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20-11-2018, 10:49 AM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
I suppose that's why she keeps banging on about jobs.
Because it's businesses that provide the jobs...
I'm not good at figures but nearly 90 percent of businesses have nothing to do with the EU I can't see them having to lay people off, we have all this fuss over about 10 percent of businesses. In fact the 90 percent might do better without being held back by EU diktats.
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20-11-2018, 10:58 AM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I'm not good at figures but nearly 90 percent of businesses have nothing to do with the EU I can't see them having to lay people off, we have all this fuss over about 10 percent of businesses. In fact the 90 percent might do better without being held back by EU diktats.

Yes, just another element of Project Fear.
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20-11-2018, 11:03 AM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I'm not good at figures but nearly 90 percent of businesses have nothing to do with the EU I can't see them having to lay people off, we have all this fuss over about 10 percent of businesses. In fact the 90 percent might do better without being held back by EU diktats.

40% of our Exports go to the EU.

You are very cavalier about other peoples jobs.

Even the most hardened Brexiteers have said that things will be difficult for a while until we get new trade agreements in place.

You obviously do not think so.
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20-11-2018, 11:21 AM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Julie1962 is offline
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20-11-2018, 11:46 AM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

40% of our Exports go to the EU.

You are very cavalier about other peoples jobs.

Even the most hardened Brexiteers have said that things will be difficult for a while until we get new trade agreements in place.

You obviously do not think so.
Of course there will be challenges but when people stand up in the cbi meeting yesterday and say what I just said I tend to think they know what they are talking about as they are running the businesses.

I think we may have to change what we buy but I'm not scared of that. We may have to learn to run our fishing and farming businesses better again why would I be afraid of that it may be better in the long run and provide more employment.

I refuse to bow to the EU and our remain government or to the fear some want us to feel.
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20-11-2018, 01:03 PM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Of course there will be challenges but when people stand up in the cbi meeting yesterday and say what I just said I tend to think they know what they are talking about as they are running the businesses.

I think we may have to change what we buy but I'm not scared of that. We may have to learn to run our fishing and farming businesses better again why would I be afraid of that it may be better in the long run and provide more employment.

I refuse to bow to the EU and our remain government or to the fear some want us to feel.

You are in the fortunate position of not being affected, you are a part time cleaner, so safe and your husband is not working at the moment.

Many could be affected, particularly by a No Deal.

This is not Project Fear, it is the reality of the situation.

Companies will relocate if they think it will profit them.

We cannot force them to stay here.

The UK will not implode in March, it takes years to move manufacturing plants, but move they will if their profits are affected.
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20-11-2018, 01:10 PM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Quite a few firms are already making plans to move some manufacturing if not all of it.
It's too late to stop it now it will happen regardless of what sort of deal is struck, the damage has been done.
It does not take that long to move a major plant, Ford moved the vans to Turkey in about eighteen months.
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20-11-2018, 01:18 PM

Re: Brexit and the EU

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
Many could be affected, particularly by a No Deal.

This is not Project Fear, it is the reality of the situation.

Companies will relocate if they think it will profit them.

We cannot force them to stay here.

The UK will not implode in March, it takes years to move manufacturing plants, but move they will if their profits are affected.
Which tends to highlight a wider issue doesn't it Swim.

Can a country survive, exist, if it doesn't support its own local businesses? If people constantly opt to buy from abroad then what chance has any country got of supporting itself and its own workforces?

Do I care if some companies and manufacturers naff off abroad for their profits? No I don't. Sod 'em.

They clearly aren't here to help or further Britain. They clearly have no allegiance to Britain. Therefore they are of no use to us.

I prefer to buy British where possible to support the country and local people/businesses. I realise that if I don't do that, the balance of power shifts to foreign interests who then begin to control the country. A country they have no real interest in except for making profits from. That kind of situation is detrimental to a country and its people.

We have already been sold well down the river in this respect. Foreign interests already own large swathes of Britain. QATAR in particular owns huge elements of our society. Countless properties and areas of land in London, the largest shareholder of Sainsburys and so on.

The situation is ridiculous.

What point is there in fighting to leave the EU and "take back control" if we are still going to cow tow to foreign moguls who have too much influence here?

We need shot of the bally lot of them and to restore our sovereignty properly, once and for all.

Make no mistake these foreign interests have no interest whatsoever in Britain or its people, its values and traditions. They will happily wipe all those away for their profits.

Let the rats flee the ship imho.

We will learn to survive without them. We will shoulder the hard times and difficulties this will bring and get through it.
Time to stand up and fight instead of being walked all over.
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20-11-2018, 01:24 PM

Re: Brexit and the EU

We will learn to survive without them. We will shoulder the hard times and difficulties this will bring and get through it.
Time to stand up and fight instead of being walked all over.
You might do but when others find that they are suffering some of them may come and dig up your garden looking for the biscuit tin that you have your money hidden in.
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20-11-2018, 01:45 PM

Re: Brexit and the EU


Unfortunately the world is such that a lot of big employers in the UK are foreign owned and as you say, have no interest in the UK at all.
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