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06-12-2016, 08:58 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Robert Junior ->
I am short of ideas after having to recall Uncle Vivian's crimes against society, I have run out of ideas for my next project.
My fellow residents in this old peoples home are not totally gaga & having experienced my inventive writings formed a committee to persuade me to write & devise a PANTOMIME.

Well, anyway humour is not an easy thing to convey.


Can you? Will you? help me write something amusing to have them rolling in the aisles

All contributions gratefully received.

THankyou chums.

It has been decided to make the PANTOMIME based around the idea that, bugger Cinderella & the like

"Old age is no place for SISSIES"

got it?


Chums, I haven't been so excited about anything since I held auditions for the back half of a pantomime horse.

I received so many rude messages that I gave up advertising the position, sadly because the profits were going to the Princess Royal Retirement Home for Ponies Under Going Stress

PUGS for short.
could you persuade them to dress as punk rockers in the idiom of "the young ones" and throw in a few pyjama party scenes?
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07-12-2016, 12:42 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Yes I would imagine you could come across some quare things in the NHS Gumbud, sooner you than me, I wouldn’t have the stomach for it to be honest with you, I can’t stand the sight of blood, especially me own.
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07-12-2016, 01:29 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
could you persuade them to dress as punk rockers in the idiom of "the young ones" and throw in a few pyjama party scenes?
oh and what about a scene from the rocky horror movie show?

yes that should be the opening scene as the curtains draw - all the oldies in their fishnet stockings with whips and regailia!
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07-12-2016, 02:43 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

"Old age is no place for Sissies" This would suggest to me only the Rambo types survive RJ, you can buy strap on muscles on Amazon, they also supply cave man clubs, machetes, plastic kalashnikov rifles, and bomb proof pension books. The ladies would have to be tough old birds too, it’s not easy surviving in the pensioners jungle, no makeup, they would have to smear their faces with tiger shit going out at night to meet Bazooka Joe.
On the level, Gumbud has the right idea RJ, something energetic and lively would fit the bill, plenty of fish net tights, bright red lipstick, patient leather handbags, flowery hats, and that’s just for the men.
I know you will come up with a winner anyway, what do they say “Go break a leg”.
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07-12-2016, 08:31 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
oh and what about a scene from the rocky horror movie show?

yes that should be the opening scene as the curtains draw - all the oldies in their fishnet stockings with whips and regailia!
"Tits & Genitalia" it's a good start Gumboy
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07-12-2016, 09:20 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Some suggested characters for elderly pantomimes.

Limp Dick Whittington.

Alice in Gagaland

Puss in slippers

Grandmother Goose

If you wanted a double act you could pair up Beanstalk Jack and Lampy Aladdin.
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08-12-2016, 01:19 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

There was a big power cut all over this area last night, there we were in the middle of “Pointless” when suddenly we were draped in darkness, good job I had some candles about, I stuck fork handles all around the living room using a lump hammer to ground them, what a mess.
It was off from 5.30 pm till 8 pm. Just shows you how dependant we’ve become on all things electric, God help us all when the big bang comes and everything goes out everywhere.

I’m trying to upload an old photo from photobucket and it won’t copy it, I’ve just been told that if I try it on another browser it might work, if it does I’ll post it later when I get back from the pub.
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08-12-2016, 03:03 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Strange,that,Jem;we too had a power-cut last night,at exactly the same time.
I've since realised that light arriving here from the aforementioned 'black hole' is causing power-surges...and when one couples that to the 'Silver is the new Blonde' forthcoming panto,which will be a huge hit [ohh,yes it will!] and then add in the brain-stunning sight of granny gumbud doing the nipple-tassel-twirl,during the opening sequence of 'The Chase'...well,it's truly amazing the EU has allowed Christmas to be celebrated by we working-class scum. [by 'working-class',I obviously don't include you,Jemstone]
[btw...just as a downer,coz I'd rather be buggered by a horse than see yooz lot happy - although photons have no mass,light,by definition of being powered by gravity, CANNOT escape the 'event horizon' of a super-gravitational curved-space gravity-well......m'kay?
BUT - let that not spoil your fevered anticipation of the Christmas panto known as 'Granny Does Grimsby'.....ON ICE!!! [phwooooooaaaahhh!]
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08-12-2016, 05:29 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Yeh just can’t beat the old gravitational pull can yeh Pug, my missus had oodles of it when she was a teenager, she pulled on the strings of my heart and dragged me off to the heavens, I’ve been there ever since…spaced out in love.
I do wish she could read that flattering compliment, if she did I’d be on the pigs back all through 2017, lick, lick. I don’t do romantic stuff, but I always get sentimental around this time of year, it’s the memory of that old Christmas card, thank you Jim Reeves and Arthur Guinness.

“Grey is the new Blonde” great title Pug, and for the really oldies how about “Withering Frights” imagine the scene, Inheat Cliff and Scatty hobbling towards each other with outstreached arms “Inheat!” “Scatty!” “Inheat!” “Scatty!” then the pair of them collapse on the hillside... dead, but together forever…THE END.
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08-12-2016, 06:07 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Rj. Why not get Auntie Mary on stage, and shove a Canary up the leg of her drawers, then you could insert a Ferret down Uncle Jocks Long Johns, then hit them with the classic "I told the Inland Revenue I don't owe them a Penny, because I live near the Seaside".
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