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09-03-2021, 03:43 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Bratti ->
I agree with you that Meghan probably lied throughout the interview or at least twisted or exaggerated some truths but I highly doubt Oprah would ruin her reputation or her personal integrity for these two. No way. She has high values and too much respect for herself to do such a thing.
And just because she did the interview doesn’t mean she believed everything that was said. She’s an interviewer who asks questions that the average person wants to know and she’s good at what she does.
I'm sure that Oprah's integrity is intact .....
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09-03-2021, 03:51 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Bratti ->
I agree with you that Meghan probably lied throughout the interview or at least twisted or exaggerated some truths but I highly doubt Oprah would ruin her reputation or her personal integrity for these two. No way. She has high values and too much respect for herself to do such a thing.
And just because she did the interview doesn’t mean she believed everything that was said. She’s an interviewer who asks questions that the average person wants to know and she’s good at what she does.
Having just watched it, apart from the slightly irritating prolonged "leading" style in general, Oprah did seem to over-egg the racism points way too much IMHO. Kept coming back to it over and over again.

Anyway, am sure that everyone will draw their own conclusions. As I suggested earlier on a reply to Muddy, I hope that they feel that it has had a suitably cathartic outcome and that they can move on and that the press can also leave them alone.

By definition, it is unlikely that the royal household will make a response. And indeed, nor could they, for somewhat obvious reasons.
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09-03-2021, 04:07 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
Having just watched it, apart from the slightly irritating prolonged "leading" style in general, Oprah did seem to over-egg the racism points way too much IMHO. Kept coming back to it over and over again.

Anyway, am sure that everyone will draw their own conclusions. As I suggested earlier on a reply to Muddy, I hope that they feel that it has had a suitably cathartic outcome and that they can move on and that the press can also leave them alone.

By definition, it is unlikely that the royal household will make a response. And indeed, nor could they, for somewhat obvious reasons.
Nicely stated and well-balanced. I appreciate your interpretation. The only thing I would add is that the Sussexes have now had their cathartic moment. It's time for them to adhere to their stated goals; go home, close the doors, and get on with the private life they claim to want.
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09-03-2021, 04:24 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Omah ->
I'm sure that Oprah's integrity is intact .....

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
Having just watched it, apart from the slightly irritating prolonged "leading" style in general, Oprah did seem to over-egg the racism points way too much IMHO. Kept coming back to it over and over again.

Anyway, am sure that everyone will draw their own conclusions. As I suggested earlier on a reply to Muddy, I hope that they feel that it has had a suitably cathartic outcome and that they can move on and that the press can also leave them alone.

By definition, it is unlikely that the royal household will make a response. And indeed, nor could they, for somewhat obvious reasons.
I also thought Oprah over emphasized the racist part and the longer I’ve had to think about it , the point did seem to repeat itself. In fact most points were overly emphasized. I’m an emotional person and often think emotionally where my husbands a logical thinker and he was rolling his eyes throughout the entire interview but once the race card was played he got up and said ‘enough of this $hit’ and went to bed.
I’m definitely more gullible and naive. I was sucked in while watching it but after reading many comments from others, I gained a different , more balanced outlook.
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09-03-2021, 05:10 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Bratti ->
I also thought Oprah over emphasized the racist part and the longer I’ve had to think about it , the point did seem to repeat itself. In fact most points were overly emphasized. I’m an emotional person and often think emotionally where my husbands a logical thinker and he was rolling his eyes throughout the entire interview but once the race card was played he got up and said ‘enough of this $hit’ and went to bed.
I’m definitely more gullible and naive. I was sucked in while watching it but after reading many comments from others, I gained a different , more balanced outlook.
I imagine that most viewers would see Meghan as the "victim" but I see her as the "perpetrator" .....

Of course, I could be wrong .....
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09-03-2021, 07:12 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

I watched some of it but I gave up....self indulgent twaddle as far as I'm concerned.
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09-03-2021, 09:10 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I thought you had better taste than that Keezoy??
Trouble is, over here we are being force fed with it ??
I'm just watching Eurosport now !!
Luckily l don't have a smart phone !

