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05-07-2014, 05:09 PM

Re: Hip replacement

My wife's been a bit down today for some reason.

I kept my head down and got on with the housework - she did some dusting while I did upstairs but she's still a bit quiet.

She says her leg aches a bit today but I've noticed that if she doesn't get some exercise she gets the leg aching the next day and yesterday she didn't do a lot because I was doing the garden again!

I'm actually wondering now about going back to work on Monday.

We really can't afford for me to take a second unpaid week off and of course I can't now ask for a 2nd Holiday week - that's just not fair on my employer so I'm stuck.

Doing a nice roast Gammon Joint tomorrow with our own spuds and Cabbage!

That'll cheer her up!! stevmk2
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05-07-2014, 05:14 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
My wife's been a bit down today for some reason.

I kept my head down and got on with the housework - she did some dusting while I did upstairs but she's still a bit quiet.

She says her leg aches a bit today but I've noticed that if she doesn't get some exercise she gets the leg aching the next day and yesterday she didn't do a lot because I was doing the garden again!

I'm actually wondering now about going back to work on Monday.

We really can't afford for me to take a second unpaid week off and of course I can't now ask for a 2nd Holiday week - that's just not fair on my employer so I'm stuck.

Doing a nice roast Gammon Joint tomorrow with our own spuds and Cabbage!

That'll cheer her up!! stevmk2
Yum - yum, sounds good
As for your lady being a bit down today, remember, she's done you proud Steve, allow her those moments, we all get them and its understandable she will feel a little down from time to time - keep cheery for her x
As for work, I would go in on Monday, see how she copes, if you then have to take a day off, you do. It may be best to give her that independence now and see how she copes
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05-07-2014, 05:21 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Yum - yum, sounds good
As for your lady being a bit down today, remember, she's done you proud Steve, allow her those moments, we all get them and its understandable she will feel a little down from time to time - keep cheery for her x
As for work, I would go in on Monday, see how she copes, if you then have to take a day off, you do. It may be best to give her that independence now and see how she copes
Not going to be easy Patsy!
Still, it's only 4 days then I'm off again.

There are times when I think a full-time job would be better but right now it's the opposite - all I'd do is lose more in Tax & National Insurance!

Would you believe they docked me £0.24 Tax last month?!
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05-07-2014, 05:32 PM

Re: Hip replacement

NO !! ........ Well I never ........
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10-07-2014, 07:25 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Well this week's been fine with me back at work Monday to Thursday.
My wife's been fine, apart from a few mishaps with losing her stick in the garden!

If she drops anything she's stuffed and she was in the garden, doing dead-heading and she dropped her walking stick so she had to totter over to where I'd left a rough stick of my own, used that to get back indoors, got her grabber, went back outside and picked up her walking stick!

The whole thing took her ten minutes!

She told me all this by text!

She's been pretty fed-up though this week and she says there's one spot where the staples were that really hurts and is uncomfortable but I've checked and there's no sign of infection so it's the stitches / staples themselves that have caused the skin to knit back together in this rather odd, dipped way.

It's odd because the scar is fine for 80% then it goes in quite a way into her - can't describe it any better but I've got a scar on my left knee from a Norton-Triumph 650cc that I decked on Wood Green High Road a long, long time ago and that's straight as a die, despite the awkward "terrain" it covers!

You'd hardly know it was there now.

She's happy now it's Thursday - big smile on her face - doesn't know I'm typing this at the moment!!

Gotta go though - stocking change!! stevmk2
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10-07-2014, 07:37 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Sounds like you are both doing well, stevmk2
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10-07-2014, 07:42 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Just logged on to answer your post, pleased to read of her progress despite a couple of mishaps.
Keep going ! You are both doing so well
Uncle Joe
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10-07-2014, 07:52 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Steve matey, a dent where the scar is is quite normal I have scars across my upper thigh and glutimus Maximus and they have dents in too.
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10-07-2014, 08:15 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Steve matey, a dent where the scar is is quite normal I have scars across my upper thigh and glutimus Maximus and they have dents in too.
Glutimus Maximus?

Wasn't he a Legate (Leg-ache - geddit?!) under Gaius Julius Caesar?

Thanks for that Joe - she worries mate, all the time, "Does my B** look fatter to you?"

"Why d'you think I have I got a bigger lump THAT side?"


We've been together for 20 years - married 18 of 'em.

I love her - she loves me so what do I say eh? stevmk2
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10-07-2014, 08:22 PM

Re: Hip replacement

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->

She's been pretty fed-up though this week and she says there's one spot where the staples were that really hurts and is uncomfortable but I've checked and there's no sign of infection so it's the stitches / staples themselves that have caused the skin to knit back together in this rather odd, dipped way.

It's odd because the scar is fine for 80% then it goes in quite a way into her - can't describe it any better but I've got a scar on my left knee from a Norton-Triumph 650cc that I decked on Wood Green High Road a long, long time ago and that's straight as a die, despite the awkward "terrain" it covers!

You'd hardly know it was there now.
Your wife's scarring pattern sounds like a 'depressed' scar steve .

This happens because the wound from the surgery was especially deep, when skin cells are trying to recover from this type of surgical wound they produce very tough scar tissue with very high tension so the wound can heal ASAP.

Glad to hear that all is going well.
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