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28-03-2019, 10:53 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
Whilst I can understand the fear that Israel is subjected to, I cannot understand how it is legitimate to have one country constantly make air strikes on another country to prevent a third country from making any attack against them.

It is undermining Syria's sovereignty , causing the Arab countries to bind together, and provoking retaliation.

Why doesn't Israel just openly declare war, instead of these undercover midnight missions ? That's what they want, whilst Trump is at their helm, they are itching , and of course the up and coming elections are likely to be contributing a major part in getting the voters onside for the psycho to be re-elected.

Would Germany or any other country have allowed UK to constantly bomb their weapons factories without retaliation, I don't think so !

I'm sure if Iran or Syria made a strike on a
an Israeli missile factory the world would go to war.

Obviously the Golan are about to be a hot topic, as US have asked the Russian to persuade the Syrians to get out. So we sit and wait for more.

Syria's human rights history pre-Bashar al Assad, has nothing to do with Israel attacking her, that's just a ploy to pretend someone cares about the lost souls , otherwise someone would have done something about it long ago.

However, reporting in the Jewish press is not always pertaining to the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, including the highly censored press and media around the world, but the ME press give another side from what we are officially permitted to know . Fortunately we are able to see more than one side because most don't wear blinkers or have tunnel vision.

Have you made your mind up as to whether the air strike on Aleppo last night ,was only an alleged attack , or is it another rock to hide under ? Last strike in January killed 11 people. followed by the downing of a Russian plane . That curbed things for a bit, but now it starts again.
I was just about to say pretty much the same thing but see you've beaten me to it.
I'll just add that the whole ME is a political mire .. and just because Assad isn't considered an ally of the West it is a damn poor excuse for allowing Israel to bomb Syrian territory in pursuit of it's own war with Iran.

Probably allowed with everyone turning a blind eye because the West did the same thing in using Syria as a battleground to hound and contain Isis, (or drive them underground).

Israel could hardly object if Iran or Syria leveled a counter attack upon them... but I bet they would. They're sitting confidently immured to retaliation just now due to their American nursemaid and billions of dollars in military aid.
They're a powerful country and a force to be reckoned with.

If a major global conflict ever developed in the ME I truly believe it would be caused by Israel 'defending themselves', no matter the cost.
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28-03-2019, 11:01 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
There are times, increasingly of late, when my dearest wish is they Israel WAS as terrible as it is presented as being.
And that, coming from a supporter of Israeli policies, is possibly the most alarming thing I've read on this thread.

It shows a certain mindset. Of winner takes all, of the end justifies the means, of desperation and leaning towards a military solution is the only solution.
Israel aren't that bad ... they're just not so shinny good as some would try to portray. They should be as answerable to the rest of the world as any other country.
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28-03-2019, 11:03 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Why are you bothering to answer a rhetorical question Annie, Muddy stated it was rhetorical so she is just making a point and playing games with you. She doesn't want an answer at all just an argument.
I am looking for a discussion and the last time I looked this was still the DISCUSSION part of the forum.
Trouble is people don't like to hear what goes against their ingrained prejudices which alas they cannot support by facts .
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28-03-2019, 11:05 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
And that, coming from a supporter of Israeli policies, is possibly the most alarming thing I've read on this thread.

It shows a certain mindset. Of winner takes all, of the end justifies the means, of desperation and leaning towards a military solution is the only solution.
Israel aren't that bad ... they're just not so shinny good as some would try to portray. They should be as answerable to the rest of the world as any other country.
Indeed, it is scary how some can take that stance when innocent people on both sides are the ones that are paying the price. It needs someone to stand up and be the bigger person and just stop retaliating. If they do that the smaller attacks by little children might just stop as that seems to be what upsets most people, little kids throwing stones and they want to go to war over it.
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28-03-2019, 11:22 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
Whilst I can understand the fear that Israel is subjected to, I cannot understand how it is legitimate to have one country constantly make air strikes on another country to prevent a third country from making any attack against them.
I agree your lack of understanding is monumental

It is undermining Syria's sovereignty , causing the Arab countries to bind together, and provoking retaliation.

I don't think so most of the Arab states would be delighted to see Iran weakened ( Iranians BTW are not Arabs )

Why doesn't Israel just openly declare war, instead of these undercover midnight missions ? That's what they want, whilst Trump is at their helm, they are itching , and of course the up and coming elections are likely to be contributing a major part in getting the voters onside for the psycho to be re-elected.

I bow to your greater knowledge of the psycho of Israeli voters .( A place you have never ever been too.) gleaned no doubt from the pages of MEMO

Would Germany or any other country have allowed UK to constantly bomb their weapons factories without retaliation, I don't think so !
A statement so foolish its doesn't merit an answer.

I'm sure if Iran or Syria made a strike on a
an Israeli missile factory the world would go to war.

Why should Syria make a strike on Israel it has enough trouble with its own government ?
Why are you so sure ?
do you have supporting facts and have you told the PM about this?

Syria's human rights history pre-Bashar al Assad, has nothing to do with Israel attacking her, that's just a ploy to pretend someone cares about the lost souls , otherwise someone would have done something about it long ago.
They have been trying but some people were probably too busy finding reasons to demonise Israel to notice

However, reporting in the Jewish press is not always pertaining to the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, including the highly censored press and media around the world, but the ME press give another side from what we are officially permitted to know . Fortunately we are able to see more than one side because most don't wear blinkers or have tunnel vision.
Most of us don't repeat chapter and verse from anti Israel hate sites
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28-03-2019, 11:48 AM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Why are you bothering to answer a rhetorical question Annie, Muddy stated it was rhetorical so she is just making a point and playing games with you. She doesn't want an answer at all just an argument.
It was a stupid question and i was pointing this out. The games are tiresome and don't add any value to the discussion. It's a way to distract from a weak argument.
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28-03-2019, 12:10 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
It was a stupid question and i was pointing this out. The games are tiresome and don't add any value to the discussion. It's a way to distract from a weak argument.
Ah that makes sense I just thought for someone claiming others are stupid asking a rhetorical question was a bit odd as despite saying it was rhetorical the poster wanted an answer to argue about. I sometimes think we are trapped in some dreadful never ending loop in some threads, Topic may occasionally change but same things are said time and again.
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28-03-2019, 12:20 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Allow me to advise you what to do .
Engage in meaningful discussion supporting your arguments with FACTS.
Instead of evading the issues raised.
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28-03-2019, 01:04 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Ah that makes sense I just thought for someone claiming others are stupid asking a rhetorical question was a bit odd as despite saying it was rhetorical the poster wanted an answer to argue about. I sometimes think we are trapped in some dreadful never ending loop in some threads, Topic may occasionally change but same things are said time and again.
When it gets like that it's just trolling imo. No need for it.
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28-03-2019, 01:17 PM

Re: Gaza/ Israel

Eric Berne included within his work and research interpersonal relationships and published a book that is widely used within industry.

Included in his book is the matter of transactional analysis.

I'll cut to the chase.

Interpersonal transactions can be reduced to people adopting one of three styles

I'll cut even further. The bottom line is contained within the maxim "treat someone like a SOB and it won't be long before you're facing a SOB.

The "Palestinians" have repeatedly and from day #1 treated the Israeli people as being SOB's.

Go figure.
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