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15-03-2016, 02:23 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Feeling sick at the thought of this happening. Humans are the most despicable creatures on the planet...
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15-03-2016, 03:21 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
Thatīs horrible Mups and even worse is the fact that the law really is nothing but a huge joke.
How true.
Crime pays in Broken Britain.

Funny, isn't it, that those with the power to change things don't seem to see the problem. Probably because they are unaffected by such things.
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15-03-2016, 03:29 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Just watching my recording of Behind Closed Doors.

Granted, some women are just too stupid for their own good: taking back an animal that has beaten them up, sometimes more than once.

But here are examples of how the justice system fails many victims of domestic abuse by issuing sentences that are so lenient that the perpetrators just laugh on their way out of court.
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15-03-2016, 05:46 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Dear Mups ...
Congrats! Your link works perfectly. Your techno-skills appear to exceed mine - which is not difficult.

I certainly "do not want to be rude" either.
But I do try to be in possession of as much available evidence as possible before rushing to judgement.
Your link was quite dated in that it reported only the theft and immediate impact.
It did not (could not) take into account all that was revealed later - which the judge (and jury ?) did hear.

It's just a smidge naughty to suggest that if Bruce or I were on a jury we would strive to "get obvious criminals off the hook".
Hopefully, we would weigh-up all the actual evidence (not just media reports) and seek a just outcome.

You mention "those thugs". Its seems that only one youth was charged.
Presumably, British police and prosecutors doing their jobs.

I do take your point that revealing the fate of the dogs would suggest genuine remorse.
On the other hand (we don't know), doing so could possibly have put the young bloke at risk from a third party ?
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15-03-2016, 06:43 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Dear Mups ...
Congrats! Your link works perfectly. Your techno-skills appear to exceed mine - which is not difficult.

I certainly "do not want to be rude" either.
But I do try to be in possession of as much available evidence as possible before rushing to judgement.
Your link was quite dated in that it reported only the theft and immediate impact.
It did not (could not) take into account all that was revealed later - which the judge (and jury ?) did hear.

It's just a smidge naughty to suggest that if Bruce or I were on a jury we would strive to "get obvious criminals off the hook".
Hopefully, we would weigh-up all the actual evidence (not just media reports) and seek a just outcome.

You mention "those thugs". Its seems that only one youth was charged.
Presumably, British police and prosecutors doing their jobs.

I do take your point that revealing the fate of the dogs would suggest genuine remorse.
On the other hand (we don't know), doing so could possibly have put the young bloke at risk from a third party

Put the poor mite at risk??? He should have thought of that before he stole the puppies.
He would have upset the pups, the mother, and the family they belong to, as well as the families looking forward to them in their new homes.
I can't believe you might think its ok for him to not tell the owners what he did with the pups for fear of getting a walloping from his 'third party'!!
If they had been my dogs I would not be remotely concerned about a 'third party' thumping him. I would do the same to him meself given half a chance. Thieving little git.

Sorry Pummy, we will never agree on this, so I'll bow out now.
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15-03-2016, 06:59 PM

Re: Crime paid.

No probs, Mups. Grown-ups can agree to differ.
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15-03-2016, 07:32 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Put the poor mite at risk??? He should have thought of that before he stole the puppies.
He would have upset the pups, the mother, and the family they belong to, as well as the families looking forward to them in their new homes.
I can't believe you might think its ok for him to not tell the owners what he did with the pups for fear of getting a walloping from his 'third party'!!
If they had been my dogs I would not be remotely concerned about a 'third party' thumping him. I would do the same to him meself given half a chance. Thieving little git.

Sorry Pummy, we will never agree on this, so I'll bow out now.
It's totally unacceptable
Not so little he's 16 not 6 for goodness sake old enough to get a job and have sex.
He's a thief
Why do people make excuses for criminals ?
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15-03-2016, 07:44 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
It's totally unacceptable
Not so little he's 16 not 6 for goodness sake old enough to get a job and have sex.
He's a thief
Why do people make excuses for criminals ?
I have no idea, but I'm afraid there is no shortage of those who do. What drives them? Is it something to do with their consciences? Do they feel better having defended one of these little scrotes?
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15-03-2016, 08:52 PM

Re: Crime paid.

Without the papers the dogs are only worth a fraction of their true value.
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15-03-2016, 09:01 PM

Re: Crime paid.

I've heard that there are some who snatch dogs (and cats for that matter) and sell them to those who engage in the 'sport' of dog fighting for their dogs to 'practise' with.

I know what I'd do with them and, bearing in mind how ineffective our judicial system is, I think that's the only real answer.
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