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View Poll Results: What do you want to happen by end of year?
Deal 3 14.29%
No Deal 15 71.43%
Extension of transition 3 14.29%
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18-12-2020, 11:45 AM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
It is a small percentage of our GDP for one specific reason:
the EU stole most of our fishing areas, obliging our once-thriving fishing industry to contract enormously.

Apart from anything else, our part of the North Sea (and other sea areas) is just as much a part of our territory as their vineyards belong to the Frogs.
Exactly JBR

if it was that insignificant the EU wouldn't be so upset about the UK taking the control back.
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18-12-2020, 11:45 AM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Just checked.

So far, Barnier has failed at everything
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18-12-2020, 11:48 AM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Not exactly
I'm sure we'll be more than happy with our own fishing areas and Norway keeping theirs to themselves will also encourage the restoration of fish stocks.

Let the EU keep their own poky little areas that they are entitled to.

I hear that everyone else in the Empire intend to move into French and Irish fishing areas.
Serves them right for being the two most outspoken anti-British nations. Let them eat cake.
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18-12-2020, 11:59 AM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I'm sure we'll be more than happy with our own fishing areas and Norway keeping theirs to themselves will also encourage the restoration of fish stocks.

Let the EU keep their own poky little areas that they are entitled to.

I hear that everyone else in the Empire intend to move into French and Irish fishing areas.
Serves them right for being the two most outspoken anti-British nations. Let them eat cake.
Quota shares between the UK and Norway would be hugely advantage to both our countries. For us, we get the Norwegian coalfish and cod and Norway gets mackerel and herring.

The EU being pushed out means that the stocks can be controlled under a joint Norway / UK arrangement rather than having the CFP involved and a load of EU boats plundering them.

The EU could very well have reduced quotas for EU waters (France and Ireland in particular) to preserve what little of their fisheries they have left and to stop the big factory trawlers cleaning them all out.
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18-12-2020, 12:07 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Quota shares between the UK and Norway would be hugely advantage to both our countries. For us, we get the Norwegian coalfish and cod and Norway gets mackerel and herring.

The EU being pushed out means that the stocks can be controlled under a joint Norway / UK arrangement rather than having the CFP involved and a load of EU boats plundering them.

The EU could very well have reduced quotas for EU waters (France and Ireland in particular) to preserve what little of their fisheries they have left and to stop the big factory trawlers cleaning them all out.
True. Too late now. They shouldn't have been so demanding!
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18-12-2020, 12:36 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
True. Too late now. They shouldn't have been so demanding!
Yep, I think they over cooked it

I think they realise all too well after the UK approved the Pfizer vaccine using its own health authority rather than being part of the EU strategy, which still isn't done yet.

After that, Barnier spat his dummy out and started making silly demands when the deal was almost ready to be signed. Says it all about the EU - absolutely nothing to do with the people but everything to do with power and control
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18-12-2020, 02:51 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Did he now? I didn't know about that.

If he does that, he knows he'll be out of a job very soon.
Quite so.
IMHO it was yet another attempt by media to manufacture a story, and it failed - because Boris has been consistent in saying that our seas will remain British.

So; will this weekend since Barnier says there are only hours left; or will Barnier prove yet again how desperate the EU is not to call it a day by letting talks drag on?
Does he count his weeks in hours, I wonder .............
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18-12-2020, 04:47 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

I know the general theme recently has been on the fishing rights but during last night I was listening to Smooth Radio news and an item cropped up which made me realise why a deal will never be achieved this side of the New Year without a major climb down by Barnier et al. It concerns the State Aid problem.

While there is general agreement on both sides that state aid should be fine at sovereign country level, Lord Frost is insisting on a guarantee from M. Barnier that the EU itself won't be able to jump in and offer the aid in any other shape or form. Barnier has so far refused to provide this guarantee.
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18-12-2020, 04:54 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
I know the general theme recently has been on the fishing rights but during last night I was listening to Smooth Radio news and an item cropped up which made me realise why a deal will never be achieved this side of the New Year without a major climb down by Barnier et al. It concerns the State Aid problem.

While there is general agreement on both sides that state aid should be fine at sovereign country level, Lord Frost is insisting on a guarantee from M. Barnier that the EU itself won't be able to jump in and offer the aid in any other shape or form. Barnier has so far refused to provide this guarantee.
The EU is pumping in 750 billion worth of state aid. They are all hypocrites
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18-12-2020, 05:34 PM

Re: Deal before Year End?

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
I know the general theme recently has been on the fishing rights but during last night I was listening to Smooth Radio news and an item cropped up which made me realise why a deal will never be achieved this side of the New Year without a major climb down by Barnier et al. It concerns the State Aid problem.

While there is general agreement on both sides that state aid should be fine at sovereign country level, Lord Frost is insisting on a guarantee from M. Barnier that the EU itself won't be able to jump in and offer the aid in any other shape or form. Barnier has so far refused to provide this guarantee.
Of course. Our 'friends' in the EU have been bribing our businesses to move to Europe for years.

They are completely untrustworthy and I can't believe that any 'third countries' have made trade deals with them in the past without taking the greatest precautions to protect themselves for them.

Nazi Germany attempted to conquer the world by force.

The EU is still attempting to take over the world (not just us) by political and financial means.

The world should see them for what they are. It's pretty obvious to me, anyway, and I'm hardly the brain of Britain.
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