Donkeyman! 👎🤔🤔👎
Jeez thanks mate..I think....Well allow me to explain. We don't see ourselves here as having the royals "forced" on us any more. We knocked back republicanism last time because the majority of people (in a majority of states) were happy with the system we have. The consitutional monarchy with QE2 as "Queen of Australia", We are happy with it because it's stable and it works for us..even if it doesn't for you.Quite independent of you (Britain) Australians simply like..or love the Queen. We always have. She came here the first time as a radiant young woman and now she is like a dignified old granny. Philip we have tolerated. Anne we think is an arrogant, rude and sad woman. Andrew is a zero. Edward is?...well what is he really. His wife is nice though. WE have watched Charles being bullied and ridiculed relentlessly by his own people all his life. But m,ost of us think he is a good bloke, My brother was a cabinet minister in WA some decades ago. He met Charles twice on the occasion of his visits to WA and on one he sat next to him at a dinner. Charles said to him.."I love coming here (Australia) I feel so much more accepted among you than I do in my own country sometimes" Anyway we don't have the same kind of disdain for your royals as you seem to have. When QE2 dies, I think it will be the end of the lot of them..for you and everyone else. Secondly Meghan. To us she is still Rachel Zane, lawyer. We loved Suits. We like her. And we like Harry; and we like Oprah. So we'll watch it. Bad taste?..Dunno. If it is well I guess that is our cross and we'll bear it..

PS. I have a pair of pink socks and an old safari suit deep in my wardrobe somewhere. NOw THAT is bad taste...
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09-03-2021, 09:22 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
Jeez thanks mate..I think....Well allow me to explain. We don't see ourselves here as having the royals "forced" on us any more. We knocked back republicanism last time because the majority of people (in a majority of states) were happy with the system we have. The consitutional monarchy with QE2 as "Queen of Australia", We are happy with it because it's stable and it works for us..even if it doesn't for you.Quite independent of you (Britain) Australians simply like..or love the Queen. We always have. She came here the first time as a radiant young woman and now she is like a dignified old granny. Philip we have tolerated. Anne we think is an arrogant, rude and sad woman. Andrew is a zero. Edward is?...well what is he really. His wife is nice though. WE have watched Charles being bullied and ridiculed relentlessly by his own people all his life. But m,ost of us think he is a good bloke, My brother was a cabinet minister in WA some decades ago. He met Charles twice on the occasion of his visits to WA and on one he sat next to him at a dinner. Charles said to him.."I love coming here (Australia) I feel so much more accepted among you than I do in my own country sometimes" Anyway we don't have the same kind of disdain for your royals as you seem to have. When QE2 dies, I think it will be the end of the lot of them..for you and everyone else. Secondly Meghan. To us she is still Rachel Zane, lawyer. We loved Suits. We like her. And we like Harry; and we like Oprah. So we'll watch it. Bad taste?..Dunno. If it is well I guess that is our cross and we'll bear it..

PS. I have a pair of pink socks and an old safari suit deep in my wardrobe somewhere. NOw THAT is bad taste...
Whatever he said ===^except I have neon pink socks and a Safari suit but it’s not in bad taste

Majority of the population in SA love QE2 as well!! Pity we exited the Commonwealth and rejoined as it means that we can’t move freely within the Commonwealth.
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09-03-2021, 09:31 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Surfermom ->
Nicely stated and well-balanced. I appreciate your interpretation. The only thing I would add is that the Sussexes have now had their cathartic moment. It's time for them to adhere to their stated goals; go home, close the doors, and get on with the private life they claim to want.
I’ve been thinking about it. They actually can’t have the private life that they initially said that they wanted because they need dollars to pay for security and their lifestyle.

You’ll notice, Harry made a point of saying that he’s living off his inheritance and that he needs to fund security for them. So, it stands to reason that they’ll have to be more in the public eye eg Netflix, Spotify and product endorsements etc. He mentioned in the interview that ‘streaming’ was not part of the original plan. So, expect to see more of them.
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09-03-2021, 09:48 AM

Re: The Oprah Interview: Prince Harry and Meghan

Originally Posted by Minx ->
I’ve been thinking about it. They actually can’t have the private life that they initially said that they wanted because they need dollars to pay for security and their lifestyle.

You’ll notice, Harry made a point of saying that he’s living off his inheritance and that he needs to fund security for them. So, it stands to reason that they’ll have to be more in the public eye eg Netflix, Spotify and product endorsements etc. He mentioned in the interview that ‘streaming’ was not part of the original plan. So, expect to see more of them.
The contradiction, of course, is that they desperately wanted to leave the Royal family yet continue to use it to make their millions.

For me, I had no problem with them wanting to leave and do their own thing, but to reveal such spite, venom and malice towards their family whilst still desperately trying to hang on to their titles and privilidges, just to milk them for even more quillions, is pure hypocrisy.
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