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03-11-2012, 10:33 AM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
Steve your link says to see your doctor, and don't stop it unless you have.
I am on a 40 simvastatin a day and I have bad leg cramps, I shall see my cardiologist when I go in on the 14th for a couple of stents, I shall ask him.
Take virgin rapeseed oil, to reduce cholesterol, one of the best oils that we produce, that was on the TV yesterday.
One thing I must add, we are all different, and what suits one doesn't necessarily suit another.
Arthur matey, I too was on 40mg Simvastatin some years ago. I came off of them nearly 4 years ago as like you, I had severe legs cramps. My GP prescribed Atorvastatin (Lipitor) at 10mg, but in the last couple of weeks this has now been doubled to 20mg. So far, since I stopped the Simvastatin I no longer suffer with muscle pains in my legs.
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19-11-2012, 03:52 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Arthur matey, I too was on 40mg Simvastatin some years ago. I came off of them nearly 4 years ago as like you, I had severe legs cramps. My GP prescribed Atorvastatin (Lipitor) at 10mg, but in the last couple of weeks this has now been doubled to 20mg. So far, since I stopped the Simvastatin I no longer suffer with muscle pains in my legs.
Well I went to see my Doctor this afternoon and my statins have changed from 40mg. Simvastatin to Atorvastin 20mg.
I just told him Doctor Geoff said I should
Watch this space.
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19-11-2012, 04:12 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
Simvastatin to Atorvastin 20mg.
I just told him Doctor Geoff said I should
Watch this space.
We will wait with interest to see which of the wonderful benefits of statins you'll experience.

What's really sad is that people are so willing to shorten their lives unnecessarily.

Association between serum cholesterol and noncardiovascular mortality in older age.
tells us that in practice
each 1-mmol/L increase in total cholesterol was associated with an approximately 12% lower risk of noncardiovascular mortality
and people here boast about their willingness to shorten their lives by lowering their cholesterol levels?.

Why on earth does anyone here actually not want to reduce their chance of dying rather than increase that risk?

Are your lives really so miserable that you want to end it all as soon as possible?
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19-11-2012, 06:02 PM

Re: Statins

Ted I don't need another lecture from you, I have had the values of statins explained from my GP.
As I have said to you many times before, We are all different, what suits one might not suit another.
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19-11-2012, 07:24 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
Ted I don't need another lecture from you, I have had the values of statins explained from my GP.
As I have said to you many times before, We are all different, what suits one might not suit another.
It may be true that we are all different but the way the human body produces cholesterol is the same for all humans.

It is simply a matter of fact that if you dam a stream to block the flow that will inevitably affect everything DOWNSTREAM of the DAM.

So with the effect of statins that dam the cholesterol metabolic pathway some way UPSTREAM if you look at the diagram here.

I've already mentioned the fact that the Ubiqinones include CoQ10 that will if the statin dam is effective also be less than required so supplementation should be implemented for everyone on statins.

My main concern is the effect on 7 dehydrocholesterol which is the precusor molecule for cholesterol and also for Cholecalciferol which I'm sure you know is Vitamin D3 so EVERY HUMAN taking statins to reduce cholesterol will INEVITABLY have a lower potential for creating Vitamin D3 and should be supplementing with effective amounts.

So why ask for trouble when you can easily avoid it?

If you look at what happens after cholesterol is produced you will see one of those arrows pointing to STEROID HORMONES. One of which is Testosterone.
If you think I'm making this up you can download this power point slideshow explaining the process of [PPT] Synthesis of Steroid Hormones including Testosterone.

Now it sure doesn't bother me if you retain your sexual functioning or not.
Dr Briffa explains more here Can statins impair sexual functioning in men?

As we know for certain statins block the mevalonate pathway upstream of CoQ10, 7 dehydrocholesterol (vitamin D) and so reduce cholesterol production which is required for the production of steroid hormones one of which is TESTOSTERONE, we know for certain that if it reduces cholesterol it must also reduce the ability to produce testosterone that is made from cholesterol.

Your choice of course but I'd rather preserve my manhood and my life for as long as possible.

We can see from the way statins work that both Vitamin D production and testosterone production must inevitably be lowered if cholestolerol is lowered.
Does it matter if you have low vitamin D and low testosterone?
Look at this
Combination of low free testosterone and low vitamin D predicts mortality in older men referred for coronary angiography.

You can choose to be a victim or not as you want.

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men.
So if you use a reasonable amount of Vitamin D3 (at least 5000iu for the UK (the above research was Austria nearer the sun) you will obtain a significant increase in total testosterone levels.

I bet your doctor didn't explain that to you.
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19-11-2012, 07:48 PM

Re: Statins

Given that there are an infinite number of universes and everything that can happen does happen it must be the case that, while in this universe I take statins , in another universe I don't take them. So we'll have to see which one of me dies first !
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19-11-2012, 08:11 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
Given that there are an infinite number of universes and everything that can happen does happen it must be the case that, while in this universe I take statins , in another universe I don't take them. So we'll have to see which one of me dies first !
Love it Alan
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19-11-2012, 08:26 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Love it Alan
Obviously you must prefer your men with low testosterone.
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19-11-2012, 08:30 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by TedHutchinson ->
Obviously you must prefer your men with low testosterone.
Or low arrogance...
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19-11-2012, 08:43 PM

Re: Statins

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
Given that there are an infinite number of universes and everything that can happen does happen it must be the case that, while in this universe I take statins , in another universe I don't take them. So we'll have to see which one of me dies first !
Well you can take your chances if you like.
Maybe if you took a bit more vitamin D you'd be able to follow the science and realise that in this world the inevitable consequence of reducing cholesterol is lower vitamin D and testosterone levels.

Vitamin D doesn't just have an impact on your cognitive function.Vitamin D insufficiency and mild cognitive impairment:

It also impacts on your bone structure.
The association of concurrent vitamin D and sex hormone deficiency with bone loss and fracture risk in older men:
adverse skeletal effects of low sex steroid levels were more pronounced in older men with low Vit D levels

While you may enjoy dicing with danger at the moment I'm certain sure you'll regret it in the long run.
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