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21-06-2014, 08:14 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Even if it is a disease they have to as has said take responsibility, what other disease do we say don't worry just carry on doing what you are that is making you ill and we will pick up the bill for it ? we expect people to do their best to get better.
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21-06-2014, 08:42 AM

Re: A & E proposal

I do have sympathy for alcoholics, must be awful to live your life governed by drink.
In these cases though, it is just idiots, that believe they have to get drunk to have a good night out. Totally the opposite is true !
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21-06-2014, 08:44 AM

Re: A & E proposal

I think my sympathy ran out when I was about 8 for drunks, they affect other people far too much, their idea of fun causes misery for everyone else.
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21-06-2014, 08:48 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I think my sympathy ran out when I was about 8 for drunks, they affect other people far too much, their idea of fun causes misery for everyone else.
Good morning me darlin
I've never seen a alcoholic having fun - that's the truth gal, I do understand though, must be awful to witness this as a child. But I too had awful experiences to overcome and not one, was down to drink.
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21-06-2014, 09:02 AM

Re: A & E proposal

I always remember a few years ago when OH had to be taken in as an emergency. There was a queue of about four and those ahead showed all the signs of injury from drink. The paramedic just took OH to the front of the queue - and not a word was said.........

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21-06-2014, 09:11 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
I do have sympathy for alcoholics, must be awful to live your life governed by drink.
In these cases though, it is just idiots, that believe they have to get drunk to have a good night out. Totally the opposite is true !
It becomes a mental state, it is quite clearly a disease, as a recovering alcoholic of 16 years I should know.
I have also run a public house, and watched men with big work or home problems ruin their lives, they just couldn't help it I can tell you that.
It is very easy for folks from the outside to say they are just drunken bums, well they are not.
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21-06-2014, 09:17 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Wrinkly - I understand the plight, that's why I have sympathy.
However, this is not the situation A & E are faced with ......
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21-06-2014, 10:02 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
Wrinkly - I understand the plight, that's why I have sympathy.
However, this is not the situation A & E are faced with ......
Patsy, you are the only one who sympathised at the proble, and thank you for that, but it is clearly the problem the A & E has, my whole point was reduce the sale of the stuff and remove the source, would solve a lot of the problem, but if it is a medical condition, these folks should have access to hospitals as anyone else in society.
I have watched people in high pressure jobs, turn from decent people to end up in the whole predicament of booze.
We are trying to eradicate drugs, and it is exactly the same, a lot of us get hooked on prescribed drugs, never mind the illegal stuff.
There needs to be more mental wards, that have their own medial centres for these to be taken.
we have already read on this thread of walk in centres being closed, well there lies the reason, clearly lack of money.
It is very easy to stand back and judge these people, they may have a valid cause for them to get the way they are, bereavement in a loving marriage is a way that one or the other spouse can get hooked.
We have to stop the young ones right from the start before it is too late.
I don't blame anybody for me getting hooked, that was down to me, and nobody else, I hasten to add, I stopped way before I let it get out of hand, I had good doctors who helped me.
Knowing what I know I would ban the stuff completely.
That is the last I will say in this matter.
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21-06-2014, 10:20 AM

Re: A & E proposal

I'm not really in favour of removing the source as an over eater I have to learn to control that myself no one would agree to removing food from the shops. Alcohol used sensibly is fine, my husband has 4 cans of cheapest (weakest) bitter a month and enjoys it, why should he have to pay more or go to special places to buy his treat. People have to control themselves IMO.

I am not even sure many in A&E are truly alcoholics they are just too stupid to stop drinking when they have had enough.
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21-06-2014, 10:37 AM

Re: A & E proposal

Quote Julie - [IMG]I am not even sure many in A&E are truly alcoholics they are just too stupid to stop drinking when they have had enough.[/IMG]

That's my opinion too - not all youngsters are alcoholics, unfortunately they are likely to become so if they carry on down that road ....
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