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05-04-2020, 07:56 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I have been very open with the fact that I have severe PTSD.

I have nobody to blame for this, I choose my life.

My PTSD is not related to what happened to me, but what I saw happen to others.

It may come as a surprise , but this situation has helped me.

There are positive things I can do to fight this, stay inside, obey the rules and I am also volunteering to help those less fortunate than myself.

Be positive, help your family, be sensible and kind to others and you will be fine.

Do not let pillocks annoy you.

If they are out breaking the rules it just means they will die sooner

I agree with dOOd about your last comment.
It will also mean they will help others die sooner . . .
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05-04-2020, 08:03 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

I've had two difficult days, one where I couldn't bear to watch or hear anything mentioning the C word and didn't want to talk to anyone.
Today I had to go out to fetch groceries from my daughter's house in the next village. She'd been out shopping for a few people so I felt I should.
I openened the gates and nearly had a panic attack trying to get into the car! I felt faint and couldn't breathe.

Luckily, I pulled myself out of it.
I've been through worse times personally, I got through them.
There are those far worse off than me.
Next year it will be another thing to try to forget. We just have to get on with it!
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05-04-2020, 08:13 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Originally Posted by TessA ->
I've had two difficult days, one where I couldn't bear to watch or hear anything mentioning the C word and didn't want to talk to anyone.
Today I had to go out to fetch groceries from my daughter's house in the next village. She'd been out shopping for a few people so I felt I should.
I openened the gates and nearly had a panic attack trying to get into the car! I felt faint and couldn't breathe.

Luckily, I pulled myself out of it.
I've been through worse times personally, I got through them.
There are those far worse off than me.
Next year it will be another thing to try to forget. We just have to get on with it!

Tess, it is gradually affecting most of us, you are NOT alone.
We will all be alright, just hang on in there and this will pass - promise.
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05-04-2020, 09:03 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Originally Posted by TessA ->
I've had two difficult days, one where I couldn't bear to watch or hear anything mentioning the C word and didn't want to talk to anyone.
Today I had to go out to fetch groceries from my daughter's house in the next village. She'd been out shopping for a few people so I felt I should.
I openened the gates and nearly had a panic attack trying to get into the car! I felt faint and couldn't breathe.

Luckily, I pulled myself out of it.
I've been through worse times personally, I got through them.
There are those far worse off than me.
Next year it will be another thing to try to forget. We just have to get on with it!
Yes, we have to get on with it, so sorry about your panic attack, they are not nice. I keep telling myself there are worse off people than myself too, lonely people who have no one to even talk to. I wish I could do more to help other people, but this is about keeping myself safe so I can keep Dad safe, he wouldn't cope without me and if I were gone he would have no one. That bothers me more than anything, him being left alone.
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05-04-2020, 09:37 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

There is one more thing I have just thought of if anyone felt in need of a little more help and support, or knows anyone else who could do with a little extra TLC to get through this.

Here is the link:
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05-04-2020, 10:02 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

Originally Posted by Mups ->
There is one more thing I have just thought of if anyone felt in need of a little more help and support, or knows anyone else who could do with a little extra TLC to get through this.

Here is the link:
Well done Mups! That's good to know!
Thanks x
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05-04-2020, 10:18 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

It must be awful for those who are not used to being alone or have had family members who have died leaving them to grieve alone

I guess I am lucky having got used to being on my own over the years, having had to deal with all the disasters life has thrown at me I am also mentally strong and will cope with this latest event too however long it lasts...
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06-04-2020, 05:40 AM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health


In any outbreak of an infectious disease the elderly and those with other health conditions are more affected than others.

There is a thing called viral load, the young and fit who obey the rules and much safer than us oldies.

The young and fit who ignore the rules expose themselves to a much greater viral load and are far more likely to die than others.

My point was a valid one.
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06-04-2020, 11:34 AM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

I've got that I don't want to leave my house, I got like this when OH was so ill & then I had to stay in for him, but after, when he died, I still didn't want to go out, that was nearly 4 years ago now, but I am begining to feel like that again. I have no interest in leaving my house & garden, daft, but it is easier for me to stay put & of course that is what we have to do.
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06-04-2020, 08:23 PM

Re: Covid-19 and Mental Health

As a rule, I never admit to anyone when I feel down. It makes me worse talking about it. In reality mine's trifling in comparison to what others go through, and I do appreciate that.

I always pretend I'm fine, smile and carry on. But given we are all in a very worrying time with all that's happening, I will admit to feeling low. One day is good and I have bags of energy and positivity, another day I keep falling asleep, full of apathy and generally feeling cold and a tad tearful. I'm not used to feeling so apathetic. I've always picked myself up and worked it off.

It's strange. I love living alone. Never felt lonely. At the moment I'm feeling trapped, and surprisingly for me, I think I feel lonely - no-one in the house to interact with, no-one to take over, no-one to lean on, no pets to cuddle now, just rats in the garden and I'm buggered if I'm cuddling them

That's another thing, the garden. I can't lose myself working in it to relieve the angst. The rats have made me feel like giving up. I shore up their holes but still they get out and decimate plants around the holes. I feel nervous I'll pick something up from the soil if I remove plants from the area, ie opening the space to make them p*ss off. No bedding plants either. So what's the point doing gardening anyway. I've already done the pruning, tended to things that need it, painted the shed. Too many fence panels to paint. I can't be bothered. I feel downhearted.

I want to decorate, but chest and sinuses would protest. Not the best thing to have respiratory wise at the mo, with the virus knocking about. I want to stride out for my walk every day, but my hair is so flat because it's way past the time for it's highlights, which adds substance to it as it's so fine. My face has suddenly broken out with peeling, flaking skin. I look dreadful which doesn't help my mood. I want to hide. I'm only going out walking a couple of times a week, if that. I've a treadmill in the spare b/room which looks out onto the garden. I don't want to use it and look at the state of the garden. If I shut my eyes to the view while on the treadmill, I'd probably fall off. I could shut the curtains but why should I, I don't want to.

I'm rotting into inertia. My hips hurt through lack of motion. The internet keeps going down, my laptop keeps freezing.... food I'm eating is making me off kilter.... and I feel irritated... I wish someone was with me to gee me up. I hate feeling out of control and being a weakling.

I have to face the world this week, I need shopping. Dreading going out looking like this, feeling like this. Then I tell myself at least I'm alive and breathing. Tomorrow I will cope fine.

There. Now I'll shut up. Pretend I never said anything.
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