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14-06-2013, 08:51 AM

Re: Tonight 'The secret life of the cat '.

I liked the programme in one way as it proved my thoughts about cats were correct. Regarding the purring they do. I just get up on their command and do what they want like a zombie
I have had cats all of my life so there wasn't that much to learn although I did love some of the close up shots they did of the cats walking towards the camera. My Rio loves watching wild life programmes and was really taken by one of the male cats. The b and w fluffy one whose name has gone out of my head. She even put one of her paws out to him when he was walking
I am a servant in my house and open doors even though we have a cat flap. I do have sneaky cats coming in and pinching my cats food, we don't often have dead animals around as mine don't seem really bothered about hunting. My Bob goes to someone elses house as I have mentioned before as I know they smoke, and eat kippers. So a good programme for those who are not intimate with cats. Wish they had done my Bob so I knew which house it was he goes to
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14-06-2013, 10:20 AM

Re: Tonight 'The secret life of the cat '.

Originally Posted by mesco m ->
I found it a little disappointing. I didn't learn anything that I didn't know or guessed at before.
I did too! I don't understand why they said that cats aren't hunting as much, there was 50 of them in a small area, they'd probably hunted the place to death! My two bring in stuff practically everyday including whole litters of rabbits, shrews etc. Too small a study to make these assumptions.
Must admit I'd like to put a camera on mine, but it would probably get caught in the bushes, don't like collars, my sister's cat hanged himself in a tree.
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