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18-12-2019, 11:38 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Our government is real concerned about the amount of money China is 'throwing' at the Pacific Island countries, so they (govt.) are now pouring money into their health and social 'issues'.
Too late. Like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
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18-12-2019, 11:54 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

I don't mind this two way conversation Isa. IT's good. Others will join in again hopefully when they get up tomorrow ..I must commend your country and it's awesome leader hugely. Australia and NZ must work very closely together over this problem. We both welcome people from all over the world to our shores. We both want those people to live in peace but stick to our values of tolerance and freedom. China neither offers or respects either of those principles. We are the de facto guardians of the South Pacific whether we like it or not. With power comes responsibility. Your prime minister is a brave, brilliant, ethical and very charismatic person. She is an example to the world. We need somebody like her here and we don't have that person. Not in power leastways. Our politicians here are good at playing with money - sometimes. But they are gutless. They need to settle for less (Chinese) money and more principle. I would be happy to pay more and wait longer for a decently made car from Korea or Japan or products made in Australia, Japan, NZ, UK, USA, Germany etc than buy cheap, short lived trash from China and sell our soul.
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19-12-2019, 01:11 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Whats happened KZ?
Whats going on over there?
You sound so upset mate, not like your usual self?
I hope you are only venting over something, try to chill a bit mate!
Regards Donkeyman!
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19-12-2019, 01:32 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Whats happened KZ?
Whats going on over there?
You sound so upset mate, not like your usual self?
I hope you are only venting over something, try to chill a bit mate!
Regards Donkeyman!
Upset?..not as such, but very nervous and on edge because the whole of my city is surrounded by fire. The biggest one which is just 20 kms or so west of us is now covering nearly 420,000 hectares. That's 4,200 square kilometres. The rural fire service and fire air force are throwing everything they have at it and only just keeping it from spreading to the greater Sydney metro area. It's really serious. We've got firies from Canada, US and NZ here assisting. So we are all on edge. But my spit here is about China and how it's behaving. Maybe you should read the book I mentioned. That says it all.
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19-12-2019, 01:44 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Originally Posted by Isa49 ->
Our government is real concerned about the amount of money China is 'throwing' at the Pacific Island countries, so they (govt.) are now pouring money into their health and social 'issues'.
Too late. Like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
They are probably riight to worry Isa, but can NZ really hope to
compete with china on spending?
I would think your best bet to promote your cause is by highlighting
all the downsides of the chinese system, such as hong kong and
other such issues by using the media on the islands to get the
message across to the population, also improve the education
systems in the islands?However, a bigger question is confronting
the pacific islands than political ones,, and p think the antipodese
should be preparing for a worst case scenario?
Regards Donkeyman!
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19-12-2019, 02:13 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
Upset?..not as such, but very nervous and on edge because the whole of my city is surrounded by fire. The biggest one which is just 20 kms or so west of us is now covering nearly 420,000 hectares. That's 4,200 square kilometres. The rural fire service and fire air force are throwing everything they have at it and only just keeping it from spreading to the greater Sydney metro area. It's really serious. We've got firies from Canada, US and NZ here assisting. So we are all on edge. But my spit here is about China and how it's behaving. Maybe you should read the book I mentioned. That says it all.
Yes l know KZ, it looks very serious, l know what it feels lke having
lived through the same thing a couple of times in SA when l lived
in the southern forests for a few years, one time we had lumps of
burning charcoal falling out of the sky around the farm!
I wont say any more as l dont want to alarm you.
One thing l'd like to know is, dont you have any fire breaks around
the settlements? Its probably too late now as the fires have been
burning for soo long? I did ask this earlier on the forum but so far
no answer?
Anyway, good luck mate, keep your pecker up!
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19-12-2019, 11:40 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

NZ of course can't compete with China as far as spending in the Pacific goes, the govt. is showing it's commitment.
Many here did not want the free trade agreement with China, I for one, but what do the public know.
Our main city Auckland is like an asian country. It's nothing for the asian population to be 40% in a few areas.

The fire over there is catastrophic, I sure hope it doesn't get any closer to Sydney. Stay safe.
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20-12-2019, 02:50 AM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Thanks Isa. Here is that book for you and anybody else that's interested. It does concentrate on Australia but I think it's relevant to any country that deals with China and the trade off between getting their money and cheap goods and the toxic nature of their regime. I stress again that I or very few other Australians have one thing against the Chinese people per se. They have brought a lot to our country and they are welcome. It's the current mob of thugs that run the place that we object to. Yes I know, people can say.."Yes but what about the USA!..blah blah"..That is pointless. Whatever wrongs the US does doesn't warrant ignoring what happens in China or what they do outside their boundaries of jurisdiction. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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Melton,United Kingdom
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20-12-2019, 01:04 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Ive just seen a computer generated view of ozzie from space,
and it seems as if oz has spontaneously combusted now that the
ambient temperature is now so high!
Maybe it is not as bad as depicted, l hope so because it looked
pretty disastrous to me? Might be an international effort needs
to be mounted, but quickly and with not too much discussion?
Best wishes
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20-12-2019, 09:36 PM

Re: Chinese Police Cars in Australia

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Ive just seen a computer generated view of ozzie from space,
and it seems as if oz has spontaneously combusted now that the
ambient temperature is now so high!
Maybe it is not as bad as depicted, l hope so because it looked
pretty disastrous to me? Might be an international effort needs
to be mounted, but quickly and with not too much discussion?
Best wishes
It's a frightening situation, 2 more firefighters have died, they have said the fire is too big to put out so they have to concentrate on back burning and dampening down areas behind it.
The PM of Australia is away on holidays while his country burns.
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