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06-06-2016, 08:58 AM

Re: Depression

I dont think it was meant as a joke Carol, i understand that music can have very therapeutic values, and can well lighten the load of someone feeling low.

Perhaps its my response too a topic that generally rattles my cage, Depression suffers are often told to pull themselves together, like its something that can be easily overcome. If your suffering real depression, a song can be a real trigger to push you over the edge

One such occasion occurred to me 18 months after my sister died. It was at Christmas and a song just did for me, and my world became black and hideous.

It is in the health rather than the music section. Hence my response.
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06-06-2016, 01:29 PM

Re: Depression

Originally Posted by Nom ->
I dont think it was meant as a joke Carol, i understand that music can have very therapeutic values, and can well lighten the load of someone feeling low.

Perhaps its my response too a topic that generally rattles my cage, Depression suffers are often told to pull themselves together, like its something that can be easily overcome. If your suffering real depression, a song can be a real trigger to push you over the edge

One such occasion occurred to me 18 months after my sister died. It was at Christmas and a song just did for me, and my world became black and hideous.

It is in the health rather than the music section. Hence my response.

I agree. Sufferers are often told to 'snap out of it' or 'pull yourself together,' but it doesn't work that way, does it.
I do understand quite alot Nom, because I had problems too after trying to cope alone, with continual long term stress, a few years back..
It had never happened to me before, so I did not recognise the warning signs.
However, I do try to look for the positive that can come from a situation, and decided that now I hope I DO know the warning signs, I would not allow it to happen again. I would deal with it differently and earlier.
So perhaps another 'positive' is it has made me stronger and more aware.
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11-06-2016, 12:02 PM

Re: Depression

From experience, a distraction is beneficial. Focus on something else, something trivial like a game on the phone or PC, set your focus on "playing" and the negative feelings start to ease.Set aside some time everyday to let your mind freewheel on 'nonsense" like a game and it will help with those negatives.
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11-06-2016, 12:33 PM

Re: Depression

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I agree. Sufferers are often told to 'snap out of it' or 'pull yourself together,' but it doesn't work that way, does it.
I do understand quite alot Nom, because I had problems too after trying to cope alone, with continual long term stress, a few years back..
It had never happened to me before, so I did not recognise the warning signs.
However, I do try to look for the positive that can come from a situation, and decided that now I hope I DO know the warning signs, I would not allow it to happen again. I would deal with it differently and earlier.
So perhaps another 'positive' is it has made me stronger and more aware.
I think positivity has huge benefits for many illnesses and, where it can be encouraged I think positive thinking can help people with depression. I have been down a few times but never had real depression, although I have spoken to many that are and found that positive thoughts do help them, if delivered in the right way. If you can get them to talk you are half way there.
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11-06-2016, 01:49 PM

Re: Depression

My mother was depressive. Her illness impacted on the whole family. My teenage years we're spent tiptoeing around her as the merest thing would make her cry. She attempted suicide a few times and I hated visiting her in hospital where she was sedated, she had electric shock treatment on a couple of occasions which took part of "her" away.
I refuse to succumb to it, I tell myself it's stressful situations that will pass.
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11-06-2016, 02:01 PM

Re: Depression

In my experience people get clinically depressed because they find themselves in a situation that they cannot get free from. Some turn to drugs, alcohol or prescription meds or even suicide or self harming as a result.
There is always a reason for severe, clinical depression, but until they are able to discuss their problem there can never be a solution.
In many cases the problem is one of a sexual nature that the sufferer cannot discuss with their family and friends.
Everyone experiences a certain amount of anxiety from time to time and that is completely normal.
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11-06-2016, 03:03 PM

Re: Depression

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Blimey OG, don't think that racket would do for me if I was depressed, it jars every bone in me body!
Wash your mouth out woman.
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11-06-2016, 09:16 PM

Re: Depression

Can you get cured from it?
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