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09-07-2014, 05:35 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

I think all employers of 100 people or more should nominate at least one employee to go through this for a day - at work - just to get some insight into what it's really like for us.

The amount of times I've heard "Oh, yes I'm a bit deaf in my right ear" when you know damn well that translates as a slight deafness, not what some of us have!

I like the fact that it didn't take him long to realise you get isolated from the rest of the world, nobody wants your "input" anymore and so-on - you become a person on the outside looking in is how I think of it, which is very frustrating!

Perhaps if this idea caught on and more people tried it Customer Services just might get a bit better for us - ooooer - just seen a flying pig! stevmk2
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09-07-2014, 05:40 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
I think all employers of 100 people or more should nominate at least one employee to go through this for a day - at work - just to get some insight into what it's really like for us.

The amount of times I've heard "Oh, yes I'm a bit deaf in my right ear" when you know damn well that translates as a slight deafness, not what some of us have!

I like the fact that it didn't take him long to realise you get isolated from the rest of the world, nobody wants your "input" anymore and so-on - you become a person on the outside looking in is how I think of it, which is very frustrating!

Perhaps if this idea caught on and more people tried it Customer Services just might get a bit better for us - ooooer - just seen a flying pig! stevmk2

Oi, Steve matey - you leave my piglet pies alone!!!
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09-07-2014, 06:17 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

We sometimes take all our senses for granted. I''m not deaf, but think I need to listen carefully at times. My son has told me it's probably because I went to loud disco's and the cilia in my ears have been damaged!!
I wear really strong contact lenses. I couldn't function without them. The world is just a blur to me.
I think we need to realise that old age comes to us all, and it's a rare person who does not suffer from some kind of loss of our senses.
I work in a ward environment and it's sad to see patients who can't even read anymore as their eyesight is so poor. Even with hearing aids some of them can't hear that good either. They sort of live in a twilight world, not being able to take part in the conversation going on around them. I always feel for them.
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09-07-2014, 08:42 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
I think all employers of 100 people or more should nominate at least one employee to go through this for a day - at work - just to get some insight into what it's really like for us.

The amount of times I've heard "Oh, yes I'm a bit deaf in my right ear" when you know damn well that translates as a slight deafness, not what some of us have!

I like the fact that it didn't take him long to realise you get isolated from the rest of the world, nobody wants your "input" anymore and so-on - you become a person on the outside looking in is how I think of it, which is very frustrating!

Perhaps if this idea caught on and more people tried it Customer Services just might get a bit better for us - ooooer - just seen a flying pig! stevmk2
That's a fantastic idea Steve, I would suggest it for all employers and make the employer do it too !
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09-07-2014, 08:43 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

I lost hearing in one ear when my eardrum burst, that was bad enough, but, I did find people getting very impatient when I couldn't hear what they were saying. Having tinnitus is bad enough, I'd hate to not be able to hear at all, very scary!
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10-07-2014, 08:29 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That's a fantastic idea Steve, I would suggest it for all employers and make the employer do it too !
I really do wish someone would say "Hey, what a great idea to get people to realise that there are many, hidden disabilities" but the whole world only sees what it wants to see doesn't it Julie?

They see white sticks - they see wheelchairs - er - that's it. stevmk2
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10-07-2014, 08:34 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

Sadly these days even when they see those there isn't much help or empathy, get into a wheel chair and you become invisible and people talk to the person pushing it as if you are a child in a push chair. Believe me no disability is treated well really.
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10-07-2014, 08:42 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Sadly these days even when they see those there isn't much help or empathy, get into a wheel chair and you become invisible and people talk to the person pushing it as if you are a child in a push chair. Believe me no disability is treated well really.
I know Julie. Why is it so hard d'you think?

I work in a disabled environment - all my friends want - they ARE my friends - is to be treated as everyone else is.

I see that, so how hard is it for the world in general? stevmk2
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10-07-2014, 09:40 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

IMO people are scared they are scared it may all be catching or they are embarrassed and just don't know what to say. Tell you who will treat you the same though, that is kids they openly just demand to know why your legs don't work, wonder why we lose that openness and curiosity ?
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10-07-2014, 10:24 PM

Re: Deaf for a day

So true Julie and I have to admit I am one of those people who clam up because I am afraid to embarrass these people. However I do crouch so I am on the same level as they and listen to what they have to say.
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