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30-08-2019, 11:46 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Reports that Corbyn wants meeting with the Queen?
apparently he believes he is entitled to parity with Boris?
Regards Donkeyman!
He'll need to wait until there's a commie Queen.

Hope he holds his breath 'til then!
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30-08-2019, 11:49 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
He'll need to wait until there's a commie Queen.

Hope he holds his breath 'til then!
I think corbyn, his terrorist mates in the IRA and Lord Mountbatten might have something to do with the queens snub.

For Comrade Trot its a long taxi ride to Balmoral for nothing
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30-08-2019, 11:53 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by itsme ->
Not sure who is bringing the case in Scotland but it certainly isn't the great Gina Miller who is bringing the case in England. Neither am I sure who is bringing the case before the courts in Northern Ireland.

Perhaps whilst your getting your brain in to gear and do some research you could advise me who the persons are.

Won't hold my breath if that's OK with you
Can you rephrase your question itsme, l find it a bit
I believe Miller Major and Soros have formed tri parte
alliance,( henseforth to be known as the MMS ) to overthrow
the people, l cant telll you where it will be heard as it seems
they are searching franticly for a court that can fit it in their
Can you give me YHO as to what all this shyte is really about?

Regards Donkeyman!
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30-08-2019, 11:55 AM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Julie, be assured, the last thing it is, is panic and fuss. It is simply spite, rage, humiliation, hysteria and fake outrage from the establishment at suddenly being beaten at their own game of bending the rules. How they have the front to be "outraged" when only the day before, all of the opposition parties had met in Church House, publicly signed their names in front of the television cameras, and proclaiming they were setting up a separate government!!! PRICELESS.

So far, we have had anti-brexit MP's in the Labour Party encouraging Momentum and others to gather outside Jacob Rees-Mogg's home to protest. Family and Children obviously to be included in their onslaught as they were last time.

We've had another Labour MP demanding that our monarchy be abolished, whilst we still pay for her drug possession son,

We have Jeremy Corbyn encouraging unrest in the country, inviting protestors to block stations, bridges, roads.

What a load of sick, elitist wasters.

Glad to see that the Scottish legal challenge against Boris has been thrown out this morning. At least we have some sanity left in our justice system.

Scottish court denies emergency order against suspension of parliament
But full case to be heard in Edinburgh next week, get your facts right!!!
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30-08-2019, 01:09 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Hope someone puts me in the picture if I am wrong.

My understanding of this at the moment is that if the cockroaches put through a motion of no confidence and win, they would still have to find a unity figure of someone to replace him. Good luck with that one!. Surely all Boris has to do if he loses the no confidence vote is to then call a General Election for after 1st November and he would be forced by the no confidence vote, to leave on the 31st October with no-deal.

So not really a front-runner I would imagine.

Their only other option seems to be via the legislative route by bringing in a new law to stop the suspension of Parliament, but they won’t have time for that to go through and will be left with only their original option of a no confidence vote.

which leaves them up the creek without a paddle, surely?
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30-08-2019, 01:29 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Hope someone puts me in the picture if I am wrong.

My understanding of this at the moment is that if the cockroaches put through a motion of no confidence and win, they would still have to find a unity figure of someone to replace him. Good luck with that one!. Surely all Boris has to do if he loses the no confidence vote is to then call a General Election for after 1st November and he would be forced by the no confidence vote, to leave on the 31st October with no-deal.

So not really a front-runner I would imagine.

Their only other option seems to be via the legislative route by bringing in a new law to stop the suspension of Parliament, but they won’t have time for that to go through and will be left with only their original option of a no confidence vote.

which leaves them up the creek without a paddle, surely?

Boris doesn't have to resign either.

Just been looking at the numbers and I can't see a vote of no confidence getting through. There would have to be the second vote after that (2 weeks) and if that passes Boris calls a GE for 7th November (which I think he will do anyway) and we are out.

