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18-02-2018, 11:12 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by Moscow ->
Absolutely right Julie.

An arrogant, dismissive and intransigent bully boy!

His negotiating stance is to frustrate the UK in order to create a political crisis here that would lead to a compliant UK Government.

Absolutely disgusting. I am now firmly backing a full Hard Brexit.
Yes he nearly weed himself with glee at that didn't he ! Political mess here is what he is working towards.
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18-02-2018, 11:14 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!


Coming out of the EU is going to cost, end of.

The maths is very simple.
The speed at which we recover that money depends entirely on our politicians.

My local MP is a big Brexit Fanatic.

He is incredibly rich and wants to abolish worker's rights, minimum wage and start Fox Hunting again.

It is not a given that Brexit will be good for the lower paid.
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18-02-2018, 11:17 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Coming out of the EU is going to cost, end of.

The maths is very simple.
The speed at which we recover that money depends entirely on our politicians.

My local MP is a big Brexit Fanatic.

He is incredibly rich and wants to abolish worker's rights, minimum wage and start Fox Hunting again.

It is not a given that Brexit will be good for the lower paid.
Point is it can be as good or bad as we allow it swim, if we work together as a nation and make things better for everyone we will have won, if remainers refuse to do that I blame them for us losing out.
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18-02-2018, 11:32 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Point is it can be as good or bad as we allow it swim, if we work together as a nation and make things better for everyone we will have won, if remainers refuse to do that I blame them for us losing out.
What in your past experience has made you think that UK governments and those doing very nicely thank you want to work towards making things better for the lower paid? They like the lower paid exactly where they are, in their place, working long hours for poor money paying the pensions for wealthy pensioners and tax through the nose via PAYE while they pay little because of corporation tax loop holes and tax advoidance. The workers get most of there rights protected by EU regulations and you've taken that protection away from them by voting Brexit, well done.

"My local MP is a big Brexit Fanatic.
He is incredibly rich and wants to abolish worker's rights, minimum wage and start Fox Hunting again."

Those are the type of person that you have given free reign to exploit the workers by taking away the protection of the EU.

When Brexit poverty is used as an excuse for more austerity targeted at those at the bottom of the pile, it won't be the Remainers fault, we tried to prevent it. It will be your fault for voting for something that was always going to be disastrous for the lower income groups.

But of course, you'll try to wriggle out of it and blame the Remainers, the Government and the EU rather than take respnsibility for the terrible thing you've done.
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18-02-2018, 11:33 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

There is a certain member on here who is like a cracked record. The same thing over and over and over again.

In the past, I have made the mistake of trying to discuss matters with her sensibly, but out come all the same old assurances and accusations.

She has the same posting style as the (now apparently absent) Frog Lady, so we must draw our own conclusions.

My conclusion is to no longer give her the benefit of my valuable advice, as it goes straight over the top of her head!
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18-02-2018, 11:37 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Yes he nearly weed himself with glee at that didn't he ! Political mess here is what he is working towards.
Political mess here is what you caused with your Brexit vote, not him.

The Brexiters promised "have your cake and eat it" and of course that was never going to happen so it's either going to be a hard Brexit deal or no deal, both disastrous.

He was only explaining the inevitable consequences of the self-destructive stupidity of Brexit.
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18-02-2018, 11:42 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
There is a certain member on here who is like a cracked record. The same thing over and over and over again.

In the past, I have made the mistake of trying to discuss matters with her sensibly, but out come all the same old assurances and accusations.

She has the same posting style as the (now apparently absent) Frog Lady, so we must draw our own conclusions.

My conclusion is to no longer give her the benefit of my valuable advice, as it goes straight over the top of her head!
And back to the old chestnut, you're like a cracked record, the same thing over and over again. is it a paranoid old person thing?

I dare to disagree with you so I must be the same person who disagreed with you before.

My posting style includes pointing out what reactionary, rheumy drivel you spout. I'm sure that's not a unique uncommon reaction to your "advice", which comes from far to far down the intellectual scale to go over anyone's head.

I have no interest in such "advice" from a person like you, it's of no value whatsoever, so feel free to stop dishing it out or save it for those who care. No loss.
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18-02-2018, 11:46 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Those at the lower end of the social scale will suffer most from changes as a result of brexit. Tories will see it as a fine excuse to continue austerity and reduce benefits.
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18-02-2018, 11:51 AM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Those at the lower end of the social scale will suffer most from changes as a result of brexit. Tories will see it as a fine excuse to continue austerity and reduce benefits.
Of course they will. The worst is yet to come and the blame lies entirely with the Brexiters.
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18-02-2018, 12:07 PM

Re: Gina Miller Poking her Nose in again !!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
There is a certain member on here who is like a cracked record. The same thing over and over and over again.

In the past, I have made the mistake of trying to discuss matters with her sensibly, but out come all the same old assurances and accusations.

She has the same posting style as the (now apparently absent) Frog Lady, so we must draw our own conclusions.

My conclusion is to no longer give her the benefit of my valuable advice, as it goes straight over the top of her head!
I can't agree with that jrb the French lady was amazingly rude at times but never name called twizzle can't be her because she is name calling all over the place. Different style of posting IMO

Both like cracked records though you are right there
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