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22-05-2017, 12:29 PM

Re: Fox hunting

If people don't want predators killing their poultry they should keep them safe.
My neighbour's son has chickens, ducks and bantams, he has a high fence buried in the ground at the bottom to stop animals digging underneath. He has an electric fence along the top and locks his poultry up at night. He doesn't lose any to foxes.
Foxes will kill if they get the chance, they don't know any better, we do!
Brian May also has a campaign on Fb about his supported for the ban.
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22-05-2017, 02:49 PM

Re: Fox hunting

I've a better idea - how about we use dogs to track down and rip to shreds all those hooray henrys in the scumbag 'nasty party'???
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22-05-2017, 03:30 PM

Re: Fox hunting

UJ, there could be a problem, many dogs are a bit choosey about the vermin they chase,
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22-05-2017, 04:58 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Originally Posted by tarantula ->
Foxes need to be controlled, so it is either hunting or shooting them.

Foxes are self controlling where there is a lack of food foxes will die .As most farmers are arable farmers foxes are an important part of the eco system as their preferred food are rabbits and rats the enemies of the arable farmer.
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22-05-2017, 05:01 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Foxes are self controlling where there is a lack of food foxes will die .As most farmers are arable farmers foxes are an important part of the eco system as their preferred food are rabbits and rats the endemic s of the arable farmer.
This was my point with the rubbish.. Here there is a temporary law allowing the shooting of foxes on ground where protected birds nest. But I have never seen one in our town, Im about 5 minutes from the open countryside so if they could smell food here why wouldnt they come ?

The reason is that we have less litter and food waste laying around for them..
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22-05-2017, 05:06 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Fox hunting is however only carried in the countryside !
It is a social outing and an excuse for a good days galloping .
It would be no fun in the town and would probaby cause a riot .
I don't think that people in towns necessary leave a lot of food lying about . But there are bins and they are only emptied every two weeks so naturally will atttract rats and after rats the bigger predators foxes .
We constantly encroach on their habitat too.
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23-05-2017, 04:09 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Guns are not necessarily a humane way of controlling foxes. I was talking to a farmer who still uses (illegally) dogs for fox control. He told me: "When one of my lurchers catches a fox they will kill it quickly by biting into its neck. If I use a shotgun and only wound a fox then it could linger in agony for days".
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23-05-2017, 04:36 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Never known anyone use a lurcher to control foxes but I suppose it is possible.
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23-05-2017, 04:59 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Originally Posted by venator ->
Guns are not necessarily a humane way of controlling foxes. I was talking to a farmer who still uses (illegally) dogs for fox control. He told me: "When one of my lurchers catches a fox they will kill it quickly by biting into its neck. If I use a shotgun and only wound a fox then it could linger in agony for days".

Lurchers are usually trained for rabbits or hare coursing, and the small terrier types to flush things out of their hiding places. I haven't seen them used for foxes, but doesn't mean to say they aren't. In fact thinking about it, perhaps that is why so many gypsy's lurchers have mange, as many foxes have it too.

Regarding guns, if that farmer can't shoot and kill a fox perhaps he should go to specsavers.
The gun (a woman) who would come and deal with a particularly troublesome fox for me would follow a wounded animal and finish it off quickly, NOT leave it to suffer for days at all.
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23-05-2017, 07:09 PM

Re: Fox hunting

Originally Posted by venator ->
Guns are not necessarily a humane way of controlling foxes. I was talking to a farmer who still uses (illegally) dogs for fox control. He told me: "When one of my lurchers catches a fox they will kill it quickly by biting into its neck. If I use a shotgun and only wound a fox then it could linger in agony for days".
If you believe that you will believe anything .
Think would I like to be shot or torn to piece by dogs ...doh
A large lurcher might break a foxes neck but I doubt it.
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