Boris then cleans up in the GE.
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30-08-2019, 01:36 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Julie, be assured, the last thing it is, is panic and fuss. It is simply spite, rage, humiliation, hysteria and fake outrage from the establishment at suddenly being beaten at their own game of bending the rules. How they have the front to be "outraged" when only the day before, all of the opposition parties had met in Church House, publicly signed their names in front of the television cameras, and proclaiming they were setting up a separate government!!! PRICELESS.

So far, we have had anti-brexit MP's in the Labour Party encouraging Momentum and others to gather outside Jacob Rees-Mogg's home to protest. Family and Children obviously to be included in their onslaught as they were last time.

We've had another Labour MP demanding that our monarchy be abolished, whilst we still pay for her drug possession son,

We have Jeremy Corbyn encouraging unrest in the country, inviting protestors to block stations, bridges, roads.

What a load of sick, elitist wasters.

Glad to see that the Scottish legal challenge against Boris has been thrown out this morning. At least we have some sanity left in our justice system.
I completely agree about people in the news MPs etc but the panic and fear they are causing in normal everyday people is terrible, I've heard people saying they fear we are heading into a dictatorship they are believing what the spite and anger brigade are telling them.
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30-08-2019, 02:20 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Hope someone puts me in the picture if I am wrong.

My understanding of this at the moment is that if the cockroaches put through a motion of no confidence and win, they would still have to find a unity figure of someone to replace him. Good luck with that one!. Surely all Boris has to do if he loses the no confidence vote is to then call a General Election for after 1st November and he would be forced by the no confidence vote, to leave on the 31st October with no-deal.

So not really a front-runner I would imagine.

Their only other option seems to be via the legislative route by bringing in a new law to stop the suspension of Parliament, but they won’t have time for that to go through and will be left with only their original option of a no confidence vote.

which leaves them up the creek without a paddle, surely?
The upshot of a vote of no confidence is that it could well end up triggering a general election that takes place after 31 October, meaning that a vote of no confidence on its own provides no guarantee against a no-deal Brexit.
If boris were to lose a vote of confidence and if, within the 14-day window established by the FTPA, another viable government were to emerge. (a cross-party government) he has to leave downing street 10.
But to actually do so may take time, and on october 30 the UK is thrown out of the EU.

However, next week parliament can legislate along the lines of the Cooper-Letwin Bill by requiring the pm to seek an extension of the Article 50 period. However, this would not provide any guarantees, since it would be for the European Council to decide whether to accede to such a request. Legislation that went no further than requiring the government to seek an extension would thus reduce the likelihood of, but would not rule out, a no-deal Brexit.

But, next week, or even in october, after prorogueation, parliament could legislate to revoke Article 50. Of course, politically many mps would balk at such a prospect, but such legislation would be the best means by which parliament could absolutely guarantee against a no-deal brexit.
]So, the race is not run, not by a long way.
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30-08-2019, 04:00 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I completely agree about people in the news MPs etc but the panic and fear they are causing in normal everyday people is terrible, I've heard people saying they fear we are heading into a dictatorship they are believing what the spite and anger brigade are telling them.
Have you noticed how the spite and anger brigade are now all associated with Corbyn ? They have tarred themselves with the same brush - the middle class avocado eating snobs that so hysterically need to remain all look like a terrorist sympathising, anti semitic marxist mob that have a leaning towards violence and direct action.

The violence and anger is all very one sided don't you think ?

I bet there won't be many of them knocking on the doors of the working classes for support in a general election.

Way to go Boris !
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30-08-2019, 04:23 PM

Re: Breaking - Boris Shutsdown Parliament ..

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Have you noticed how the spite and anger brigade are now all associated with Corbyn ? They have tarred themselves with the same brush - the middle class avocado eating snobs that so hysterically need to remain all look like a terrorist sympathising, anti semitic marxist mob that have a leaning towards violence and direct action.

The violence and anger is all very one sided don't you think ?

I bet there won't be many of them knocking on the doors of the working classes for support in a general election.

Way to go Boris !
I really don't think it's actually all one sided I have myself heard some awful things said to remainers unforgivable things.
As for corbyn he has let me down badly I truly thought he was a thoughtful man, a peaceful man, an anti eu man. He appears to be none of them.
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