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20-02-2016, 03:52 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Some very funny posts here

One of my silliest things I have done was to get locked in a cupboard at work with my friend
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20-02-2016, 03:55 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
There are some funny stories on here.

Mups, It would be nice, I tried desperately to make it up to him by catching his eye again or trying to get him alone to lie through my teeth with some excuse, but alas, no, I blew it! he never looked in my direction again and one day he was just no longer around. Some lucky girl no doubt bagged him.

if you are reading this gorgeous man, I'm sorry !
SG, I bet now, he's one of those that wears shorts in winter and socks with sandals!
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20-02-2016, 03:56 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Oh the humiliation is still with me all these years later .

I was 15 and fell in love with a trendy guy. He asked me out on a date , I pretended to be 18. He took me to a pub , I ordered rum and black , the taste was delicious , so after 3 or 4 he walked me back to the bus stop ...........disaster .....I was sick in the street and to make matters worse I had bad wind at the same time ...... (I'm cringing now ) , he stayed with me and put me on the bus home .

Never saw him again
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20-02-2016, 04:07 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Give me a couple of days to think about this.
I've got my short-list down to about 25 to consider before making my final decision
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20-02-2016, 04:51 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Art, Don't ! just the thought ! No, Life would never be so cruel to such a God, surely!

Susan M, OMG! you poor love!

Kinda reminds me of the weekend of my 21st,I had already had my party on the Friday evening so on the Saturday it was decided that my 12 friends and I would go on a pub crawl in town. For some reason or other, probably as I started on the Vodka and Orange early in the evening with encouragement from two of my friends, I invited my Mum as well!! She refused at first but I kept saying, come on Mum, it'll be fun I promise! and she finally relented.

Mum of 7, a sweet, little irish woman who would tut if someone so much as said the word Bluddy! and a complete non-drinker. She was one of those ladies that when family were out and we went to the bar we never asked what she would like to drink, it was just a case of adding the words "and a Shweppes orange juice please".

Anyway, we all started out drinking at the first pub, shorts all round and an orange juice for Mum, who give her her due, laughed along with the merriment that was taking place. We went to the next pub, and the next.
By the fourth pub I could see Mum was getting a little fed up of sitting there with an orange juice AGAIN, and probably wishing she was at home watching telly whilst we were all getting rather tipsy, so being the dutiful daughter that I am, I persuaded her to have a Bailey's for a change!
Well, she loved it, (probably because it didn't taste of alcohol), so she had another, and another ! and in the end was the life and soul of the party, laughing at our silly antics and jokes. As we left the pub all noisy and rather too tipsy! we ended up all sitting on the bonnet of a police car laughing our heads off and being told to remove ourselves by the two policemen sitting inside.

We toodled off to the last pub on our list before heading home via the chip shop and because we were so noisy, laughing our heads off (mum included) and obviously annoying the other pub customers, we ended up being asked to leave and banned!

God, did Mum and I have a headache the following morning. Mum was mortified that she had allowed me to act like one of today's young drunk clubbers !! and even more ashamed that she had allowed me to give her alcohol !! Hee! Hee!

We didn't dare mention it to my dad and brothers and just hoped that no-one ever told them of the way we behaved.

This is a very small town !!
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20-02-2016, 04:54 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Originally Posted by Cedronella ->
Some very funny posts here

One of my silliest things I have done was to get locked in a cupboard at work with my friend:cool

Oh yeah? Was it a male or female friend?
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20-02-2016, 05:00 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Male and that darn key went missing for over an hour
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20-02-2016, 05:03 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Originally Posted by Cedronella ->
Male and that darn key went missing for over an hour

Guessed as much - hussy.
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20-02-2016, 06:14 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

This I posted in another thread, though not the silliest it's up there.
And as most are posting about relationships thought it may be fitting.

Years ago, when the little blue pill was made available there was a rumour it worked on females too.

knowing my wife would laugh at any such suggestion I hatched a devious plan.

I cooked a romantic dinner with a few bottles of Rioja to compliment the meal.
I took one of the little blue pills, the other I crushed up into my wife's meal.

The chat flowed as well as the wine and the flirting began.

Only when I got to the end of my meal did I notice a little bit of blue in my cauliflower cheese, damn, I'd had 2 100mg Viagra, I'd given her the wrong plate.

My wife retired to bed with a wine induced headache and I was left with only myself as company.

How I wish I'd bought oysters.
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20-02-2016, 06:49 PM

Re: What's the silliest thing you have ever done!

Serves yer right, ya randy old devil.
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