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08-12-2018, 11:40 PM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I think we should nationalise public transport .
I don't think it should be free .
Where would they money come from to pay for it as well as dole out more cash in benefits ?
Communism is all very well in theory but as we all know the communist regimes around the world have NOT WORKED .

Have you read Animal Farm Julie?

Taxing the rich is all very well -they will just move elsewhere and take their wealth with them .
Sorry, Muddy, I've just posted along the same lines. I hadn't read yours!
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09-12-2018, 03:28 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
It keeps some poor and some rich it needs to be understood and used to better us not keep us at each others throats.
It cannot be understood or used. Every ego is different. But it's what puts the spanner in the works for a "perfect" society. You cannot have freedom and stamp on ego. That is why communism will never work. People do not want to have their ego stamped on. They want different, selfish things. If you do force communism on them against their will then ego will come out and ruin that communism with corruption and power grabs. You will end up with just as much inequality and unfairness.
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09-12-2018, 03:33 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by Psmith ->
Communism hasn't worked because the majority didn't want it.It was forced on them by dictators like Lenin,Stalin,Mao...etc..
From what I've read of the history, China did want it. It was very much hearts and minds. Wasn't that the case in Vietnam, Korea too ? In Russia the rich were the minority. But power is always abused by those who have it. Once the euphoria is over the revolutionaries are left with all the same problems. Keeping everyone happy is an impossible task. You can change the way you bake the cake but it's still the same ingredients. Modifying the recipe can lead to something inedible.
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09-12-2018, 08:42 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Communism is just not practical .
It's a terrible system it stamps on individuality and on personal freedom -I think ego is the wrong word to use in this context .
It ignores the small people in exactly the same way that any other tyranny does.
Million of small farmers in Russia died when their farms were forcibly taken by the communist governments to make huge collectives .
The same happened in China where millions of rural peasants starved to death because their land and means of supporting themselves were gone .
Crops were given not to the people but to be sold for income to maintain the regime .
China's red guards were phychotic children who murdered people at will.
It denies incentive if everyone earns the same what inventive is there to do a good job ?
It makes no difference .
A brain surgeon is not the same as a street sweeper .
You don't put your life in the hands of a street sweeper .
There has been AFAIK only a couple of successful communist experiments .
In Tibet ( now occupied by China but no one cares ) the monks operated a fairly benign communal way of life and in Israel the kibbutz system was a sort of collective farming for the common good .
And someone has to be in charge and those in charge will become weathly and powerful and start opressing those beneath them .
This always happens .
A democracy may as Churchill said be the worst form of government "except for all the rest".
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09-12-2018, 09:41 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I agree with your stated 'Communist' ideals (you should get on very well with Joe), but who would pay for them all?

Tax the higher paid and they'll be off to foreign climes where they can earn even more for lower tax. Where would the money come from then, when they're not paying thousands in tax to us as they do already?
If they do chose to leave they weren't really helpful anyway. I think my idea of a no money society might come quicker without them. All sounds good to me.
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09-12-2018, 10:20 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Tell that to the shop keepers when you want to buy something.

I completely fail to understand your reasoning .
On the one hand you want more cash to be given to people on benefits and you want all rich people to leave the country .

How does a no cash economy work ?
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09-12-2018, 10:35 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Much more fairly than a monied one does. Takes bravery and a willingness to try a new concept though. And shop keepers would do just as well as everyone else. That's the point.
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09-12-2018, 10:51 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
If they do chose to leave they weren't really helpful anyway. I think my idea of a no money society might come quicker without them. All sounds good to me.
Except for the vast amounts of money they pay in taxes.

What is the highest rate of tax at the moment?
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09-12-2018, 11:46 AM

Re: Nigel Farage

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Much more fairly than a monied one does. Takes bravery and a willingness to try a new concept though. And shop keepers would do just as well as everyone else. That's the point.
What point ?
Can you give any example of a successful no cash economy ?
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09-12-2018, 12:06 PM

Re: Nigel Farage

One of the main problems that we face today is the fact that all our industry has gone overseas because they have been priced out of this country, and most of the remaining jobs are in the service industries....How exactly has that helped us...

Unfortunately Globalism is not working for us....We just buy foreign made stuff and somebody, somewhere else gets the profit. We should get more self contained and make/grow our own stuff.
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