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26-11-2016, 05:38 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

I think its terrible but now four police forces are involved in this.
Should they be devoting so much time and man hours to historic incidents when children are being abused today?
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26-11-2016, 05:44 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

You are quite right Apricot, and this abuse is still going on

Only a few have been prosecuted as most of them take chances and if reported just lie through their teeth.

Official bodies protect them as well, like the BBC did with Saville, allowing him to continues years of abuse.

The same with the Catholic Church where Priests who were protected. Not forgetting MPs too like Big Cyril Lord

Children must be educated about how to deal with these predators
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26-11-2016, 05:45 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Originally Posted by Azure ->

The Fact that these footballers have successful careers is beside the point, in spite of there abuse at the hands of their trainer.
He was there to teach them Football,not to abuse them and threaten them,
It does have an affect on them mentally and sometimes their families if the also know about the abuse, and it often interferes with them having a fulfilling relationship with their wives /partners.

Sadly we read about some young people who have been abused actually committing suicide because they had no one to turn to.

I am a loss to understand how any man,or sometimes a women can see a child, teenager, or a baby even, as an object of sexual desire! They must know that this abuse physically harms them.

These paedophiles never choose someone their own size.
Why? I wonder! Some of them look absolutely gross.
They need a squib up their backside and lighted too.

Then see how they like that,
It's all about control, power and fear. The person who terrified me must have got a big kick out of seeing a young girl shaking with fear. He was very well known in the business world, well in with the county sportspeople, great friends with a couple of celebs, chamber of commerce etc etc so I suppose he was like most of them ... thinking he was so well known and respected that nobody could touch him or would believe allegations against him. B*****d.

I never told anybody because I was too embarrassed to talk about it.
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26-11-2016, 05:53 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Originally Posted by Flowerpower ->
It's all about control, power and fear. The person who terrified me must have got a big kick out of seeing a young girl shaking with fear. He was very well known in the business world, well in with the county sportspeople, great friends with a couple of celebs, chamber of commerce etc etc so I suppose he was like most of them ... thinking he was so well known and respected that nobody could touch him or would believe allegations against him. B*****d.

I never told anybody because I was too embarrassed to talk about it.
That was a most dreadful experience for you Flowerpower.

It is true victims feel ashamed embarrassed and degraded for years especially if no one believes them.

it is a good thing that people now have the courage to come forward at last, and talk about their awful experience.

Also if it had happened to me I would have got a man 6ft 4" and built like tree trunk. to do the perpetrator a injury, no matter who he was, and that would be the last time he tried it with any one else.
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26-11-2016, 06:04 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Is it a good thing?
By reliving the past doesn't it relive the trama?
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26-11-2016, 06:11 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

".... Should they not be concentrating on what is happening to children today?"

".... These are things that are past what good is there rehashing all this in front of the cameras."

"Should they be devoting so much time and man hours to historic incidents when children are being abused today?"

"Is it a good thing?
By reliving the past doesn't it relive the trama

We get it. We get it !
Let 'em get away with it completely.
No penalty, no justice, no compensation for victims, no deterrence.

Yep, sounds fine
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26-11-2016, 06:15 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Oh dear what a sad life you have Pummie.
I really feel for the tediousness of your existence.
You cant debate or discuss a topic like a intelligent adult
All you can do is follow me around the forum making silly wind up posts .
Grow up man this prattish behaviour is unbecoming in a man of your years.
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26-11-2016, 06:19 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Ummmmm - is it your contention that these older child sexual abuse cases should not be pursued ?
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26-11-2016, 06:24 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

Actually Muddy ..he's got a point.
You do appear to be saying ... forget about the crime, and let them get away with it.
I'm no fan of historic cases because of the lack of DNA and proper investigation at the time but it's a bit too far the other way to send out the message .... hide the crime and if and when it is unearthed it's not worthy of proper investigation , so get off scot free.
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26-11-2016, 06:26 PM

Re: Historic sex abuse of footballers .

To a point.
Not so much that it detracts from present day serious issues.
The past is the past and cannot be erased.
Recent studies have shown that victims are not always helped by reliving traumatic incidents.
Yes by all means they should speak out but then what happens ?
They have to move on and constant rehash does not help them .
How have the Jimmy Savile victims been helped ?
Not at all,its too late.
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