live here!
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25-06-2018, 07:19 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Good editorial in the Mail today....

"Too busy Remoaning to stick up for Britain
WHEN will business lobby groups stop talking Britain down and start fighting for their members’ true interests?

This paper puts the question as it emerges that five such bodies, headed by the ever-Remoaning CBI, have written to Theresa May warning that firms are ‘actively considering’ moving work from the UK amid a lack of Brexit ‘clarity’.

They should be aiming their fire at Brussels - whose negotiators, not ours, demand obstacles to UK-EU trade - while Mrs May fights to retain the freest possible access for both sides.

In their letter, which they’ve copied to Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council president Donald Tusk, they even echo the EU’s favourite jeer at our negotiating team: ‘The clock is ticking.’

Whose side are they on? Surely they realise that by suggesting the UK will suffer if no progress is made, they encourage Eurocrats to sit back and do nothing - making a bad deal more likely.

If they had their members’ interests at heart, they would stress the pain that EU firms will suffer if Brussels doesn’t get a move on towards striking a fair deal.

Indeed, they should take their cue from Heathrow boss John Holland-Kaye, a former Remainer who now hails Brexit as an opportunity to become a ‘great, outward-looking trading nation’ again.

Is anyone at the CBI listening? Or are they all too busy moping over the referendum result to fight for their members’ future? "

So this is where the remainers are getting us, unfortunately they are just generating their own self fulfilling prophecy...
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25-06-2018, 07:45 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

An interesting post Barry!

I have always thought that, if Britain wasn't so important to the EU, why make it so difficult for us the leave?

My answer to that was.... if Britain left and made a good job of doing so, other members may wish to take the same action.

What saddens me , is that those who wanted to remain are using every trick in the book to try and change that decision...instead of accepting it and working towards Britain becoming a strong, independent nation again!
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25-06-2018, 08:39 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
An interesting post Barry!

I have always thought that, if Britain wasn't so important to the EU, why make it so difficult for us the leave?

My answer to that was.... if Britain left and made a good job of doing so, other members may wish to take the same action.

What saddens me , is that those who wanted to remain are using every trick in the book to try and change that decision...instead of accepting it and working towards Britain becoming a strong, independent nation again!
Britain is already a strong, independent nation as part of the EU. The only possible consequence of Brexit is that it will become a weak, third rate one, begging others for trade deals. That's what you voted for it to become, it's entirely your fault.

There's no point in co-operating to enable Brexit hoping for a positive outcome, because it's not possible there can be one. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

Everyone who is trying to stop Brexit is trying to save our country. What saddens me is the Brexiters willing to sacrifice our future rather than admit they are wrong.
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25-06-2018, 08:55 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by twizzle ->
What saddens me is the Brexiters willing to sacrifice our future rather than admit they are wrong.
And what saddens me is the Remainers willing to sacrifice our future rather than admit they are wrong.

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25-06-2018, 09:10 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

I'm going to stick my neck out here and say I don't really care if I was wrong to vote out. I voted for me, myself, not for the future when I'm dead or ''our children'' who will be mainly imported anyway. If Brexit fails so what, Britain was going down the toilet anyway due to our liberal do-gooders.
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25-06-2018, 09:12 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Barry ->
And what saddens me is the Remainers willing to sacrifice our future rather than admit they are wrong.

Well said Barry +1
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25-06-2018, 09:16 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I'm going to stick my neck out here and say I don't really care if I was wrong to vote out. I voted for me, myself, not for the future when I'm dead or ''our children'' who will be mainly imported anyway. If Brexit fails so what, Britain was going down the toilet anyway due to our liberal do-gooders.
Yep you took the words out of my mouth LD.. +1

Our country has survived for thousands of years without the traitorous EU we can survive very well without it in the future.

SO STUFF IT where the sun don't shine.
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25-06-2018, 09:20 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by basser ->
yep you took the words out of my mouth ld.. +1

our country has survived for thousands of years without the traitorous eu we can survive very well without it in the future.

So stuff it where the sun don't shine.
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25-06-2018, 09:35 AM

Re: 23rd June People's March

Originally Posted by Barry ->
And what saddens me is the Remainers willing to sacrifice our future rather than admit they are wrong.

You are spot on Barry! Some people just cannot admit they’re wrong. I dont know why because if I do or say something incorrect I will hold my hands up and admit I’m wrong but some people find that too hard.

Some of the best brains in this country have said that we will benefit hugely from being out of the EU and I reached this decision after watching every available debate about Brexit and reading all I could. Yet the Remainers think we woke up one morning and just though “oh I will vote Leave” without considering all the facts.

They resort now to calling Leavers Racists because that makes them feel better. They have nothing else to argue with. They dont seem to realise that Poles, West Indians, Asians and Many other nationalities all chose to vote Leave.
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