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24-07-2019, 11:47 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

Originally Posted by gascony ->
Holy ****. I’ve just skipped back a few posts and seen this utterly horrific post from Bread. This is beyond shameful. Sir, you should never ever post this evil. Shame on you.

Thank you

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25-07-2019, 02:16 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

**Posts removed, please stop the personal bickering and name-calling and stick to the topic.
Thank you .
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25-07-2019, 02:54 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

I agree. I don't know why some people waste their breath - or fingers, I suppose - on these people!
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25-07-2019, 06:01 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

A different Nigel supports Boris.
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26-07-2019, 12:16 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

.I’m really trying to fathom out Boris’s tactics. He has vowed to take us out of the EU by 31st Oct 19 ‘do or die’. But with the treacherous Remain MP’s in his party, along with the opposition and other flotsam parties stating that they will do all in their power to stop a no deal, is Boris planning ahead for a General Election?

If so, he seems to be taking a huge risk. First, he is asking the people of this country to back him, to trust him and vote for him to take us out, with or without a deal. He has ruled out any cooperation with Nigel and the Brexit Party, so straight away, he will be splitting the Brexit vote. All those previously disillusioned Tory voters that fully intend to vote for the Brexit Party in a GE, will now be undecided between wanting to give Boris a chance, but know that Nigel has been the only genuine person that can be trusted by Leave voters, However, most won’t know who to vote for,
In fact, it could well end up to be a split Brexit vote. This is a dreadful state of affairs when Corbyn or Swinson could just waltz into government and Brexit would be doomed anyway.

Surely to goodness, if Boris knows that Parliament can prevent him from threatening to walk away from the EU so calls a General Election, it would make sense for Boris to talk to Nigel and ensure that they work together regarding Constituency voting. Why not even become a coalition? At least that way, Boris would have the majority he needs, and with the DUP on board as well, nothing would be able to stop Brexit in October.

The way I see it, he is risking all if he calls a GE. He cannot be guaranteed to gain enough votes without Nigel’s cooperation. So why is he so intent on not being interested in talking to Nigel when together, they would be a formidable force.

Or am I being naive?
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26-07-2019, 12:37 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.


Boris is one of the Political Elite, he wants to keep the two party, first past the post system.

He, and his backers and supporters are keen to finish Nigel and his Brexit Party as a political force.

If Boris takes us out in October, Brexit is done and the Brexit Party no longer have meaning.

If Boris does not ask for an extension and simply does nothing, we leave on 31st October.

That is the default position.
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26-07-2019, 01:38 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
.I’m really trying to fathom out Boris’s tactics. He has vowed to take us out of the EU by 31st Oct 19 ‘do or die’. But with the treacherous Remain MP’s in his party, along with the opposition and other flotsam parties stating that they will do all in their power to stop a no deal, is Boris planning ahead for a General Election?

If so, he seems to be taking a huge risk. First, he is asking the people of this country to back him, to trust him and vote for him to take us out, with or without a deal. He has ruled out any cooperation with Nigel and the Brexit Party, so straight away, he will be splitting the Brexit vote. All those previously disillusioned Tory voters that fully intend to vote for the Brexit Party in a GE, will now be undecided between wanting to give Boris a chance, but know that Nigel has been the only genuine person that can be trusted by Leave voters, However, most won’t know who to vote for,
In fact, it could well end up to be a split Brexit vote. This is a dreadful state of affairs when Corbyn or Swinson could just waltz into government and Brexit would be doomed anyway.

Surely to goodness, if Boris knows that Parliament can prevent him from threatening to walk away from the EU so calls a General Election, it would make sense for Boris to talk to Nigel and ensure that they work together regarding Constituency voting. Why not even become a coalition? At least that way, Boris would have the majority he needs, and with the DUP on board as well, nothing would be able to stop Brexit in October.

The way I see it, he is risking all if he calls a GE. He cannot be guaranteed to gain enough votes without Nigel’s cooperation. So why is he so intent on not being interested in talking to Nigel when together, they would be a formidable force.

Or am I being naive?
No, you are not being naive. I agree with you that Boris must ally himself with Nigel if he is really determined to get us out of the EU.

There is, however, another possibility. I have heard that, as Brexit on 31 October is now enshrined in our law, he really needs to do nothing! On 31 October, we are out unless some other act of Parliament is passed which overrides that.

I don't know how true that is, but I am hoping it is as I, too, will be unsure as to whether to vote for Boris or Nigel in the next GE. I am firmly behind Nigel at the moment, though. If all other leavers feel the same way, we could force Boris's hand and he will have no other option but to go along with Nigel.
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26-07-2019, 01:49 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
No, you are not being naive. I agree with you that Boris must ally himself with Nigel if he is really determined to get us out of the EU.

There is, however, another possibility. I have heard that, as Brexit on 31 October is now enshrined in our law, he really needs to do nothing! On 31 October, we are out unless some other act of Parliament is passed which overrides that.

I don't know how true that is, but I am hoping it is as I, too, will be unsure as to whether to vote for Boris or Nigel in the next GE. I am firmly behind Nigel at the moment, though. If all other leavers feel the same way, we could force Boris's hand and he will have no other option but to go along with Nigel.
Exactly right JBR.

The only way I can see there being a problem with the Oct 31 exit is if people like Dominic Grieve and co resign the whip and the government loses its majority, collapsing it and forcing a GE.
Saying that, the new government must

a. Revoke A50 - Parliament will not vote for that
b. Get an extension - highly unlikely as Macron and co will veto
c. Change the law so we do not leave on 31st october - unlikely as there is no time left after parliament reconvenes after the GE, the government is formed etc etc etc.

The remainers have done all they can, but have now run out of road. There is no time left to screw things up for Brexit.

October 31st we are out - it is our legal default position and only a change to that law (in the UK and the EU) can prevent us from leaving.

If Boris does nothing - we leave with or without a deal on October 31st at at 11pm GMT
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26-07-2019, 04:16 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

I hope you are correct. From what you are saying, There are only two options left for those wanting to stop Brexit then. (1) On the first day back from their summer Hols, the House would have to put forward a vote of no confidence, and (2) and this is most extreme, if Boris refuses to ask for an extension, parliament can go over Boris's head and request that the QUEEN herself goes to Brussels to request an extension. Aarrgghh!
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26-07-2019, 04:28 PM

Re: Brexit and Boris.

Allthough Boris seems to be an improvement on TM, He is
still a tory, and it could be he is only acting as if he is pro
leave in order to restore the flagging popularity of the tory
party, and he will eventually resume the same course bas TM
Turned out to be NO DEAL WOULD BE A DISASTER!!
Well Boris could be following the same tack?
Only time will tell, his overwhelming support by the tory party
in the recent election is also open to suspicion given the
predominance of remain support in the tory party previously!!
So my advice to leave supporters would be to continue to
throw your weight behind the brexit party and dont confuse
the tory party with wanting to get out of Europe!!!
Regards Donkeyman!
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