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29-03-2014, 09:54 AM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

This is the link to the car .... You can see the old one he bought and the end result .......
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29-03-2014, 11:54 AM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Why would he do it??? - silly sod!!!
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29-03-2014, 12:00 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Why would he do it??? - silly sod!!!
Why not - plenty of people build things from nothing .....
He may get a job at the end of it, at least he's not idling !
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29-03-2014, 12:30 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Why not - plenty of people build things from nothing .....
He may get a job at the end of it, at least he's not idling !
No Patsy darlin' - that's not the point - the 'Reliant' is a 'death trap' because, being built of fibre-glass it is too light and can be blown off course in strong winds, and its rigidity is severely compromised by being built of fibre-glass. If it crashed or were involved in a serious collision, the passenger and driver would stand very little chance of survival.

I have no problem with him building per se, but something which is worthwhile - a proper car not a go-cart with a 'lid'.
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29-03-2014, 12:37 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by cranberry ->
Death traps though, aren't they? All that fibreglass...
One ran into the back of a car at very low speed outside my place when I lived on Brixton Hill. There was very little damage but the Robin did 'fail to proceed'.

Along came a tow truck, hooked it up and started to lift it, by the time the front wheel was a foot off the ground most of the fibreglass from the windscreen forward was shattered and most was on the roadway. The Robin looked a write off by then.

As an aside there was a Reliant Scimitar GTE about at the same time which was a very flashy looking sports car with something like a 2.5 litre motor. If I couldn't get my Aston Martin DB6 I would have settled for one of those.
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29-03-2014, 01:41 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
No Patsy darlin' - that's not the point - the 'Reliant' is a 'death trap' because, being built of fibre-glass it is too light and can be blown off course in strong winds, and its rigidity is severely compromised by being built of fibre-glass. If it crashed or were involved in a serious collision, the passenger and driver would stand very little chance of survival.

I have no problem with him building per se, but something which is worthwhile - a proper car not a go-cart with a 'lid'.
Honestly (sigh) I think you are missing the point here, as a fan he wanted to recreate the car.
He very 'rarely' drives it, when he does, its just short distance, and one day will sell it.
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29-03-2014, 05:07 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Thanks for that Jem - New York - Paris - Peckham - got to get that right !
As an avid fan I nearly posted about that and the picture confirmed it for me.

New York - That's when he took Raquel to the Hilton for lunch the first day he met her, and bribed the waiter to say he had a call from New York

Paris - That would be when he (unknowingly) assisted an illegal immigrant, and Boycee got him to be chauffer on his (Boycee's) trip to Paris. Turned out the deal was with the father of the hapless illegal immigrant

As far as I can recall he never did anything connected with Rome.
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29-03-2014, 05:11 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

You're right of course ! A senior moment from me
As you are an avid fan, do you recall the episode when Rodney took said car for a hair-raising ride with the barmaid scared stiff sat next to him, he was wearing a leather jacket - so funny !
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29-03-2014, 05:11 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

BTW - do you know the title of that one ....
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29-03-2014, 05:25 PM

Re: Robin - Alive and Well

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
the 'Reliant' is a 'death trap' because, being built of fibre-glass it is too light and can be blown off course in strong winds, and its rigidity is severely compromised by being built of fibre-glass. If it crashed or were involved in a serious collision, the passenger and driver would stand very little chance of survival.
Not technically correct Joe, any 'stability' problems with the Robin were more down to having only three wheels, which is one more than millions of motorbikes by the way.

Fibre-glass (Or GRP as it's normally refered too) is actually an extremely strong material and furthermore it is flexible, so absorbs an impact better than steel. They use it in some aircraft wings so there's no disputing it's strength.

I have owned and restored both a Reliant Scimirar SE6 and the latter convertible SE8, both brilliant 'concept' cars, made of fibre glass (With an immensely strong steel chassis) and in the case of the SE6 for a while very popular (Princess Anne had one) sadly let down by some flaws in execution of the concept e.g. although the body could never rust (being GRP) a lot of the bits were plain steel e.g. the window frames and similar parts, not even galvanised just plain steel and rusted faster than you could imagine. Had they used stainless steel the car might well have been in production today

I have also owned a Reliant Kitten which weighed about the same as the Robin but having four wheels never suffered from stability problems.

I was considering buying a Robin but Mrs. Losos wouldn't consider being seen in one (Only Fools was at it's most popular at the time )
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