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15-04-2018, 04:05 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Puddle Duck ->
Muddy has an extreme passion for defending Israel and we have to wonder why. Everyone else in the world is clearly her enemy when it comes to Israel .
Wonder no more .
I admire he courage of the Israelis .
I admire their work ethic
I admire their true humanitarian stance against an enemy they could crush like a bug if they wished .
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15-04-2018, 04:13 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That's not the point they want their land back. Or would you say that about aborigines if they were doing well too. You are quick to condemn Australia on many things Israelis seem to me to be far more guilty of.
Oh come on the Aborigines were destroyed and up to 1970 they were still taking their children from them .
Only in recent times have they been given some land back but not much when you look at the vastness of Australia .
They can't give back Sydney can they ?

I ask you why it is only Israel the Palestinians want why not the bits of 'Palestine ' now occupied by Jordan Iraq Lebanan and Syria
All were part of the historical area known as Palestine .?
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15-04-2018, 04:14 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

You know , as well as I do , it's a lot more than that Muddy.
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15-04-2018, 04:30 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Well enlighten us all oh great one ,

I am not Jewish if that is what you are implying.
If I were I would say so outright .
I am a lapsed Catholic of Irish and Scottish decent .
If there anything else you want to know ?
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15-04-2018, 05:53 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
How do you know it's amazingly peaceful ?
Have you been to Gaza?
They voted in Hamas whose manifesto stipulates the destruction of Israel .
Why do you think that the Israelis need to fire tear gas ?
To you think they do it for fun ?
They do it because this peaceful demonstration was simply a cover for people trying to breach the border fence.
As for their electricity they get some from Isreal some from their own power plant and some from Egypt .
The electricity from Israel is managed by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.
I said "most" of the other side and yes most of it is peaceful. Gaza is just a small part of the Palestinian territories.

They are firing tear gas over an 8 metre high wall. But there were also empty shells.

There are all sorts of sanctions, rations and privations on the Palestinian side. They cannot get access to a humane level of water in some areas. Yet the Israeli side is surprisingly verdant in many areas. So there must be plenty of water to go around.
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15-04-2018, 05:57 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Muddy ->

I ask you why it is only Israel the Palestinians want why not the bits of 'Palestine ' now occupied by Jordan Iraq Lebanan and Syria
All were part of the historical area known as Palestine .?
Israel has the most fertile lands in that area. Much of Jordan is barren. Of course Israelis have worked hard at making the most of hydration projects and bringing good cultivation to the land they have. So management is part of it but the weather in those lands is varied and Israel has more rain and a different geography.
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15-04-2018, 06:06 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Wonder no more .
I admire he courage of the Israelis .
I admire their work ethic
I admire their true humanitarian stance against an enemy they could crush like a bug if they wished .
I'd save your breath, if I were you Muddy.

You've explained it to them; I've explained it to them.

There is little point in explaining it all again, as they seem unwilling to listen or unable to comprehend.

Those her, like Compo and his crew, have a clearly obvious dislike of the Israelis and can do nothing other than accuse them of punishing their surrounding muslim people.

They cannot comprehend that when someone attacks you, you have to defend yourself.

Still, no matter. The important thing is that they can do nothing but bleat about it. Israel is well able to defend itself and is certainly not bothered about hand-wringers in Western nations who are trying to put the world to rights, but don't know exactly why they are trying to do it!
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15-04-2018, 06:09 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Really if that's so why are more and more people within isreal speaking out about the atrocities ?
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15-04-2018, 06:12 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I said "most" of the other side and yes most of it is peaceful. Gaza is just a small part of the Palestinian territories.

They are firing tear gas over an 8 metre high wall. But there were also empty shells.

There are all sorts of sanctions, rations and privations on the Palestinian side. They cannot get access to a humane level of water in some areas. Yet the Israeli side is surprisingly verdant in many areas. So there must be plenty of water to go around.
There is not plenty of water to go around.
Water is one of the scarcest and most valuable commodities throughout the Middle East.
The water to the Gaza is managed by the Palestinian Authority- somewhere I have already gone into all this.
what Israel does is manage its water resources very successfully .
The secret of its water security are massive desalination plants ,reusing treated sewage for farming, finding and fixing pipe eaks early, engineering crops to thrive in onerous conditions, discouraging gardening, making efficient toilets mandatory, and pricing water to discourage waste.
The state preaches water conservation – take short showers don't flush the loos for no 1
but the major one is the great Israeli innovation drip irrigation.
Also called micro-irrigation it is a water conserving method that has been copied the world over.
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15-04-2018, 06:18 PM

Re: Zionist murders in Gaza

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Israel has the most fertile lands in that area. Much of Jordan is barren. Of course Israelis have worked hard at making the most of hydration projects and bringing good cultivation to the land they have. So management is part of it but the weather in those lands is varied and Israel has more rain and a different geography.
Oh come on its not that different they are adjoining countries .
I lived in Jordan for three years and spent much of that time riding around the fields which were certainly growing crops Jordan has some good farmland but like Israel has desert too.
Jordan does have rain it is susceptible to flash flooding and efforts have been made to conserve this flooding by building dams , This has lead to the shrinking of the dead sea as the water would normally go to replenish it is caught in reservoirs .
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