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16-11-2011, 12:40 AM

Re: local government cuts

I've been aware of audio books for a good while now, but real books are precious. There's no value in computerised books. The actual feel of opening a book and reading it has given pleasure for centuries, not to mention the fact that bibliophiles love to see their books on shelves, and admire them.

Also, they can gain in value, whereas audio books can not. I wouldn't swap my full set of Charles Dickens (70 years old) for all the tea in China.

Although I haven't visited a Library for many years now, I do remember going to the Children's Library in my home town from the age of 4, where I took out the Noddy books, then I progressed to Famous Five and Secret Seven. I can still smell the polished floors and staircases in there, sadly gone long ago now.
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16-11-2011, 09:39 AM

Re: local government cuts

Do not blame the closure of any Library on Government cuts.

Councils have for a long time now been looking for reasons to close them because they are an on-cost and do not contribute to the county coffers.

Also, Blame yourselves for not using them fully and for buying electronic book readers like Kindle and using the internet for reading material.

Like anything else, use it or lose it but do not blame the Government cuts for it.
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19-11-2011, 06:59 PM

Re: local government cuts

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
I've been aware of audio books for a good while now, but real books are precious. There's no value in computerised books. The actual feel of opening a book and reading it has given pleasure for centuries, not to mention the fact that bibliophiles love to see their books on shelves, and admire them.

Also, they can gain in value, whereas audio books can not. I wouldn't swap my full set of Charles Dickens (70 years old) for all the tea in China.

Although I haven't visited a Library for many years now, I do remember going to the Children's Library in my home town from the age of 4, where I took out the Noddy books, then I progressed to Famous Five and Secret Seven. I can still smell the polished floors and staircases in there, sadly gone long ago now.
I so agree with you Mollie - books are precious. I still have some of my childhood books and even though we try to trim down our accumulation of books I can never bear to part with much when it comes to it.
I once tried listening to an audio book, but because it was one I had already read, I was most disappointed with the person's reading. I don't think there is anything like reading and imagining for yourself - the film of a book is never as good as the actual book IMO - it always belongs to someone else, whereas in your mind a book becomes your own and is unique.

I hope libraries don't disappear. We usually go every week or so. We have no local library now, but the one in town is quite active - long may it continue.
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19-11-2011, 08:06 PM

Re: local government cuts

I've never used an audio book but they have their uses, for the blind, for example.

Like Aerolor says though, when reading a book you build your own scenes in your mind and it's all yours and no one else's.

I also agree that films following books are usually very disappointing.

About 10 years ago I started to write my own stories which I've been putting on here, which took me about five years to write and, having a myriad of yet unread books on my shelves, is the reason I haven't used a library, plus the fact that I'd been working full time as well so didn't really have the time.

Aitch, do you not get a mobile library coming round your part of town?
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19-11-2011, 08:52 PM

Re: local government cuts

Mollie, Wigan council are withdrawing the mobile library service, but they are keeping the home delivery service for people who are housebound.
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19-11-2011, 09:26 PM

Re: local government cuts

Thanks for that Jimmy. It's not the same though.
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19-11-2011, 11:37 PM

Re: local government cuts

We have a rather nice library that has just been modernised, and is used for different things,there is the books and the music and computers and a lovely corner for children with bean bags and Art work. I have only been in once after it reopened but was very impressed.
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20-11-2011, 01:28 PM

Re: local government cuts

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
Like anything else, use it or lose it but do not blame the Government cuts for it.
Yes AB, although I think you are aiming your message at the wrong people on here

It is largely the huge number of semi illerate people who are deserting (or never even started using) the library service.

Kindle books don't seem to interest me and 'tho the books are cheap enough the Kindle seems very expensive to me.

When I lived in England I would visit my local libray every Sat. morning without fail.
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20-11-2011, 02:02 PM

Re: local government cuts

My local library has been saved, but the number of cuts within the surrounding councils at the moment just seems to be increasing. To be honest although libraries are being cut which obviously has an impact I see this as a minor cut when you consider things like meals on wheels disappearing. Most enjoy to read a book, but to take a service away that helps people have a decent meal (well a hot meal) I see appauling.

I personally had a good experience with social services after falling last year, however they would not even come to assess my neighbour as he did not meet the "criteria".

Has anyone else had any problems with social services since the councils have made their cut backs?

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