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04-04-2016, 08:23 PM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Ah, that ould chestnut 'jealousy'. Trotted out whenever one runs out of something constructive to say.

Jealous of what exactly? There are only two women I have ever wanted to be, neither of whom is Royal.

True, they didn't ask to be born into wealth. But the poor did not ask to be born poor either yet they are treated like crap.

Then there's this so called 'social class' system where anyone born into poverty is labelled 'lower class'. Lower than who?

I am not of a lower social class than the Queen and she is not of a higher social class than I. We are all the same. And don't say otherwise.

How long before the British class system becomes like the Indian caste system with its Untouchables? Both systems are evil.
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04-04-2016, 08:27 PM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Originally Posted by deylon ->
Why do some of you hate the monarchy so much,is it jealousy of their wealth and lifestyle ???They did not ask to be born into into that life, would you have them work in a shop/factory?They are not allowed to do what they want
Of course they can they can do exactly what they like !

The young ones are breaking with tradition ,Prince William has said often he does not want to be King,
I have never heard him say this at all

Prince Harry wanted to stay in the army but Government officials would not allow it in case he was kidnapped.
Who told you that one ?
He did 10 years in the army and wasn't kidnapped .
He came out because he wanted out .

Princess Annes children lead 'ordinary ' lives,Zara is married to a Footballer

Er no a rugby player .
Rugby players are acceptable its a posh people's sport .
Football is not

,you never hear of Edward or his children, his wife is a working wife/mother.
She is ???????

A head of state would only be in 4/5 years ,he/she could/ would run up a lot of expenses ,and make a lot of rules/ laws which were unpopular. Look at what this Government is doing to the NHS,the disabled/needy in our society
No they would not that is not what Heads of State do .
What has the NHS and the disabled got to do with the queen at 90 ?
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04-04-2016, 09:10 PM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
But that's the point Twink darlin' we neither chose or have had any say in Mrs Windsor's role - it's much like Charles the oneth's opinion, there by "divine right".

I object to that, I want a choice on who the head of state is, and the right to elect them from time to time, much like a 'true democracy' should be.
And what would the choice be at the present time. Ken Livingstone or Boris Johnson? Also Presidents don't come cheap.
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04-04-2016, 09:15 PM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Well, to all those that don't want a Royal family......not in your lifetime. Tough shit

Said like a scholar.
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05-04-2016, 08:35 PM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Although they are not 'Head of states' I dont see any of our Prime ministers being much different to the Royals, the more recent ones have come from priveleged back grounds,went to top schools,send their children to top schools, they have never known hardship,yet they make decisions that cause hardship to the more vulnerable in our society, often having to retract them due to public demand.The Queen/ royal family do not choose what they do, they have secretarys who plan their days and arrange their public meetings.I defy anyone of her age to carry out the duties that the Queen does,she is often on her feet for hours, has to carry out some public function late in the evening when most older people are ready to put their feet up and relax
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06-04-2016, 01:07 AM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

Originally Posted by deylon ->
Although they are not 'Head of states' I dont see any of our Prime ministers being much different to the Royals, the more recent ones have come from priveleged back grounds,went to top schools,send their children to top schools, they have never known hardship
The difference is that Prime Ministers are voted in by the democratic will of the people .They are not handed their positions along with their birth certificate .They are people who worked in order to gain their position .

yet they make decisions that cause hardship to the more vulnerable in our society, often having to retract them due to public demand
They are leaders when we vote in leaders we expect them to lead .

The Queen/ royal family do not choose what they do, they have secretarys who plan their days and arrange their public meetings.
In that case almost anyone could do it.

I defy anyone of her age to carry out the duties that the Queen does,she is often on her feet for hours, has to carry out some public function late in the evening when most older people are ready to put their feet up and relax
That is the whole point she DOES NOT HAVE to do it.
It is entirely her own choice .
She could abdicate anyday she wanted to .
She has heirs and spaces by the legion .
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06-04-2016, 05:15 AM

Re: Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety.

I haven't read too many of the posts on this thread, as I have no interest in the Royals. However, the title "Prince Harry on Our Queen at Ninety." sounds quite unsavoury and more than a tad incestuous. Yuck!
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