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10-08-2015, 08:46 PM

Re: Do you buy British

Being a towny, there are no other options but to buy from the local supermarkets.
I have the 3 big ones all within a 10 minute walk.
I do look at the labels to see where it originates from. It is easy even in the big 3 to buy British on many items.
I do envy those that live in the countryside, being able to buy fresh from the farm shops.
I have had the opportunity to do this in the distance past for a while.
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10-08-2015, 09:04 PM

Re: Do you buy British

I buy all my meat fresh from my local farm shop/farmer. It is more expensive but I know where it's come from and while I can afford it will continue to do so. My vegetables I buy from the local green grocers, and try wherever I can to buy other products that are British.
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10-08-2015, 09:12 PM

Re: Do you buy British

Theres a few posters that see it as I do ,once we lose our farmers then we will be at the mercy of other countries to feed us ..Prices will rise and rise .
I strongly believe we must support our farmers , whether it be Milk , or Meat ..
Thanks for giving your views ,its nice to know there's others out there thinking the same .
As far as Rich farmers , i'm not that sure there's that many around .,A farmer told me the price on his beast had dropped because of beast imported from Europe ..
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10-08-2015, 09:31 PM

Re: Do you buy British

I buy:-
Yorkshire meat/poultry from accredited farms.
Irish Butter - because their cows are still grass fed and not full of growth hormones and antibiotics.
Locally grown fruit/veg/free range eggs from the farm shop.
Whitby fish - from a proper fishmonger.
We are also lucky enough to have a cheesemonger in town.
And - like Meg - my milk is delivered daily - in glass bottles.

I never, ever, buy 'fresh' food from supermarkets because you cannot always guarantee it's origin or it's freshness.
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10-08-2015, 10:22 PM

Re: Do you buy British

Originally Posted by Eliza ->
As far as Rich farmers , i'm not that sure there's that many around .
I'm not so sure Eliza ... On my countryside walks I pass a lot of farms and I've never seen a humble looking farmhouse yet. They have landscaped gardens and solar panel. One we passed recently even had a Peacock roaming around. It came after us and attacked my walking friend!!

I guess there are some poor ones too - who knows.

I do agree with you about buying British thought and would pay that extra cost.
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10-08-2015, 10:36 PM

Re: Do you buy British

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
I buy British when I can, not always possible, but I recently read that M&S, Waitrose and Co op give the farmers a fair price and I usually buy from them. We had a milkman deliver ours until a few years ago and have to say it tasted much better from a glass bottle!
I buy British meat from Aldi or Lidl and M&S, sometimes, though we're not big meat eaters.
The fruit and veg are from local greengrocers so, hopefully, locally sourced.

If we don't support them now it'll be no use complaining when we have to import ALL our milk - and the price will be determined by foreign markets, it's more expensive in France, for instance..

I agree cranberry. It said on our local radio the other day that there used to be around 58 dairy farms in this county, now there are only three! Farmers are selling off their cows at an alarming rate because they are losing so many thousands of pounds over milk production.

I don't want imported milk, and it shouldn't even be considered. We have too much imported stuff as it is.

Not all farmers are as wealthy as we think either. They don't all own thousands of acres of agricultural land. Just because we see a farmer working some fields, it doesn't mean to say he OWNS then. Many farmers rent some, or all of their acreage.
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10-08-2015, 11:40 PM

Re: Do you buy British

Itīs all well and good to buy local produce if you can afford it, but I guess most families have to go for what they can afford. Most people have to budget and so of course they will buy the cheapest.

During my early career I worked as a secretary at the NFU County Branch and to be honest I never saw a poor farmer, they all turned up for meetings in new vehicles, expensive ones too. They got subsidies for just about everything, they did pretty well, probably still do. Farmers are well known for "grumbling" about everything and we had a cartoon on the office wall, it was a secretary at the NFU answering the phone, the caption was
"good morning, NFU county branch, whose grumbling please?"

Mr Clumsy was brought up on a farm, all his aunts and uncles were farmers too, some in Derbyshire some in Lincolnshire and none of them were hard up, although they liked to give the impression that they were.

Just for fun, an old favourite.
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11-08-2015, 06:05 AM

Re: Do you buy British

I do like to limit the air miles on all my foodstuffs. Not just a sense of loyalty also I dont think its that good for the food to have been harvested and flow around the globe before getting here.
Plus pesticides and water standards in far off places differ greatly from our own.
When it comes to other products Im not that bothered ...I once went to buy a large applience and mentioned Id prefer to buy British. The shop owner said 'now do you want made in UK but owned by a forgien company or do you want a Bristish company who has their factory in China or India'?

Made me realise that made in UK, by British workers, in British company was almost impossible.
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11-08-2015, 09:27 AM

Re: Do you buy British

Cheapest because even stuff with UK on it can be from other countries but packaged here. I would love to buy British but we just don't earn enough to support the rich farmers.
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11-08-2015, 11:25 AM

Re: Do you buy British

I have just been to the local greengrocers and bought my pots, veg and fruit. I no longer ask where they source there goods from because I really don't need to know.

I give my custom to this local shop, which is in stiff competition to Tesco's, Co op and Iceland who are all on the same small road so that it can continue trading

As everything is loose and weighed there is no excessive packaging to bump up the cost or add to your waste. Good value for money with the added bonus that your custom is very much appreciated.
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