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15-02-2015, 08:07 PM

Re: Fat children

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I can't understand how children get like that why don't their parents see what is it happening and do something about it before they get to that stage..
It's not as simple as that. They don't see it like we do. They don't have the capacity to think like most of us. Sadly.
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15-02-2015, 09:11 PM

Re: Fat children

Why the hell are they being even considered for gastric bands? Have they not heard of eating less and exercising - and don't tell me it doesn't work for them. The parents should be fined for allowing their kids to become as fat as they are, and their offspring taken away to fat camps and allowed back home once they're a normal healthy weight. Same goes for the parents. I know it's difficult to lose weight and takes self discipline and hard work but this makes me so angry.
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15-02-2015, 09:42 PM

Re: Fat children

Fat children don't deserve being punished which is what would happen if we did as you suggest. The parents need education and the child should be on a diet that keeps it's weight steady so it grows into the weight, not loses weight like an adult dieter.
It is quite dangerous to put children on weight reduction diets while they are still growing which is why these gastric bands I think are a terrible idea.
As for removing children from their homes, these children are often depressed and could well end up on a cycle of eating because they have been taken from the parents they love.

It's also not always the parents fault I was fat child my sisters were thin as sticks as were my parents and grand parents, I still cannot say how I got fat as I was eating same as everyone else only difference was I loved reading and the others didn't. So perhaps more exercise was needed.
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16-02-2015, 02:40 PM

Re: Fat children

The responsibility resides with the government, if you ask me. People are too ignorant to look after themselves in lots of cases and know no better. Take away certain choices and they will become healthier but left to their own devices they won't. The food producers should make healthier food and stop flooding the market with stodge, and to encourage this the government should help in some way. It ain't the parent's fault at all. They can't fight against the big gun food producers - impossible I reckon.

*these maltesers sure are nice*
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16-02-2015, 03:44 PM

Re: Fat children

Julie, reading was not the problem, I was an avid reader, my sister was not, she was overweight, I was the runt of the litter (a very pretty runt though I say so myself).

Sweets are the culprits, my pocket money was spent at the greengrocers on carrots - that is if the cheese was hidden - my chubby sister eat so many sweets not only was she obese but also covered with spots - I should add that she was a hockey player so not a layabout.
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16-02-2015, 03:48 PM

Re: Fat children

Originally Posted by Myth and Magic ->
Julie, reading was not the problem, I was an avid reader, my sister was not, she was overweight, I was the runt of the litter (a very pretty runt though I say so myself).

Sweets are the culprits, my pocket money was spent at the greengrocers on carrots - that is if the cheese was hidden - my chubby sister eat so many sweets not only was she obese but also covered with spots - I should add that she was a hockey player so not a layabout.
Which makes me even more puzzled because sweets etc were very much off the menu for me especially when I was put on a strict diet at 5, tight corsets at 7 all to try to stop me growing fatter.

The only way I have actually managed to lose weight is when I go completely sugar free and very low carb it's like those foods just inflate me if I sniff them !
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16-02-2015, 04:54 PM

Re: Fat children

Without a doubt, genetics has a lot to do with it. Genetics, very personal metabolisms. and parents who kill with kindness and over indulgence of rubbish to their children. Some adults just do not have the common sense to change their attitude towards health matters, for themselves or their children. It's beyond them. They probably have been brought up exactly the same. They won't see anything wrong with what they're doing. But, not every overweight child or adult sits pigging out all day, contrary to what some may think.
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16-02-2015, 05:06 PM

Re: Fat children

I agree with the pigging out comment I found when I started a low carb no sugar diet I actually struggled to eat the 1200 calories a day I needed, that many calories of lettuce is a nearly I field I felt
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16-02-2015, 05:09 PM

Re: Fat children

I do find it very irritating that some people think "fat" people never have their hand out of the biscuit tin. It's a total misconception. I'm not excusing parents who give their children humungous portions of junk food, but some people get away with eating far more than others.
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19-02-2015, 11:59 AM

Re: Fat children

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I can't understand how children get like that why don't their parents see what is it happening and do something about it before they get to that stage..
Sadly for the little girl, her mother is also grossly overweight, so what hope is there for that child.
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