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10-07-2017, 05:05 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
That maybe so, but its still not a majority, without the DUP, if every other MP (apart from the scumbag 'nasty party' voted against her it is entirely possible she could lose that vote.
What you gloss over UJ is the fact Jeremy would need the support of the SNP, Lib/Dems and the DUP to form a government. What price do you put on that?
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10-07-2017, 05:06 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
What you gloss over UJ is the fact Jeremy would need the support of the SNP, Lib/Dems and the DUP to form a government. What price do you put on that?

And after the next GE - possibly sometime in the autumn???
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10-07-2017, 05:28 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Typical 'nasty party' - appealing to the most basest of instincts of nationalism and seeking help and suport in doing so from inplacable enemies!!!

It would be a very, very cold day in hell before I would accede to such requests!!!

A referendum was held, a vote taken to leave.

The Government is doing what it has been instructed to do by the electorate, if Labour had won, Corbyn would have to do the same.

That is not appealing to the most basest of instincts.

It is democracy, something that you seem unable to grasp.
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10-07-2017, 05:37 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

A referendum was held, a vote taken to leave.

The Government is doing what it has been instructed to do by the electorate, if Labour had won, Corbyn would have to do the same.

That is not appealing to the most basest of instincts.

It is democracy, something that you seem unable to grasp.
Do keep up, subsequent to the referendum, that stupid woman, Theresa May called a General election seeking a larger majority than she already had (17 seats). Not only did the electorate vote against that and thereby tell her to 'get stuffed' - she also managed to lose all 17 seats of her majority and is now only propped up by the Northern Irish DUP, contrary to provisions contained in the Good Friday agreement and possibly to be ruled illegal in the High Court.

So it could be argued, quite correctly that she no longer has a mandate from the electorate.
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10-07-2017, 06:02 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Do keep up, subsequent to the referendum, that stupid woman, Theresa May called a General election seeking a larger majority than she already had (17 seats). Not only did the electorate vote against that and thereby tell her to 'get stuffed' - she also managed to lose all 17 seats of her majority and is now only propped up by the Northern Irish DUP, contrary to provisions contained in the Good Friday agreement and possibly to be ruled illegal in the High Court.

So it could be argued, quite correctly that she no longer has a mandate from the electorate.

The Election did not override the Referendum, which was to leave.
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10-07-2017, 06:19 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Typical 'nasty party' - appealing to the most basest of instincts of nationalism and seeking help and suport in doing so from inplacable enemies!!!

It would be a very, very cold day in hell before I would accede to such requests!!!
Like it or not, the fact is that we are where we are, with no party being in a position to get the country through the next two years of paramount importance, so we now need pragmatism and realism. This is no doubt unpalatable to every party but at least Mrs May has realised that fact and has offered an olive branch. You and your ilk may deride and despise patriotism, but a good dose of it is what we now need to survive the EU negotiations.

By the way, have you ever considered that your venom and pathological hatred for all things non communist is not just sad, but ultimately self defeating as you have no argument other than that to offer the debate?
Uncle Joe
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10-07-2017, 07:12 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Barry ->
Like it or not, the fact is that we are where we are, with no party being in a position to get the country through the next two years of paramount importance, so we now need pragmatism and realism. This is no doubt unpalatable to every party but at least Mrs May has realised that fact and has offered an olive branch. You and your ilk may deride and despise patriotism, but a good dose of it is what we now need to survive the EU negotiations.

By the way, have you ever considered that your venom and pathological hatred for all things non communist is not just sad, but ultimately self defeating as you have no argument other than that to offer the debate?

Was it Mark Twain or Oscar Wilde who once said that patriotism was the last resort of a scoundrel???
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10-07-2017, 07:27 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Was it Mark Twain or Oscar Wilde who once said that patriotism was the last resort of a scoundrel???
Samuel Johnson 1775
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10-07-2017, 07:34 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

Originally Posted by Barry ->
Samuel Johnson 1775

I stand corrected, but very apt nonetheless
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10-07-2017, 09:35 PM

Re: The end of 'supply & Confidence' ???

I always thought tories should have just accepted they had a minority government it wouldn't have been first time that happened in uk and they could have carried on without bribing anyone to help them.
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