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Bobby Àmericano
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07-03-2018, 06:15 PM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
One of them who finds the general state of politics depressing and simply an ego boost for those who line their own pockets.

However, now I've looked at your link after you forced me to , I did actually see it. I do read Littlejohn's column and I usually find him spot on about things because I like his old school, anti-pc views on life. We need more people with common sense before we get completely dragged into an asexual, 'elf & safety landscape. It's all gone too far.

As for the Tom Daley topic, we've discussed that in depth on the relevant thread (which I departed as soon as the usual chit chat brigade started their off-topic nonsense).
Well stated, Floyd. I completely agree about the PC rubbish, etc. The Daly thing was dealt with ad nauseum on that relevant thread.
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07-03-2018, 06:19 PM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Surely children benefit most from being raised in a stable loving home.

I don't think it really matters how that family is made up.
All that matters is that they feel wanted, loved and safe.
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07-03-2018, 06:27 PM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by Gravitas ->
Center Parcs have scrapped any further advertising in The Mail following coercion from the usual Left-wing totalitarian zealots?
Your post reads like The Mail in that you state that there has been a withdrawal of advertising but only link to the 'offending' article. I had to search elsewhere to verify that.

Littlejohn makes a living being contrary, like Piers Morgan, Katie Hopkins and Jeremy Clarkson.
He gives the readership what they want to hear, they are free to buy and read it, Center Parcs are free to withdraw advertising.
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07-03-2018, 07:41 PM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by ruthio ->
Surely children benefit most from being raised in a stable loving home.

I don't think it really matters how that family is made up.
All that matters is that they feel wanted, loved and safe.
It's a question of what is best. Two gay dads or the traditional, MUM and dad.

This thread is about: is it so wrong to plump for the later?
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07-03-2018, 07:48 PM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
Your post reads like The Mail in that you state that there has been a withdrawal of advertising but only link to the 'offending' article. I had to search elsewhere to verify that.

Littlejohn makes a living being contrary, like Piers Morgan, Katie Hopkins and Jeremy Clarkson.
He gives the readership what they want to hear, they are free to buy and read it, Center Parcs are free to withdraw advertising.
a) It was the "offending article" I was asking about. THAT is why I linked it.
b) Littlejohn's views are usually in agreement with the majority of the country. How is that "contrarian"?
c) The only reason Center Parcs withdrew their advertising is (as usual) because of coercion from Left-wing zealots who want to close down opposing views. Their propensity towards totalitarian instincts are never far away.
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08-03-2018, 02:15 AM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Of course it was "so bad", that's how Littlejohn earns a crust. A publicity whore and professional troll, like Katie Hopkins. The technique is simple, choose a current event, say the most controversial thing they can think of about it, then suck the publicty for themselves, like vampires. If it hadn't been "so bad", his employers would have been most disappointed.

It's a delicate balance trying to whip up the reactionaries and offend the liberals without crossing the line and getting the paper sued or losing readers and advertisers. The public are fickle, get it wrong and he could be out on his ear like Hopkins.

For advertisers like Centre Parcs, it's just a business decision. The Mail is a very popular paper with wide readership, so it's a good place to advertise. On the other hand, they risk their advert appearing on the same pages as Littlejohn's inflammatory headlines and therefore their image being tarnished and associated with his point of view.

They have to decide which will lose or gain them most customers and they seem to have decided it's not worth the risk and to go for advertising in less controversial papers. Why, I don't know, but I expect they've looked at the demographic of their customers and considered the commercial aspect rather than just being bullied by Left wingers.
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08-03-2018, 04:24 AM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Hey Gravitas - I've only just realised that you are talking about Tom Daly, the columnist. Not Tom Daley the diver. Ignore all my previous posts.
My God, I'm thick.
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08-03-2018, 10:45 AM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
Hey Gravitas - I've only just realised that you are talking about Tom Daly, the columnist. Not Tom Daley the diver. Ignore all my previous posts.
My God, I'm thick.
Best read the link in the o/p for clarification.
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08-03-2018, 10:57 AM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?

Originally Posted by twizzle ->
Of course it was "so bad", that's how Littlejohn earns a crust. A publicity whore and professional troll, like Katie Hopkins. The technique is simple, choose a current event, say the most controversial thing they can think of about it, then suck the publicty for themselves, like vampires. If it hadn't been "so bad", his employers would have been most disappointed.

It's a delicate balance trying to whip up the reactionaries and offend the liberals without crossing the line and getting the paper sued or losing readers and advertisers. The public are fickle, get it wrong and he could be out on his ear like Hopkins.

For advertisers like Centre Parcs, it's just a business decision. The Mail is a very popular paper with wide readership, so it's a good place to advertise. On the other hand, they risk their advert appearing on the same pages as Littlejohn's inflammatory headlines and therefore their image being tarnished and associated with his point of view.

They have to decide which will lose or gain them most customers and they seem to have decided it's not worth the risk and to go for advertising in less controversial papers. Why, I don't know, but I expect they've looked at the demographic of their customers and considered the commercial aspect rather than just being bullied by Left wingers.
Littlejohn is NOT a troll, he is by far and away the highest paid columnist in the country (and has been for donkey's years) because he is the best. Simply the BEST! Better than all the rest!

He's asking a number of questions (what you might call "elephant in the room questions" that the others are too shit scared to ask.

And then there are the Left-wing zealots who want to intimidate people in order to shut down free speech so that there is only one view, theirs.

These malign mobs must be resisted.
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08-03-2018, 10:58 AM

Re: Snowflake Alert: Was The Mail's Tom Daly Column So Bad?


We live in a free Society.

The Mail chose to publish,their right.

Center Parcs chose not to advertise.

I have no issue with that.
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