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18-08-2013, 07:24 PM

Re: Composting!

I agree with Barry, your compost will be too rich and heavy for seeds or cuttings Arthur.
And peeing on the compost is good for it.
This link might help
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18-08-2013, 08:07 PM

Re: Composting!

Add worms?
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18-08-2013, 11:23 PM

Re: Composting!

There will be no greenhouse or planting and growing our own from seed this coming year, we are cutting back.
Getting a bit too old for it now, so we shall be trying something a bit different.
I will take on board what you say Barry, but the compost will not be used hot, my intensions are to have a pile cooling before using. If it keeps me busy that is all I am interested in, the growing is the wife's job.
As for worms Twiz we have tons of the things, I once bought a load from Tommy top soil of Halifax for fishing, keeping them in compost and feeding corrugated cardboard.
If anybody wants any they do send them out in the post.
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19-08-2013, 12:56 PM

Re: Composting!

There is nothing as satisfying as playing with my compost bins ....

Everyone has their ways of composting, you can use garden lime instead of a branded compost accelerator, I just rely on water. I do use two Darlek type composters but they do not compare with my old wooden compost bin.

Things to remember, never add cooked food to the bin .... stinging nettles are full of nutrients but dispose of the roots in a bonfire or at the recycling centre. Add the contents of your vacuum cleaner, it is only dust after all. Shredded paper and cardboard are good .... all this cuts down the amount of rubbish going to landfill .... gardeners are so saintly
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20-08-2013, 06:32 AM

Re: Composting!

Don't forget there are two types of composting hot and cold. In the former the process gets hot enough to catch fire on occasions and needs turning to stop it getting too hot. The advantages of this method is that it is quicker and kills weeds

If you are using the plastic bins then you are doing cold composting it takes longer and relies a lot on worms and bacteria (microbes?) to break the matter down weeds and seeds survive - which is why I get a lot of tomatoes every year from the area around my bins. It also needs air for the process either by turning or inserting those perforated plastic drainage pipes as you build the stuff up. The other important thing is not to put too much of one type of ingredient ie a thick layer of grass clippings will just smell and not compost at all.

The carbon to nitrogen ratio is important - Carbon is basically brown stuff like wood, cardboard, leaves grass. Nitrogen is green stuff like fruit, vegie scraps, manure etc. You need a lot more carbon than nitrogen.

Well that's all I know about it. I use the plastic bins btw, never liked the way my old man's compost used to steam from the heat. every so often I throw in a layer of soil and some garden lime. Once the bin is full and the level shrunk several inches I pull the bin off then shovel the contents back in to stir them up a bit. Seems to work OK
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20-08-2013, 07:35 AM

Re: Composting!

Thanks bruce all helpful, I intend to build open compost heaps [because I have some spare wood] and a few plastic ones.
I need to get my shredder sorted out first, and popping out this afternoon to have a butchers hook.
I once built 3 big beehive type com posters, but they gradually rotted away.
I shall have a good look to see what is out there.
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20-08-2013, 12:39 PM

Re: Composting!

Helps to consider the location within the garden you are siting your composter. I was using a plastic Dalek type and put it in the SW corner against the fences, hardly any sun, did nothing , just soggy slime. Moved it to the NW corner against the back of the shed 1/2 day sun, it heats up a treat and the day after putting grass cuttings in can usually be seen steaming. I imagine if I put it in the NE corner it would get too much sun and dry out.
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20-08-2013, 02:41 PM

Re: Composting!

Good points Eric, since posting earlier I have had a bit of luck, I have just been given 9 sturdy pallets, sturdier than the ones in this VT. they will be delivered Sunday, the site gets Sun from about 9 am till late evening.
This is how I shall do it for a start, but it will take me years to fill these, I know my neighbours will be only too pleased to get rid of some, so heres hoping.

See Here
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20-08-2013, 05:43 PM

Re: Composting!

I have ordered 10kg of garrotte from Ebay, for only £18, which is very cheap.
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20-08-2013, 06:11 PM

Re: Composting!

Best of luck then Arthur, you certainly seem determined to give it a good go...
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