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31-03-2013, 02:31 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Can't see it getting any better. I wonder where we will find any who take care in their jobs, especially where care of others is priority (nursing for example).

If people from Gen Y are 'staffing' the long-term care homes by the time I need one, please be kind and just shoot me.

From a study of the entitled generation, also called Generation Y:

Hard work? No thanks! Meet 'entitled to it all' Generation Y

They are the 'entitled to it all' generation to whom hard work is an alien concept.

Today's young workers, it appears, believe they deserve jobs with big salaries, status and plenty of leisure time - without having to put in the hours.

A study spanning three decades concluded that those born in the late 1980s - the so-called 'Generation Y' - expect to 'have their cake and eat it'...

For the study, 16,507 Americans across the generations were asked to complete surveys to gauge their attitudes as they were finishing secondary school. The 'biggest change' in values was the increased desire for leisure time among Generation Y, analysis found.

'The combination of not wanting to work hard but still wanting more money and status verifies the sense of entitlement many have identified among Generation Y,' the study said.

It also found that the desire to find work with 'meaning' had declined, with younger workers more likely to see jobs as a means of funding their lifestyles.

And no differences were found in preferences for jobs that helped others or were worthwhile to society.

Lead author Jean M Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University and author of the book Generation Me, said: 'Young workers are now entering the workforce with different values, on average, from those of the young workers of 15 and 30 years ago, which may affect recruitment and management.'

The research echoes findings by the Association of Graduate Recruiters which identified a new breed of graduate 'divas' who expect everything to fall into their laps.

They consider themselves in great demand in the job market but are described by bosses as 'unrealistic', 'self-centred', 'fickle' and 'greedy'.

Many firms said they were turning to overseas recruitment to find staff with a stronger work ethic.

The AGR report, based on responses from 211 graduate employers including investment banks, law and accountancy firms, cited a warning that Generation Y graduates are often accused of being 'divas at work who expect everything to fall into their laps'.

In one case, a transport company recruit was overheard on the phone to his mother saying: 'I have got to go to London tomorrow and they haven't even told me how to get there.'

Read more:

Suddenly, the inefficiency, erroneous advice, and snappy criticism of the legal worker I dealt with this week makes sense. She may have been born in the late eighties.
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31-03-2013, 03:15 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

There is much truth in what has been said here and i agree with much of it.
Whatever job someone goes into , whether it be what they want or not involves " On the job Training". All the classrooms and training establishments cannot even come close to what the actual job involves. Now this may be a big cause of the poor standards in the U K Hospitals, not enough supervision of Nurses doing their jobs, not enough emphasis put on CARING. I think reason, not sufficient trained ward staff. The management and perhaps also the Government think that because there are the required number of Nurses on a ward that that is all that matters, whether they are doing the job correctly is not thought of. Whatever job you go into and really at whatever level you may be, you need to have someone constantly following up what you are doing and correcting your mistakes,and guiding you on the right road.
As an example , its a bit like the school that my wife teaches in, good school, great staff, BUT not enough supervision or checking on the teaching done by them by the Head, who in my opinion should be checking lessons etc. If this is not done than standards slip in some cases. Staff everywhere need someone constantly checking for poor work , but also in a position when it arises of giving praise. Both things have to go hand in hand.
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31-03-2013, 03:37 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

I truly miss being at work. I was fortunate to have jobs I enjoyed, worked hard at, and which gave me the opportunity to learn new skills. My favourite position was in a company of 1000 - you think one would just be another number on the payroll in such a big organization. I had a boss who would often make the rounds during the day, comment on work in progress, and give positive reinforcement. He also pitched in, hands-on, if one of us needed a hand. I remember him staying late to help two of us finish copying and binding hundreds of sets of a document needed for an important presentation in the morning. When we finally finished, he thanked us for the extra effort. Think the Generation Y staff would work past closing time?
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01-04-2013, 09:23 AM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Originally Posted by Annie Jack ->
Think the Generation Y staff would work past closing time?
In the business that I ran, my staff would almost leave scorch marks on the carpet at 5pm!

