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10-07-2016, 08:45 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by Mags ->
I like both tennis and football ..... and F1, it was like a bonus day today!
[whispers] .... and there's more to come!
Off with your head!!!!

Or maybe shroppy can send 'he who must obey' to you this time next year so she can watch her romcoms.
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10-07-2016, 08:46 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

have to say i like sport so been good day for me - not a great fan of F1 but been watching tennis all day and now got the footie on
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10-07-2016, 08:46 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Me heart bleeds for you Mary, it's the other way round with me, herself watches the football with the two teenage grandsons, I spent the best part of the football and tennis events away from it all in me shed, you can't beat a good well equipped shed to get away from it all without actually going away.
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10-07-2016, 09:02 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Ha ha, unfortunately when it comes to sport he gets very rebellious if I try to order him to obey me- and usually I am completely outnumbered by the male population in this family anyway so wouldn't even attempt to have what belongs to me officially - the remote control - if sport is on.
I don't usually mind him watching his sport but it really has been saturation sporting Sunday today. I haven't had a look in at the screen and am getting withdrawals !!

Before you say get another tv, I have one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom but.... I am stuck on this ruddy oxygen machine for 15 hours out of every 24 every day for the present and having to sleep downstairs on the sofa bed, so the 9 hours I escape are very precious and if the sun is even peeping out from behind a cloud, that's me outside at a quick hobble.
I certainly don't intend to keep sitting on the sofa that I have to when attached to the machine. I am already convinced it is going to give me piles !! ha

Don't get me wrong, he does everything for me and we love each other to bits, except that I lose him completely when sport is on TV. ! MEN !
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10-07-2016, 09:09 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Just had a quick blast of Les Mis at half time!
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10-07-2016, 09:10 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Ha ha, unfortunately when it comes to sport he gets very rebellious if I try to order him to obey me- and usually I am completely outnumbered by the male population in this family anyway so wouldn't even attempt to have what belongs to me officially - the remote control - if sport is on.
I don't usually mind him watching his sport but it really has been saturation sporting Sunday today. I haven't had a look in at the screen and am getting withdrawals !!

Before you say get another tv, I have one in the kitchen and one in the bedroom but.... I am stuck on this ruddy oxygen machine for 15 hours out of every 24 every day for the present and having to sleep downstairs on the sofa bed, so the 9 hours I escape are very precious and if the sun is even peeping out from behind a cloud, that's me outside at a quick hobble.
I certainly don't intend to keep sitting on the sofa that I have to when attached to the machine. I am already convinced it is going to give me piles !! ha

Don't get me wrong, he does everything for me and we love each other to bits, except that I lose him completely when sport is on TV. ! MEN !
If you can use your laptop you can watch TV on
I leave Mr Clumsy welded to the remote control and watch what I want to see on the computer.
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10-07-2016, 09:12 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

You are jealous. Can't beat being passionate about something. You need to get in the 'grove' and become fixated about some other 'crap' on the TV. It is all about attitude. Right attitude means you can find enjoyment in the simplest (or banal) of things.

Me - been outside for an hour and a half reading a lovely book about a young girlie - A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett - whilst in the company of birdies, bugs and pussy cats.

I might be taking the p*** a bit here .
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10-07-2016, 09:19 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
snip ........I am already convinced it is going to give me piles !! ha
Never fear shroppie, I've plenty of germoloid ointment you can borrow

I hate watching sports - why or why does it seem to be on every bloomin' channel

Having said that I've just been watching You Got Mail (again)....great for the aaaaaaah feel good factor
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10-07-2016, 09:41 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

I must say it was nice to get a response to this thread. It's not much fun when I start talking to myself. I thought everyone had locked their doors, drawn the curtains and were glued to their screens from this morning.
I noticed also how quiet my street was today, not a soul around, all watching their chosen sports event. No-one I could chat to, even the neighbours have not been out in the garden and they are always chatty. Sigh.

So to all my over50sforum buddies on here, if you haven't been watching sport (yuk) what have you been doing with yourselves today.

What me?? well, I cooked lunch today. I hobbled into the kitchen on my one good leg and accompanying crutch (broken leg) altogether now AAAAHHHH !!

I cooked a Gammon joint in Coca Cola, then smeared it with dijon mustard, cloves and black treacle (the works) before finishing it off to bake in the oven. it was absolutely delicious, served it with shredded savoy cabbage with crispy bacon bits, swede, creamed potatoes, mini yorkshire puddings and finished with a lovely pork and sage gravy Not bad at all for this crippled ol gal. I took his lunch into the front room so he and I could as a treat, have our lunch on a tray instead of at the table and he would not have to avert his eyes from the screen. I can guarantee you although he ate every morsel if I had served up a couple of cheese and tomato sandwiches he would have been just as content. I felt that as long as his mouth was capable of opening to take in food during this Sunday sporting frenzy, that is all that mattered. He wasn't interested in anything he ate, only what he was watching.

You think I am kidding? I kid you not !

My goodness, I am feeling better already having this king size whinge. Thank god he never reads my posts.
One good thing, once I am attached to this machine, he has to put the TV on pause to make me several cups of tea that I like to have during the evening. Well, it's not my fault I am not allowed to move once attached, apart from the loo, is it??
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10-07-2016, 09:52 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Just glanced at the TV. What pretty coloured football strips they are wearing, Don't the red and blue coordinate well together? and the Referee's canary yellow jumper certainly complements the colours. ahem.
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