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25-02-2016, 04:43 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Nope, not missed them nor the Muslim threat to the West ..... but I don't think scaremongering about the possibility of a war is the reason kids are deterred from trying to get a job.

Besides, you seem to be suggesting a major, global war ... not to be confused with our usual modus operandi of a few bombing raids, regime change and invasions here and there.
I suppose it depends upon whether you're sat in a nice comfy armchair or stood in a battlefield as to whether you think it's a war or not.
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25-02-2016, 04:47 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
War! Who with?

Putin is no danger, neither are the Central European Countries who want to stop the influx of Muslim Economic Migrants who have no interest at all in assimilating, who continue to abuse women and treat them as trash.

We have just had another example in Rotherham.

I have no problem at all in continuing our proud tradition of taking in genuine Refugees, in numbers we can afford.

We are doing that, taking in genuine refugees direct from the camps, those who have suffered at the hands of the Radicals.

They are also vetted, they have papers and an identifiable history of either fighting against or being victims of the Radicals.

They are an advantage to us, they speak the language and can identify those who seek to hide amongst the influx to cause us harm.

There are Yazidis, Christians and Kurds in the Refugee Camps who hate , loathe and detest the Radicals.

These are the ones we should be taking, these are the ones who can identify the Radicals and who want to be here and who will work with us to keep the Radicals out.

We need them to help us, we do not need a single Economic Migrant who does not want to integrate, they can all swan off as far as I am concerned.

No papers, no verifiable background, no entry is my Mantra.

I do not want a Cologne here, we have enough with the latest Rotherham Mob.

Time to toughen up in my view.
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25-02-2016, 04:50 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
You're absolutely right - I wouldn't like to be in their shoes
Trouble with that is ....
Does that mean our younger generation are angry at immigrants who are prepared to work, for nicking their jobs?
Or they don't mind because they wouldn't work anyway?
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25-02-2016, 04:52 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
I suppose it depends upon whether you're sat in a nice comfy armchair or stood in a battlefield as to whether you think it's a war or not.
How? If your country is bombing Syria or Iraq ... it begs the question ... are you at war?
Whatever your answer do you then lose incentive to go to work?
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25-02-2016, 04:54 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

I bought a Kitchen a few years ago from a Warehouse, and the owners were Indian. The crew who work for them were all immigrants working for peanuts!
I also sold a Display Cabinet online to be collected. An Indian turned up with an Hungarian as help to take away...

Whens it going to end???
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25-02-2016, 04:55 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Putin is no danger, neither are the Central European Countries who want to stop the influx of Muslim Economic Migrants who have no interest at all in assimilating, who continue to abuse women and treat them as trash.

We have just had another example in Rotherham.

I have no problem at all in continuing our proud tradition of taking in genuine Refugees, in numbers we can afford.

We are doing that, taking in genuine refugees direct from the camps, those who have suffered at the hands of the Radicals.

They are also vetted, they have papers and an identifiable history of either fighting against or being victims of the Radicals.

They are an advantage to us, they speak the language and can identify those who seek to hide amongst the influx to cause us harm.

There are Yazidis, Christians and Kurds in the Refugee Camps who hate , loathe and detest the Radicals.

These are the ones we should be taking, these are the ones who can identify the Radicals and who want to be here and who will work with us to keep the Radicals out.

We need them to help us, we do not need a single Economic Migrant who does not want to integrate, they can all swan off as far as I am concerned.

No papers, no verifiable background, no entry is my Mantra.

I do not want a Cologne here, we have enough with the latest Rotherham Mob.

Time to toughen up in my view.
So we're actually anticipating civil riot and unrest amongst the population rather than war?

I agree pretty much with what you say .. with one noticeable difference.
I'd close our borders to any refugees Let Merkel play the unwilling hostage and benefactor to the hordes she invited.
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25-02-2016, 05:22 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
So we're actually anticipating civil riot and unrest amongst the population rather than war?

I agree pretty much with what you say .. with one noticeable difference.
I'd close our borders to any refugees Let Merkel play the unwilling hostage and benefactor to the hordes she invited.

I agree that we should close our Borders and let Merkel take the can.

I do not want a single further Economic Migrant here in the UK.

Where we differ is this.

We do not have the trained resources to do cope with the Radicals we already have here and to prevent further breaches of of our Borders.

It takes years to train Enforcement Officers in languages and other issues.

I would rather have 40,000 people who we know are are on our side, who speak the lingo, who are deeply suspicious of all the stories that are told and who can spot a wrong one a mile off than have thousands more coming here to cause us harm.

They are also also Ace at spotting illegals already here, and there are 600, 000 of them we need to get rid of ASAP.

They have lived and worked in the towns and villages, they are great interrogators, they can recognise local accents, ask questions about Schools, shops, factories and expose the bad ones straight away.

They can tell the difference between a Syrian, an Iraqi and an Afghan in minutes.

Something that Teresa May and her contracted out Minimum Wage idiots cannot do.

It is a personal view, I may be wrong.

I am only interested in getting rid of all Illegals here in the UK and making sure that not another single one of them gets through our Border.
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25-02-2016, 07:12 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

It sure has IMO, we have to say No,but of course whilst we are still in the Eu our hands are tied. Frankly enough is enough.
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25-02-2016, 07:53 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

From an industry perspective.....

In Suffolk, where admittedly unemployment is lower than the national average, the company I work for has both British and Eastern European staff on the shop floor and I have to say there is no comparison.

Almost without exception, the Eastern Europeans are polite, listen, follow instructions and work very hard. We get no trouble from them and they are flexible in their outlook.

Some of our British staff are also like this, but many are not.

It is no wonder employers are taking on E European staff, who are paid the same rates as our British workers where I work.
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25-02-2016, 09:48 PM

Re: Has immigration come too far?

I guess everyone has differing experiences around the country.

In my area the local bus company intended bringing in new work contracts with changed pay and conditions. The drivers threatened to strike.

The upshot was ... all the new bus drivers soon after spoke Polish and no English and it was hells own job with much gesticulating and arm waving to explain where you wanted to go to on the bus.
At the time it caused a bit of resentment because they were seen to undercut the local workforce and put men out of work.
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