I think a lot of the problems stem from some people thinking that criticism is always a bad thing when it can often be a good thing (but does depend on how it is delivered) but it is those who feel they should never be criticised that get my goat. I also think it comes from this culture of entitlement that we seem to have ended up with.

If I ran the world - there would be no such thing as menial work; we are all cogs in the same machine and we all rely on one another. Cleaners, in America (many years ago) who got tired of being underpaid and badly treated, staged a week long strike that brought America to a standstill; not sure if things have improved there since but it did highlight just how important, those who keep our environment clean, really are. I think a lot of people need a serious reality check when it comes to where they stand on the 'important ladder'.
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01-04-2013, 09:55 AM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

I think I have said before that here in Norway everyone is equal, whether it be the man that empties the Bins or the Bank Manager. Each job is considered just as important to the community as the other. The Bank Manager does not consider the Bin mans job as menial,. he sees it as just as important to the community as his is. This applies right up to the Royal Family, they do not consider themselves any better people than the Bin Man, they are part of the people of this country, and, as I have said before they will quite happily sit and chat with someone about the weather, what knitting someone may be doing or what the fishing is like. It is difficult to convey this to other people that do not have this way of life. For example if for instance the Queen was visiting somewhere and decided that she wanted something from a shop, she would go in herself and get it and nobody would think it as anything out of the ordinary. They are as much part of the people as the Bin Man.
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01-04-2013, 10:41 AM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

I think I should have been born in Norway, Norway. When my husband and I separated, he, like many men, think all that women are intersted in is money and he said to me (in an unkind voice) 'do you know, women in Sweden are more interested in what a man can do around the house and how he is with the childrne than what he earns' - so I told him I should have been born in Sweden then. Ah choices - Norway or Sweden. Can't say I like life in Britain very much any more, I thought escaping to an Island would have worked (island life doesn't lend itself to airs and graces); you are very lucky Norway to have been born somewhere that has its head screwed on when it comes to people.
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01-04-2013, 01:38 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
I never mean't ordinary labouring jobs etc. white collar workers are the ones taking jobs well beneath their capabilities.
University students who come out finding their isn't the job they trained for, therefore they take the job that gives them money to live.
This is what causes situations like the Stafford hospital, on the nurses thread, young girls who were not cut out for nursing taking a job for jobs sake, not because they love the profession.
Hi Wrinkly, some have a 'rosey view' about Nursing believing that the label adds to their 'sense of self'. It also pays quite well now.

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01-04-2013, 01:40 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Originally Posted by Norway ->
I think I have said before that here in Norway everyone is equal, whether it be the man that empties the Bins or the Bank Manager. Each job is considered just as important to the community as the other. The Bank Manager does not consider the Bin mans job as menial,. he sees it as just as important to the community as his is. This applies right up to the Royal Family, they do not consider themselves any better people than the Bin Man, they are part of the people of this country, and, as I have said before they will quite happily sit and chat with someone about the weather, what knitting someone may be doing or what the fishing is like. It is difficult to convey this to other people that do not have this way of life. For example if for instance the Queen was visiting somewhere and decided that she wanted something from a shop, she would go in herself and get it and nobody would think it as anything out of the ordinary. They are as much part of the people as the Bin Man.
Norway, I was obviously born in the wrong Country because that is how I have always thought! I don't think I could handle the cold though!!
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01-04-2013, 01:44 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Hard work? No thanks! Meet 'entitled to it all' Generation Y

Thank you Annie Jack! Yes and the nineties are worse still! When will we all appreciate what we have?

Send them out to a developing country for a wake up call!!!
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01-04-2013, 09:26 PM

Re: Wrong Job? Wrong Person?

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
I think I should have been born in Norway, Norway. When my husband and I separated, he, like many men, think all that women are intersted in is money and he said to me (in an unkind voice) 'do you know, women in Sweden are more interested in what a man can do around the house and how he is with the childrne than what he earns' - so I told him I should have been born in Sweden then. Ah choices - Norway or Sweden. Can't say I like life in Britain very much any more, I thought escaping to an Island would have worked (island life doesn't lend itself to airs and graces); you are very lucky Norway to have been born somewhere that has its head screwed on when it comes to people.
I wasnt born here, i have only lived here for 6 years
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