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08-02-2016, 03:40 PM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

So, we have a Victim, as there is in every single crime committed, but a crime considered so serious it subsequently results in a prison sentence, must be a serious crime indeed.
A great deal of pain, suffering or loss to the victim, , a great deal of police time and money spent searching for and apprehending the criminal(s), a great amount of taxpayers money used up in legal work, more taxpayers money spent on the court system. but…… it eventually ends up with the criminal getting his just dessert...a prison sentence. Or does it??

Not according to Call me Dave it doesn’t. His answer to our overflowing prisons is a simple one Not, as he bragged, by building new prisons, more a case of .... Let them all out ! Regardless of the fact that the latest figures show that 46% of prisoners re-offend within the first year after release, Dave thinks it is perfectly okay to let them back out into the community.

All of that in my second paragraph seems to count for nothing when such pond-life will no longer spend the full sentence they were given behind bars for the crime they committed. I can seriously see criminals committing more crimes because they know they will probably only spend the weekend behind bars, The rest of the week they can go down the pub !!

I despair of that man !
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08-02-2016, 04:38 PM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
Denmark has this system and has for years been successful.

usually for white collar crime, non violence with little risk of reoffending.

The convicted person works during the week but gives up his quality time(weekends)to serve his sentence, it saves putting an entire family on state benefits, cuts the costs to the tax payer, it's still a punishment so why not?

We're not talking about muggers, burglars, sex offenders etc being allowed their freedom.

Totally agree.

For those who do commit crimes where they are required to remain in Prison all week I feel the system needs to be harsher, somewhere they will not want to go back to in a hurry.

Alcoholics and Drug Addicts should not be in prison in my view, they should be in secure Treatment Units.

I also feel that some people are just to dangerous ever to be let out.

For these, I would abolish life sentences, which are a joke here in the UK, and have the American system of 99 year sentences, no parole.
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08-02-2016, 06:43 PM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

Our system does have "life" sentences, all vary from 15+ years but life does mean 99 years, those offenders may be released but remain on license for the rest of their lives.

The problem is that the tariff is wrong, too lenient in most cases.

"Whole of life" sentences are quite rare, unfortunately.

We seem to think the US sentences are harsher, on the surface they may be but, there "discounts"!are far greater.
Where UK prisoners generally serve no less than half US prisoners may serve only 20% depending upon which discount is offered.
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08-02-2016, 11:17 PM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

I wonder if they'll find it easy to get somewhere to live during the week, unless they have some sort of hostel. They could be a long way from home.
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09-02-2016, 07:17 AM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

I expect they'd have to discuss that with the appropriate officer before the arrangement was made.

Don't probation officers go round to see the home and family when people get part-time release towards the end of their sentence?

(A friend of mine was doing voluntary work with prisoners' wives but gave up because she was supposed to persuade wives to take them back and she thought most of the wives didn't want them back and it was wrong of the volunteers to put that pressure on them.)
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09-02-2016, 07:43 AM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.

Originally Posted by TessA ->
I wonder if they'll find it easy to get somewhere to live during the week, unless they have some sort of hostel. They could be a long way from home.
Think you have missed the point.

In other countries with non violent crimes that are considered to justify a person a prison sentence that person has to spend the weekend in jail even for up to 2 or 3 years.

In most cases he/she will have a home and a job before he /she was sentenced.

This does and should not apply to people who commit murder... career criminals.... nutters..... and a danger to others.
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09-02-2016, 08:09 AM

Re: Is this a good idea. Prisoners out during the week.


I have a very simple view of this after 40 years in various Enforcement Agencies.

Prisons are full of people who should not be there, the streets are full of people who should be there.
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