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18-07-2013, 12:24 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by Jem ->
I was saying the same thing to my son today Karen, people seem to have lost their backbone, fear of losing their jobs if seen on C.C.T.V. out protesting, fear of being arrested and taken to court, lots of reasons, never again will we see the brave protesters of the 60's, 70's, and 80's who just wouldn't take everything lying down, then 'you know who' broke the unions with American help, a fatal blow to the ordinary folk. I remember my late Father saying to me, and I'm not on about this subject again but it's relevant to what I'm saying "Jimmy if they can get away with stopping the working man having a smoke with his pint they can get away with anything" God rest his soul he was right. It's far too late now, they can do what they wish with us and are doing it.
BIB: that's the bit that puzzles me the most. I almost feel like moving back to the UK to start a peaceful protest!

I agree completely with your father's comments too.

I am pretty sure most of the UK will feel the same way about it all - a mass down-tools for the day, once a week would surely be all that is needed (if repeated often enough); not like everyone can be fired is it!
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18-07-2013, 12:30 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

There's always e-petitions, not much I grant you but if there's enough signatures topics get discussed. I thought people should have protested against the disability benefit stuff, but then they'd probably be told if they're well enough to protest, they can work......and the able bodied weren't going to protest on their behalf.
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18-07-2013, 12:36 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
BIB: that's the bit that puzzles me the most. I almost feel like moving back to the UK to start a peaceful protest!

I agree completely with your father's comments too.

I am pretty sure most of the UK will feel the same way about it all - a mass down-tools for the day, once a week would surely be all that is needed (if repeated often enough); not like everyone can be fired is it!
One day a month would tip us over the financial edge - already selling things to survive and keep our home. That is one of the main reasons I think more people do not protest.
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18-07-2013, 12:42 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
There's always e-petitions, not much I grant you but if there's enough signatures topics get discussed. I thought people should have protested against the disability benefit stuff, but then they'd probably be told if they're well enough to protest, they can work......and the able bodied weren't going to protest on their behalf.
The problem with disability is that a lot of people won't connect with it unless it affects them or someone they know well - just my guess for the apathy.

I just feel that whilst there may be a genuine argument for austerity (to an extent), I don't feel they're paying enough attention to job creation. Still, I suppose keeping people vulnerable makes them more maleable.
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18-07-2013, 12:46 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

I think we need to create some industries, they've vanished, quite what type though I don't know. Apparently the service industries are doing well, but then there aren't any others are there?
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18-07-2013, 12:57 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
One day a month would tip us over the financial edge - already selling things to survive and keep our home. That is one of the main reasons I think more people do not protest.
But why are you in that position in the first place? Is it because government after government has failed to protect the most vulnerable of the workforce against being manipulated?

When studying Commerce, we were told about an incident whereby American cleaners went on mass, co-ordinated strikes that brought America almost to a standstill but I can't find any links (my search skills are not great) but this is the closest I could find about it:

As there is a UK version (menioned in the article), maybe contact them and see what can be done to help you with regard to pay.
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18-07-2013, 12:58 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by Twizard ->
I think we need to create some industries, they've vanished, quite what type though I don't know. Apparently the service industries are doing well, but then there aren't any others are there?
I doubt we could compete with China and Japan on price for cheap goods. Many people would still like to be able to buy quality though so surely we could compete on that. Maybe encourage the big players like Marks & Spencer to move production back to the UK?
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18-07-2013, 01:10 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
But why are you in that position in the first place? Is it because government after government has failed to protect the most vulnerable of the workforce against being manipulated?

When studying Commerce, we were told about an incident whereby American cleaners went on mass, co-ordinated strikes that brought America almost to a standstill but I can't find any links (my search skills are not great) but this is the closest I could find about it:

As there is a UK version (menioned in the article), maybe contact them and see what can be done to help you with regard to pay.

Because wages are low and lack of even low paid work now. Down to mismanagement of the government over many years I would say. But that doesn't make losing our home attractive as I pointed out the other day we have been homeless earlier in our lives and I don't relish doing that again at our ages and in our health now.

Fear, lack of back bone - call it what ever you like but I am not taking the chance.
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18-07-2013, 02:01 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Remember Peterloo?

The Establishment will do whatever is needed to restore order including slaughtering the proletariat.

Pass me my AK47 and T.72 tank matey and we'll see about that!!!
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18-07-2013, 03:27 PM

Re: Saying Enough is Enough

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
I'm just curious why people in the UK don't attempt to do something en masse against governments over the last 20 years bringing the country to its present state? Why are there no mass protests? Why aren't people demonstrating that things simply aren't good enough? Why can the French, Italians, Greeks, etc., do it but not those in the UK?
Possible because this is a democracy and some of the population voted them in Karen.

I am sick of the lot of them in government. What we need come election time is a mass disobedience with people spoiling their voting papers as a protest .
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