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17-07-2015, 01:23 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Why don't they just pass a law to force them to cut down on sugar content !
20 spoonfuls in a drink is ridiculous around 7 in Tomato soup !
No wonder people get 'used' to the taste of sugar - stupid to let this go on
Its a simple solution to cut way down on salt and sugar in foods - just bloomin do it !
An excellent point they use all that sugar because what they make tastes so bad !
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17-07-2015, 01:25 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
An excellent point they use all that sugar because what they make tastes so bad !
So true Julie!
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17-07-2015, 01:28 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
An excellent point they use all that sugar because what they make tastes so bad !
Then they would have to improve wouldn't they ....
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17-07-2015, 01:31 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
It has been proved to work so you can't dispute it. When you hurt someone in their pocket they have to adjust whether they like it or not. Worked with cigarettes and booze.

What it will do is jump start the big supermarkets to produce healthier foods. This is absolutely vital.
Do you have the facts and figures that show that increased taxes on cigarettes and alcohol has cut down consumption MKJ?
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17-07-2015, 03:28 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Uff ->
Do you have the facts and figures that show that increased taxes on cigarettes and alcohol has cut down consumption MKJ?
From what I hear, it has had a small affect on tobacco and I see no evidence of alcohol dwindling because of price ...
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17-07-2015, 03:58 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Uff ->
Do you have the facts and figures that show that increased taxes on cigarettes and alcohol has cut down consumption MKJ?
Here is an extract related to alcohol with proof it does work ...

Originally Posted by Telegraph
David Cameron has, in the past, backed alcohol minimum pricing in this country, but so far nothing has come of it. Does it work to reduce the harm done by alcohol?

British Columbia, a province of Canada, has had a minimum-price policy for alcohol for more than 20 years: a study there in 2012 found that "Increases in minimum prices of alcoholic beverages can substantially reduce alcohol consumption." A 2014 NHS review of the evidence agreed, finding "Minimum unit pricing seems to affect the population of drinkers at highest risk across all socioeconomic categories." What's more, it doesn't seem to hit the poorest hardest: "People with the lowest income do not seem to be particularly disadvantaged by minimum unit pricing because this group drinks less than people with higher income." The same results can be achieved by increasing tax on alcohol, according to the NHS.

And the effects of reducing drinking in this way could be profound: a meta-analysis in the American Journal of Public Health found that "Our results suggest that doubling the alcohol tax would reduce alcohol-related mortality by an average of 35%, traffic crash deaths by 11%, sexually transmitted disease by 6%, violence by 2%, and crime by 1.4%."

To reiterate: none of this implies, necessarily, that smoking bans and alcohol minimum pricing are the right thing to do. There are profound questions of personal liberty involved, about how far should adults be able to harm themselves (and those around them). But on their own terms, these "nanny state" measures do seem to be effective.
Smoking bans and alcohol taxes: do they work?

Tobacco is somewhat different as it is highly addictive to so many but the same logic must apply to smoking costs too: if you can't afford to buy fags how can you smoke? Trouble is, I suppose, many will go without other 'stuff' than go without fags.
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17-07-2015, 04:06 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Do the countries where this is working have the same drinking culture we have here ?
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17-07-2015, 04:20 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Do the countries where this is working have the same drinking culture we have here ?
Don't think it matters as it all boils down to logic: you can't spend what you don't have. Won't make a bit of difference to those that can afford it but even so there are many it will curtail. There have been lots of times I haven't had much dosh and the cost of a bottle of booze definitely played a big part in how much I would drink. I could easily afford to drink myself to death now but even so my programming wouldn't allow me to waste money. Booze and fags are luxuries after all. If a bottle of vodka was £25 as opposed to £10 that would help put a stopper to any desire I would have to get drunk again. I would savour it as opposed to gulping it.
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17-07-2015, 04:36 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

Don't take this the wrong way Mark I promise it's not an insult, but you are a different drinker to many these days, they live to get off their heads before they go out, don't care what they down savouring it is about as far from their minds as it could be.
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17-07-2015, 04:47 PM

Re: Sugar tax?

The thin end of the wedge? Tax sugar, then tax fat, then tax all processed foods, then portion size....

I dispute the view that 'healthy' food is necessarily more expensive. Even if you gave it away some people would still buy "unhealthy" alternatives
because they have no idea how to prepare and cook food.

This isn't Mexico. I doubt if a 10% tax would have much effect and I really doubt if the tax raised would be used to health purposes .
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