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05-11-2015, 12:55 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

This study came out two years ago
Indigenous Australians make up a quarter of the prison population yet are only 2% of the general population .
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05-11-2015, 12:58 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Thank you for these Muddy, I always had huge respect for John Pilger's work and these are two more of his wonderful documentaries.
The Australian Law may say that Aboringines are equal but unless the residents treat them as equal, it means nothing. Over my adult life of around 50 years I have seen black people in England move from being people, that nobody wanted to deal with, to respected members in our communities. Integration can take a little while but it doesn't need to be as slow as it has been for the Aborigines in Australia
PIlger doesn't live in OZ - he lives in UK and so has the same myoptic view you accuse ozzies of having about immigration; towards improving Aborginal needs in a modern world.

He's seen as one-eyed rather than using both!

don't get too carried away with him - he uses extreme examples to make his point. It would be nice if he came back home and helped us on the ground a bit!!

but he's just a journo who couldn't make it in OZ as was Germaine Greer and Clive James!
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05-11-2015, 01:00 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by tootsweet ->
It was millions of dollars in mining royalties that was meant to be spent for the benefit of the Groote Eylandt community.
Instead, tens of millions were spent on 156 cars and boats, fridges, a barge, gambling at the casino and charter flights.
for every example you throw up I can throw up ten on the white side - they fleece this country tenfold compared to the Indigenous population
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05-11-2015, 01:23 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
PIlger doesn't live in OZ - he lives in UK and so has the same myoptic view you accuse ozzies of having about immigration; towards improving Aborginal needs in a modern world.

He's seen as one-eyed rather than using both!

don't get too carried away with him - he uses extreme examples to make his point. It would be nice if he came back home and helped us on the ground a bit!!

but he's just a journo who couldn't make it in OZ as was Germaine Greer and Clive James!

I suspect the trouble is he sees it from the outside as other civilized people see it.
he seems pretty sure of his facts too

The treatment of the Indigenous Australians is a huge shame and embarrassment to the advanced modern democracy that is Australia.
Australia needs to be aware how it looks to outsiders and that also to many Australians who are aware of the problems of the Indigenous people.
Its completely out of step and character with the ethos of the'lucky country'.
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05-11-2015, 01:39 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
This study came out two years ago
Indigenous Australians make up a quarter of the prison population yet are only 2% of the general population .
interesting observation Muddy - but your point is?? - because at the moment it is as clear as muddy. Putting up a quote like that and not commenting is the same as these idiots who put up a sentence and then say "please discuss" - I think they mean "please I disgust"??
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05-11-2015, 02:37 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

The quote was taken from the study to which i have provided a link.
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05-11-2015, 05:05 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
The quote was taken from the study to which i have provided a link.
yes dear I figured that out BUT what is the point you are trying to make???

the quote may be a statement of 'fact' but so what where is it leading - what do you want to discuss??
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05-11-2015, 06:57 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
yes dear I figured that out BUT what is the point you are trying to make???

the quote may be a statement of 'fact' but so what where is it leading - what do you want to discuss??
I could be wrong but I think Muddy is asking why, after all this time, are you Aussies not treating them as equals? That is what you seem to want us to do with Illegal Muslim immigrants yet you don't seem to have put your own house in order! After all, the Aborigines let you into their county and were then treated like dirt by their it surprises me that you cannot see any similarity with us and our unwanted immigrants.
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05-11-2015, 07:14 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
yes dear I figured that out BUT what is the point you are trying to make???
the quote may be a statement of 'fact' but so what where is it leading - what do you want to discuss??
Oh I think that's fairly clear, Gummy.

I too find those figures disturbing and difficult to explain away.

One hopes that Australian courts treat those who come before them equally.
If so, custodial sentences are imposed if one is unable to pay a fine, is a repeat offender, poses a real threat of domestic violence or offences against children.
Alcohol is very obviously a factor in many cases.

In bygone years, many indigenous folk were tried with little or no legal representation.
That is certainly not the case today.
The Aboriginal Legal Service is well resourced and in fact provides more free assistance than is available to any other Australian in the various states' Legal Aid schemes.

What's the old saying "you do the crime, you do the time" ?

As we have state previously, billions of bucks have been and are being direct into indigenous alcohol and drug abuse programs, education, health and housing etc, etc etc.
We will probably only see improvement in the incarceration rates as these programs kick in.

I would like our Pommie friends to tell us what more we can do that is not being done ?
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05-11-2015, 07:18 AM

Re: The Indigenous Australians

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I could be wrong but I think Muddy is asking why, after all this time, are you Aussies not treating them as equals? That is what you seem to want us to do with Illegal Muslim immigrants yet you don't seem to have put your own house in order! After all, the Aborigines let you into their county and were then treated like dirt by their it surprises me that you cannot see any similarity with us and our unwanted immigrants.
I think you are probably wrong for many reasons. Indigenous Australians are treated as equals in every walk of life

Indigenous Australians make up a quarter of the prison population yet are only 2% of the general population .
the fact that Indigenous Australians make up a quarter of the prison population has no direct correlation as to whether they are treated equal or not. You are both talking about complex phenomena which you don't seem to understand?

you will still need to clarify you assumptions to make this a worthwhile and comprehensive discussion. Please try again
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