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25-08-2014, 01:42 PM

Re: Dating again.

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Hi Mups - I was never one that went for looks, personality was it for me, afterall if its just looks they fade, a good personality will go on. To laugh every day is key to me.
If I was on my own in the future I would stay that way with the memories. If you haven't got those to hang onto then go for the companionship, its 'never' too late

That's very true Patsy, but I didn't have the sense to know that back in my early teens. (need a wistful smilie).
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25-08-2014, 01:52 PM

Re: Dating again.

Oddly enough I was thinking about this recently - if I was the one left on my own then I really don't think I could be bothered with all that dating entails!!!
I have my family, small though it is, my garden, my books and the internet so think I'd survive...I'm not really a social animal anymore, anyway
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25-08-2014, 02:24 PM

Re: Dating again.

Having been divorced once.. and widowed once... then remarried.. I can speak only from my experience.

My 1st husband was a handsom devil... partly that.. and partly to escape a bad home situation, I married him. We had 2 children.. and divorced 9 years later when I was 27. The "handsome devil" part was IMO the reason for his multiple transgresions. Women saw him as handsome and sexy... unfortunately so did he.. And he used that to his advantage.

I married my 2nd husband at age 31.. with 2 young kids in tow... it's really hard to be choosy... He also was very very good looking.. (you would think I'd have learned)... but he was also a control freak.. who proceded to do his best to make me miserable for 21 years... until he died... suddenly.. My insecurities and the history of ONE failed marriage kept me with him... but I had already written him off as a lost cause.

My third and present husband is very much UNLIKE the other two. He's not handsome.. He's not "built".. BUT he is kind to me.. He is funny and makes me laugh. I look forward to coming home from work to spend the evening or the weekends in his company. That is what is important to me now.. the fact that I can live with someone and be comfortable and happy. We change as we age.. He is not someone I would have looked twice at in my younger days.. He is someone I love and respect and who returns those emotions. That's all that matters now.
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25-08-2014, 06:03 PM

Re: Dating again.

Well we have been married 43 and a half years when the inevitable happens, If he goes first I am afraid I couldn't even think of anyone replacing him. To me ideal scenario would be, we go together in some crash or something. Some may regard that as morbid , I don"t , what the heck.
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25-08-2014, 06:09 PM

Re: Dating again.

'spose the older one is when widowed, the less likely they are interested in remarrying. At this point, if something happened to my husband, I don't believe I would actively look to finding another mate. BUT... who knows? I'm never one to say never. I have learned that it's best to not proclaim what one would or wouldn't do so adamently... until one is actually experiencing the situation.

That said... One can NEVER "replace" one human with another... they are not light bulbs.. lol!!!
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25-08-2014, 06:24 PM

Re: Dating again.

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Well we have been married 43 and a half years when the inevitable happens, If he goes first I am afraid I couldn't even think of anyone replacing him. To me ideal scenario would be, we go together in some crash or something. Some may regard that as morbid , I don"t , what the heck.
Feel the same way - there is such a thing as a 'soul mate'
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25-08-2014, 06:33 PM

Re: Dating again.

Originally Posted by patsy ->
feel the same way - there is such a thing as a 'soul mate'
Patsy, .
I remember My MIL Saying "Some people are born for each other".
If memory serves wasn"t there a song expressing those sentiments. That was long, long after she said it to me .
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25-08-2014, 06:41 PM

Re: Dating again.

Originally Posted by APRICOT ->
Patsy, .
I remember My MIL Saying "Some people are born for each other".
If memory serves wasn"t there a song expressing those sentiments. That was long, long after she said it to me .
I really do believe that ........
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25-08-2014, 06:46 PM

Re: Dating again.

I know someone who says "every pot has it's lid" .

Yes, the dating game is very difficult if you've been with the one you regarded as a soul mate for decades.

However, someone else will have lost their soul mate and maybe, just maybe, you might just "click". They say you can have more than one soul mate. I now understand and can say that this is so very true.

Good luck to all who date in later years. Remember one thing. If someone doesn't enhance your life and make you feel special, then they are not worth bothering about, and yes, you probably would be happier on your own. I've been very lucky that I've met someone who treats me like the only woman in the world. I hope it happens for you to.
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25-08-2014, 06:59 PM

Re: Dating again.

. If someone doesn't enhance your life and make you feel special, then they are not worth bothering about, and yes, you probably would be happier on your own.
I look around at my neighbours and my sister with their grumpy husbands and think ''My goodness if he was mine he would be getting a damson pudding'' (damsons are so bitter you can't taste the cyanide ).
The women seem to have no freedom from their men and appear to have to ask permission for everything they do

I do what I want when I want without having to bother about anyone. I guess being alone so long I have become very selfish and couldn't cope with trying to please anyone but the dog
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