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28-07-2015, 10:01 AM

Re: Do you worry?

I used to get paralysing panic attacks usually outdoors so bad I would end up clutching the fence at the end of our road to stop myself sinking to my knees in the road, had to be escorted out of sainsburys on a couple of occasions when the experience became too much for me.

Had medication to get back on an even keel then got some excellent advice from the people at MIND

The help they gave me I still use if I feel a little anxious I can usually bring myself out of it with breathing as Mups described in number 4 and counting to 20 forwards then backwards while stroking my left wrist. - don't know the science just that it works for me.
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28-07-2015, 10:39 AM

Re: Do you worry?

I have tried to stop worrying about things that I cannot change. But this does not always work as I am sure we all find.

Since my accident I am prone to panic attacks when I am on my own or having to go out on my own but again not all the time. I do have conversations with myself to calm myself down which helps.

I can get myself to work ok because I am usually with the same people on the bus each day from the park and ride. But when I need to go to the bank to take the banking for work I try to put it off until I really have to go, it is about a 15 minute walk away from work through a busy town centre. If while I am out I feel myself tensing up I stop and either look in a shop window or sit on a seat and look at my phone messages.

I work on my own so I don't have any option but to take the banking.
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28-07-2015, 08:25 PM

Re: Do you worry?

Originally Posted by MuppyMups
Tell me what you do if you have a really horrid, feverish cold.
1. Take NO unnatural medicines, or cold/flu symptom remedies. These will only prolong the condition and be an obstacle to your body's amazing healing mechanisms.

2. Take lots of natural foods including herbs that will boost the immune system and fight bacteria and viruses. My short list would include plenty of:

Garlic, Ginger, Chillis, citrus fruits (but not if you have a sore throat). Plenty of "superfruits" inc Cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.

3. Take natural remedies inc tablets/capsules of Echinacea, Vitamin C (preferably Calcium-Ascorbate or Sodium-Ascorbate which wont be acidic in your tummy).
Put Grapefruit Seed Extract drops in drinks regularly which will kill bacteria and is one of the strongest natural anti-biotics.

4. Listen to your body. If you feel tired and lethargic, simply rest as that's what your body wants. If you feel thirsty, drink, if you feel hungry eat. Expect to feel more hungry than normal (once any sore throat is gone) so eat plenty to give your body a supply of energy to "do its thing".

5. If you feel feverish, simply get into bed and sweat it out. Your body is doing what it needs to do. It raises your body temperature because that stops viruses/bacteria from being able to replicate. Remember that otherwise the little blighters would be replicating (doubling up) periodically, perhaps every 30 mins or so. Left unchecked your body would be overrun by armies of bad guys. By raising your temperature your body is halting the replication process. Meanwhile, your army of good guys is fighting the army of bad guys and will eventually win. So stay "in tune" with your body, if it want to be hot let it be, don't fight it. So absolutely NO paracetamols or tablets that reduce fever. Get in bed, sweat it out. It will be uncomfortable but will likely be over in one night.

Much of this is about understanding your body and putting aside the conditioning we've all been subjected to that ailments HAVE to be combatted with symptom fixing medications. Blocked nose? Stay away from decongestants. Your nose is being blocked for a reason Imagine a river near your house breaks its banks and starts flooding your house. You stem the flow with lots of sand bags around your doors. All is well. Then someone decides to unblock the doors and remove the sand bags to let the fresh air in. Sounds supremely dumb? It is. But no different to people taking meds to unblock their nose when your own body has blocked it. The bacteria and viruses will merrily flood into your body unchecked. Don't do it !

Originally Posted by Mups
What about the unfortunate people for whom it could be dangerous to get a severe cold? People with existing health problems, asthma, bronchitis, cancer etc. Do you think they should abandon all medication and 'think themselves well.'?
Such people should be boosting their bodies well BEFORE they get any colds or flu. Their diet should be high in immune boosting foods and natural supplements like Echinacea and Vit-C. As I said before, the elderly can suffer from colds far worse than the rest of us. If an elderly person gets a fever the temptation would be to give them medication to reduce that fever. I believe that would be wrong, in fact it could result in their bodies getting massively overrun by baddies which could have unfortunate consequences.

