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01-10-2016, 11:15 AM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

It used to work here after WWII. It works in most of Northern Europe and Scandinavian countries. It's just a question of a fair deal for all, as FDR said in American when he was elected to save the country from the Great Depression. However, as soon as fairness and equality is mentioned, the rich and greedy harness their power to convince the masses that it's a dangerous concept born of Communism that will enslave them and ruin the country.

Unfortunately, the gullible would rather believe propaganda than think for themselves and examine the evidence.
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01-10-2016, 11:37 AM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Well, I've never known such a deep divide between "them and us" in my lifetime as there is now.
Just saying...
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01-10-2016, 12:06 PM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

the rich will always wish to remain rich and do not wish to share their wealth amongst the masses. and there is a well worn truism that if we did take all the wealth from the wealthy and shared it equally amongst the not so wealthy we would not be anymore prosperous - ie it is the wealthy that keep a country prosperous - not equal - but prosperous

ps: there are many communists that have become wealthy and do not wish to share their wealth - most of the communist leaders fit this bill - take Putin for example or that idiot with palaces everywhere in Romania - communism doesn't equal sharing
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01-10-2016, 05:15 PM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Originally Posted by Meg ->
The trouble with some people like Corbyn and his ilk is they are living in bygone age and still stick to the 'them and us' mentality instead of seeing the bigger picture.

There isn't any 'them and us' just different people some of whom do better in life than others and thank goodness some do and for the high earners who pay lots of tax to help support us all.
No Meg i disagree there is a them and us in the North v the South, but you would think that would be of benefit to Corbyn, in fact many went over to Farage during Millibands reign, and ive not seen any desire to connect back with labour.
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01-10-2016, 05:56 PM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
the rich will always wish to remain rich and do not wish to share their wealth amongst the masses ....
Occasionally, good things happen -

"In an effort to ease their granddaughter's pain, Barry and Joy Lambert donated a staggering
$34 million to Sydney University for research into the medical use of cannabis.

Andrew Forrest ... has focused on ending Aboriginal disadvantage and improving education, and his private foundation has donated more than $250 million in the past 15 years.

Greg Poche ... gave $50 million to the Poche indigenous Health Network, which aims to “help close the gap in life expectancy and achieve health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”.
He also has donated more than $100 million to fund melanoma research.
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01-10-2016, 07:14 PM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Oh goody goody. We don't need to worry about the NHS being turned over to asset strippers. Multi-millionaires are going to pay for our health in future.

Much like they paid for the regeneration of industry in the North.
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01-10-2016, 07:21 PM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Jesus 1 Where did that come from ?

All I said was that
"Occasionally, good things happen"
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03-10-2016, 08:38 AM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Occasionally, good things happen -

"In an effort to ease their granddaughter's pain, Barry and Joy Lambert donated a staggering
$34 million to Sydney University for research into the medical use of cannabis.

Andrew Forrest ... has focused on ending Aboriginal disadvantage and improving education, and his private foundation has donated more than $250 million in the past 15 years.

Greg Poche ... gave $50 million to the Poche indigenous Health Network, which aims to “help close the gap in life expectancy and achieve health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples”.
He also has donated more than $100 million to fund melanoma research.
That's interesting and very good, I'm always wondering when doing good works become something people stopped doing, many rich people in past centuries did a lot to help poorer people, not something many feel the need to do these days. I doubt we'll see a bournville village again.

Churches did a lot too but if they try now it's viewed with suspicion.
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03-10-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

The reason 'Good Works' were done by the super rich in the old days was because there was no government support for the destitute. After WWII the government set up a Welfare system that ensured everyone, no matter their circumstances, had enough to live on and feed their families, and a National Health Service, all paid for by National Insurance and taxation. Rich and poor alike were included in the system, all paying in a proportion of what they earned, which acted like a blood stream, feeding and keeping healthy the whole population.
In the 1980s this system was degraded and dismantled by the Thatcher government and has been diminishing ever since through tax avoidance by the super rich, loss of industry and well paid workers, the high cost of unemployment and welfare due to hiving off responsibility for both by government into private interest and the inevitable profit motive.
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03-10-2016, 11:41 AM

Re: Please help, I am a bit thick.

Originally Posted by Baxter8 ->
Not sure how Corbyn economics could be proved as Corbyn is unique to the UK and it's unique economic landscape . Or am i once again forced to state the bleedin' obvious.

I for one cant wait for the revolution
Are you actually doing your bit for the revolution Comrade?
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