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30-09-2015, 11:04 PM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
I am seeing a secialist on Friday morning about my cataract operation. I am going private and the last time I was there as a private patient (to investigate stomach trouble which turned out to be gastric ulcers) I had two nurses running about after me and even the doctor had time to discuss the countryside. That's how it should be for everyone, private or not.

Is that Woodlands, Alan?
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30-09-2015, 11:08 PM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Originally Posted by realspeed ->

this hospital I was at has just been put under special needs and the East sussex foundation trust chairman has just " resigned?". So they are sending in a management team to get things better. yes it was that bad. On the ward i was on there did not seem to be anyone in charge. Nurses did what they wanted, most of the time chatting to each other, night time especially. I can't even remember in one of the times i was there a nurse even coming to see how I was apart from blood pressure and taking that was it. I went down from 96kg to 70kg in 3 months through lack of care there.
Another eaample is the side table with drinks and that were moved out of the way for blood pressure tests and not put back so i could not even have a drink. This happened every time and that was every 30 minutes or so. May seem trivial but not when you can't even sit up in bed to reach the bed table each time and having to keep on and on asking for it to be put back gets a little annoying

So much lack of thought it was unbelievable

These 'little things' can make such a difference Bazza.
I know when Mum was in, I had to fight for her all the time to get some of them to just do their jobs.
She was left with no drinks, no commode, and no one answering her bell many times. She was so cold one night, and they wouldn't even find her an extra blanket.
It is so sad when this happens.
Another time a whole month's medication I gave them from Mum's repeat prescription, including morphine, disappeared and was never found again.

Glad you're home now.
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01-10-2015, 04:42 AM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Is that Woodlands, Alan?
It is Mups, have you been in there ?
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01-10-2015, 10:27 AM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Originally Posted by Alan Cooke ->
It is Mups, have you been in there ?

Yes I have Alan, not as an in-patient tough.
They also take some NHS patients. A friend of mine had her hysterectomy there as an NHS patient. I have been there quite recently as well, when my son broke his arm falling off a ladder. We saw a very dapper chap (can't remember his name now), wearing a brightly coloured bow tie. I had never seen a doctor wearing a bow tie before.
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01-10-2015, 09:20 PM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Im sorry you had such abysmal care in hospital Realspeed ,no wonder its been put into special measures..I do still believe though that it doesnt stem from the nurses but from higher up with management,its not fair to keep picking on the nurses all the time,im sure they dont go into the job with the aim to give diabolical care.
Lets hope that this particualr hospital bucks its ideas up and improves the state of affairs .
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01-10-2015, 09:36 PM

Re: summing uo my hospital experience

Hi, I am new on here and don't yet know you, but your treatment in hospital sounds awful. If it is a hospital that you may have to use again, I would write to your MP and complain, giving details of what they did wrong . I did that when it took 16 hours to give me a 6 hour chemo treatment, and things soon improved. Good luck, and I hope you are well in the way to recovery
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