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20-12-2015, 08:08 PM

Re: Ridiculous sentencing

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
In another thread I told of two local young "men" who bashed to death two alpacas - pets at a local school.
These "men" used rocks, lumps of wood and whips.

Time in jail ? Not one day !
A small fine and a suspended sentence.

Hang 'em up by the scrotum, I say.
On a very rusty hook I hope.
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20-12-2015, 08:10 PM

Re: Ridiculous sentencing

Another one I find incredible, I remember the case too. 11 years for beating your son to death and then you get a luxury cell !
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21-12-2015, 01:20 AM

Re: Ridiculous sentencing

Some of us have always said this about life sentences not being served.
If they don't intend to put someone away for the rest of their life, they shouldn't use the phrase 'Life.'
It is totally misleading and wrong to me, to indicate someone will imprisoned for life when they won't be. Either change the sentence, or change the name of it.
I'm surprised there is not some sort of legal come-back for implying wrong information about sentences.
After all, if B & Q labelled all their tins of paint red, but they were really green, trading standards would have something to say. So how do they get away with calling it life when it isn't.

(Tins of paint are not a good comparison perhaps, but I trust you get my drift. )
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21-12-2015, 04:47 AM

Re: Ridiculous sentencing

I take your point, Mups and am not disputing it but .....
here in Aus, a person sentenced to life could be out in as little as ten years, although usually quite a bit longer depending on the severity of the offence.

, that person is then on permanent parole for the rest of their life -
meaning that conditions must be complied with.
For instance, if alcohol contributed to the original offence, there would probably be a total 'no drinking' clause.
If caught having a glass of bubbly on your birthday ten years after release - straight back to the slammer.

Usually, parolees would be sent back for any breach of the criminal law regardless of how trivial.

That might not satisfy the "lock 'em up forever" brigade but it is a fact that many parolees go on to lead productive and useful lives.
Which certainly would not be the case if languishing in jail at taxpayers expense until they're 90+.
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