At this point it is my duty to declare that I am not a doctor, nor am I in the medical profession. I have educated myself in natural remedies and in the properties of natural herbs and foods.

In the end you must do your own research and then have the strength and courage to follow that research. It can be scary but I have found the results to be enlightening.

Since this is an over-50s forum it is a good bet that many here enjoy cruising for holidays. Those that do will know well the dangers and risks of contracting Norovirus whilst on-board. Actually there is more risk of catching it ashore in hospitals and public venues but that's another story.
I was unlucky enough to contract the bug on one cruise. I immediately isolated myself in my cabin and dutifully informed the ships medical team. A doctor came to see me as a matter of duty. He said I had a fever and told me to take paracetamols. He said Norovirus would take at least 48-72 hours to dissipate and that I was confined to my cabin for that period.

I ignored his requests. I refused to take paracetamols on the basis that this would fight my body's own natural response to stop the bug replicating inside me. I put drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract in glasses of water and drank plenty of it regularly. I had ONE lucid night of feverish "sleeping" / tossing and turning. Within 12 hours I was completely recovered. No vomiting or diarrhoea and was ordering food from the room service.

Had I not taken control of my own health and educated myself, I would have taken conventional medication and likely been very ill for some 72 hours.

Research, research, research.
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28-07-2015, 08:40 PM

Re: Do you worry?

I'm a worrier, try not to be but can't help myself! I've also had panic attacks, gone now thankfully, after many years of positive thinking and mentally rejigging my thoughts. I was told to focus on a particular thing, a shape on a wall or similar while doing deep, slow breathing exercises - this after relaxation tapes for a few weeks.
Over it all now, thank God, was hard going at times though. I've had CBT Nom - Think I've had most therapies going at one time or another.... real headcase !!! lol..
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28-07-2015, 08:45 PM

Re: Do you worry?

There is a difference between over-medicating and not medicating at all. True a decongestant can make things worse if overused. But if it keeps you preserved enough to get through your day there's no harm. There are antibiotics that can have side effects, but for a targeted infection they can be life saving. Ditto for psych meds. If taking them levels you to being able to be a productive human life form...that's a very good thing.
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28-07-2015, 08:46 PM

Re: Do you worry?

I have a PhD in psychology,I have a driving phobia,I cannot sleep without zopiclone-i am a mess
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28-07-2015, 10:58 PM

Re: Do you worry?

Realist speaks a lot of sense: one must strive to keep a positive outlook and a strong mind / body at all times. I've suffered from social-phobia all my life and allowed certain situations to destroy me which has resulted in many lost years. Tis life though at the end of the day and my past has shaped me so I don't begrudge it, just thankful I'm here to tell the tale. Don't want any crap to influence me negatively in the future though so I intend to keep a positive outlook - easier said than done!
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29-07-2015, 03:06 AM

Re: Do you worry?

But social phobia is quite a different kettle of fish. I used to consider myself shy and socially awkward. But I learned a skill in a text for police officers. Creating a "game face", that is acting in a persona you feel comfortable in. My "game face" character sounds like actor Joe Pesci. That voice coming from a slightly built grandmother gets attention. I enjoy it and it empowers me.

But social phobia and panic attacks are two ends of the spectrum. Social phobia just means you feel self conscious. A panic attack means your head is telling you one thing and another part of your head is trying to see the reality, and both sides are tumbling over each other. You can't just will that away. There are exercises that can help manage it somewhat. But as I've said unless you've experienced the chest pounding and lapse of reality firsthand you can't understand.
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29-07-2015, 06:39 AM

Re: Do you worry?

Thankyou realist , very interesting. Re the grapefruit extract , where can this be bought .
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29-07-2015, 11:18 AM

Re: Do you worry?

I found most of what Realist said to be very helpful.

When ever I get a cold I make sure I drink lots of liquid and let it pass on its own. The only time I have to do anything is if it goes onto my chest and then I am in a right mess and have to then see a doctor.

I have looked up where you can buy the grapefruit seed extract and the liquid you can buy from Amazon or get them in tablet form from Holland and Barratt.
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