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01-05-2013, 11:00 AM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I don't think ministers of religion should be encouraged to inflict blows to the head on people as they enter places of worship!
I don't think bearded old men in gaudy frocks and erotic headwear is a good look at all even if they do love each other.

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01-05-2013, 11:01 AM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

So - if I am understanding this correctly, brain damage leads to increased religiosity. Hardly a surprising fact. What is much more surprising (and disappointing) to me is that some otherwise intelligent people put so much store in fairy tales - even to the extent of killing those who believe in a different fairy tale (..and before anyone comes up with the argument that the Nazis or the Communists did more than their fair share of ideology-based killing - as far as I am concerned those who believe a political philosophy absolutely are no less religious than those who "personalise" their fairytales with the notion of a supreme sky fairy - god).
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01-05-2013, 11:22 AM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Originally Posted by MickB ->
So - if I am understanding this correctly, brain damage leads to increased religiosity. Hardly a surprising fact. What is much more surprising (and disappointing) to me is that some otherwise intelligent people put so much store in fairy tales - even to the extent of killing those who believe in a different fairy tale (..and before anyone comes up with the argument that the Nazis or the Communists did more than their fair share of ideology-based killing - as far as I am concerned those who believe a political philosophy absolutely are no less religious than those who "personalise" their fairytales with the notion of a supreme sky fairy - god).
It could be the opposite if a brain injury is inflicted that knocks the wrong spot.
We have always spoken about things that are always in our minds, because our minds are all we have to work with, without it we are no longer functional.
I will refer to one old hymn, or prayer, that clearly states that God be in my head, this is what I meant with my earlier post.
Christians have always believed that.
Why do we feel a lot of our emotions in the chest? body and mind connection, all to do with the nervous system?
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01-05-2013, 12:58 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

mine is not working
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01-05-2013, 02:11 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I don't think ministers of religion should be encouraged to inflict blows to the head on people as they enter places of worship!
Meaning well-placed blows aimed to damage the right parietal lobe?

Since I have MS my thought was perhaps they should do a study of MS patients' spiritual beliefs/practices before onset of symptoms and then follow up in a few years' time as the MRIs show increased lesions in the brain.

As for me, I began to question my Catholic upbringing at the age of 7 or 8, when my teacher, a nun, insisted that only Catholics could go to heaven and all Protestants would burn in hell. My best friend (another Susan) was such a good girl and her parents were so nice that I did not believe God would send them to hell just because they went to a different church. (However, just for insurance, I talked her into letting me baptize her at the bathroom sink.)

My earliest recognized MS symptom was at the age of 19. I was already a C&E Catholic by that point and indifferent to the church. Was it because I was already losing myelin in the brain? No way to prove it.

Today I call myself spiritual. I meditate. I have beliefs but recognize them as purely subjective and wouldn't think to inflict them on anyone else. (Partly for fear I will be labelled 'crazy' hahaha!) We'll all have the answer one day at any rate. In the meantime, my visualizations include an end to suffering in the world, peaceful co-existence. Does that mean my poor old brain's "God spots" have been healed? Or modified?
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01-05-2013, 02:40 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

You have a strong belief, and I applaud you.
I too questioned my beliefs, because of my continued bad illnesses throughout the last 40 plus years.
Then one day someone said to me, we are now in hell, and the only way is going to be up.
So stay true to your faith no matter what others may say.
I have always been open when referring to God, I don.t care what others say or mock me, it is they that need help.
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01-05-2013, 04:06 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I don't think ministers of religion should be encouraged to inflict blows to the head on people as they enter places of worship!
What a larf you are Twiz
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01-05-2013, 04:10 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Always believed 'this' to be Hell - with glimpses of Heaven.....
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01-05-2013, 08:55 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

I tend to think that heaven and hell are both here on earth and we will experience both in varying intensity throughout our lives.
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01-05-2013, 09:34 PM

Re: The God spots revealed: Scientists find areas of brain responsible for spirituality

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I tend to think that heaven and hell are both here on earth and we will experience both in varying intensity throughout our lives.
Oooooh good, I've got lots to look forwards to!
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