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21-02-2015, 12:15 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

These stories are precisely why I play safe, and let my garage fit some new ones last week.
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21-02-2015, 12:17 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

Originally Posted by Meg ->

The wipers came in a packet with two sizes which was such a waste because I could never use one set but of course paid for both. I won't ever get them there again.
Last time I bought replacement wipers they were a standard design and you just bought a packet of two which you inserted into the holder and was held in place with a clip, you then cut off the surplus. Very easy to do.

My car has one enormous wiper probably 4/500mm and one weeny one about 250mm looks absurd but does the job. However you throw a lot of rubber/plastic away.
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21-02-2015, 12:37 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Last time I bought replacement wipers they were a standard design and you just bought a packet of two which you inserted into the holder and was held in place with a clip, you then cut off the surplus. Very easy to do.

My car has one enormous wiper probably 4/500mm and one weeny one about 250mm looks absurd but does the job. However you throw a lot of rubber/plastic away.
Bruce that is what I would normally do having bought the wipers and taken them home. But my wipers didn't just wear out, the rubber bits were torn off I guess due to unusual weather conditions. Late one night when I had been babysitting it started to sleet after frost and I turn the wipers on fast in the dark not realising they had frozen to the screen. They were both damaged. I have been driving for 50 years and this has never happened before.
So next day not wanting to drive around with faulty wipers for longer than I had to I got Halfords to fit them rather than standing outside the shop in the freezing cold fitting them myself .

I was told the second wider pair in the packet which would not fit my car were 'for Japanese cars '. I don't know why the two sorts were not sold separately it seems such a waste having to buy two different pairs.
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21-02-2015, 10:41 PM

Re: Car Windscreen

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
@Victors Mate
Thank you both - just looked on Amazon and it is very highly rated - have just ordered .......
Patsy, you're welcome I hope it does the job.
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21-02-2015, 10:47 PM

Re: Car Windscreen

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Bruce that is what I would normally do having bought the wipers and taken them home. But my wipers didn't just wear out, the rubber bits were torn off I guess due to unusual weather conditions.
That is an interesting point perhaps people should do what they do in some Asian countries which is to lift the wiper blades off the screen when they park (Their theory is that the heat from the sun damages the blades left on the windscreen).

It looks odd to see cars parked with their wipers sticking out like that but when the person returns to the car they put then back and drive off - it is just a habit. It makes even more sense to do it in the UK in winter so the rubber doesn't freeze to the windscreen.
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22-02-2015, 12:45 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

You can use metal polish like T-Cut, Brasso, or Autosol to clean marks & traffic film off your windscreen.
Use a clean cloth and test it on, say, a bottom corner first. There shouldn't be a problem but it's sensible to test it first
Then wash off the polish & muck with water
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22-02-2015, 10:53 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

This is all very useful!

A couple of weeks ago, I went out to the car first thing in the morning and sprayed my de-icer on it.

After about 10 minutes I usually go back out with my squeegee to get rid of what's left but i couldn't find my usual one so I used one my wife uses on the windows - and it left to marks that looked like scratches.

Yesterday I finally got round to trying to get rid of these marks and realised they are not actually scratches at all but marks on the surfaces of the glass, probably from the squeegee!
There are others too that I've not noticed before as they're not right in my line of sight.

I don't have any white vinegar but I think I've got some Coloured TCut - is that OK or should I just use the old boys method of wetting with a soapy rag then using screwed up newspaper? stevmk2
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22-02-2015, 11:03 AM

Re: Car Windscreen

Steve - well we were concerned what to use as we believe there is a 'film' on the windscreen and didn't want to disrupt that
So I was pleased to hear there is a product for the windscreen and have ordered that .....
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