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10-11-2011, 01:08 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Good morning all, I finally got in before 12 so I won't turn into a pumpkin. What a terrific Summers day it is here in Dublin, warm and not a cloud to be seen. Herself is getting ready and the pair of us are off for the day to Clonmel for the races, thank God for free travel for pensioners!.

Best of luck Hammer.

Enjoy yourselves it's later that you think.
PS. It was before 12 when I started this, just in case there are any Perry Masons out there.
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10-11-2011, 01:46 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

has a stinking headache and doesn't wish to partake in today until later when its hopefully gone ::(( Im fed with a capital UP....
Apart from that im ok.. was sedated yesterday to the hilt so I could go in the big scary tube without a panic attack, and all was tickety boo but I think the come down of the tablets has caused todays aggravating head. Got things to post but really cant be bothered, bulbs to plant but cant be bothered and ewwww I do feel rather queasy... Shall faff about between snoozing and onlining and tv'ing and then look pathetic when himself gets in and maybe he'll perform some spell to improve the mood!!!
Apart from that im fine Hope you all have a good'un and best of luck Hammer xx
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10-11-2011, 02:02 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Good afternoon everyone. I hope all goes to plan for you today Hammer and that you will bounce back quickly from the treatment session. Take care.
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10-11-2011, 02:39 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Best of luck Hammer, good afternoon everyone, some of you may know I moved house recently, am renting a house now and the first inspection was the morning, of course I was up to high dough, I keep this house as if it were my own, even the fact there is very little of mine here as house contents are all in storage, but feeling under par from my recent op I was up early to get all in ship shape, just as well as it was to be at 11am, and the agent arrived at 10.15am, sorry I am rambling, but it all went well, I do worry so much!!
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10-11-2011, 03:58 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Originally Posted by Cassie ->
has a stinking headache and doesn't wish to partake in today until later when its hopefully gone ::(( Im fed with a capital UP....
Apart from that im ok.. was sedated yesterday to the hilt so I could go in the big scary tube without a panic attack, and all was tickety boo but I think the come down of the tablets has caused todays aggravating head. Got things to post but really cant be bothered, bulbs to plant but cant be bothered and ewwww I do feel rather queasy... Shall faff about between snoozing and onlining and tv'ing and then look pathetic when himself gets in and maybe he'll perform some spell to improve the mood!!!
Apart from that im fine Hope you all have a good'un and best of luck Hammer xx
Cassie, I'm so sorry you have a thumping headache and feeling rotten, yesterday must have been quite an ordeal for you. Take things easy and try to get some sleep, hopefully this horrible feeling will pass soon...xx
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10-11-2011, 04:00 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

All the best Hammer,see you when you get back, Annie.
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10-11-2011, 05:03 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Hammer, thinking of you; we'll keep your seat warm,

Hi all.Our lovely weather's over, fog early this morning, heavy cloud cover now, wind blowing all the orange and gold leaves off, rain on the way, It's a bit after 11 A M and 13℃ (54℉). Down for grass and mail: potato masher and noodles came, both from Amazon, where else? The supermarket's been out of my favorite soup noodles the last 3 orders, so found them on line. That's the sum and substance of my exciting day so far....

Mags, Meg, Cassie, sorry you all are poorly (((hugs))). Good luck at the races, Jem!
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10-11-2011, 06:53 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

We had a most enjoyable day at the races, I broke even, but herself had two winners, she wouldn't tell me how much she won or the names of the horses, I'll never figure her out, she was smiling like a clown all the way home in the train, still if it keeps her happy for a while I'll ask no more.
I hope all the patients are on the mend, and I'm sorry to hear you sounding so depressed Cassie, hope your fella cheers you up when he gets home.
I'm all tuckered out now (Wonder where I heard that expression before, Walter Brennan maybe?) and I'm just going to laze about all evening with a drop of fine old port and a long thin Ceeeegar!.
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10-11-2011, 06:59 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Sounds like a nice day, Jem, you didn't lose any and Mrs Jem was lucky... enjoy the port and cigar.
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10-11-2011, 09:34 PM

Re: Trepidatory Thursday.

Thanks to all for your good wishes, as you can see I have returned.
It has been quite a long day but all in all I prefer it to be done and finished with, for a while at least.

Had a good chat to everyone, very sad to hear our nurses telling me that the morale in the unit is at an all time low with changes being made one day and returned to the previous arrangements the next. The poor folks don't know what is going on.

There were lighter moments though, as I sat there watching the world go by I noticed one of the mail messengers plodding backwards and forwards and it suddenly struck me, here was one of lifes imponderables similar in complexity to the String theory, why did only one of his shoes squeek? after all they were the same age and had the outward appearance of similarity yet one was silent, mute in short devoid of all noise whilst the other was like a banshee in comparison.

It passed the time but I was no nearer solving the problem when I left.

I have a vestibular clinic next week but sadly none of the days start with a V.

Thanks again folks.
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