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06-06-2018, 03:51 PM

Re: Retirement.

I retired at 57 some 16 years day I went into work and decided it was not worth it anymore, I threw my watch away as I drove out. I haven’t worn one since.
I have never looked back, a military pension an OAP pension and a war disablement pension pays the bills, everyday is a Sunday and I still don’t have enough time to complete all my jobs. Enjoy your retirement, you earned it.
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06-06-2018, 04:03 PM

Re: Retirement.

I worked for the NHS as a Bank Administrator (as in, being a temp) and after several trusts merged, I found my services were required less and less. Spent a lot of time with Mum, and especially when she collapsed unconscious on our cruise, I had to deal with getting her home and then dealing with her estate, I was glad to be out of work.

I realised not long after that Whittington hospital had no intention of giving me any work so resigned and began drawing my meagre pension. (When I worked with Haringey I was constantly employed in temp positions.)

So my transition to retirement was gradual, and not sudden.
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06-06-2018, 04:31 PM

Re: Retirement.

Meant to say to you too nom , I worked till I was 64 I was too scared to retire ,kept asking myself how will I cope with only state pension , what will I do , I'll be lonely , all that nonsense telling myself all I've only ever known is work ! How awful is that ! Eventually I had to leave as I hurt my neck doing the job I did ( footcare) . I went to Australia to stay at a friend's for a month , never returned to full time work again. Love love love it
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06-06-2018, 05:02 PM

Re: Retirement.

Originally Posted by Nicol ->
I retired in September of last year.

Everything has been mostly ok, I worked alone so there was no camaraderie or company to miss. I am fairly well disciplined so I still get up at a reasonably early hour, I still have a routine.

The only down bit was when I was ill earlier this year and was mostly out of action for a couple of months. I did get bored and missed being physically active. At the time it was all I could do to walk the dog Hopefully fully recovered now though.

I am not the type of person who goes anywhere, very much a home bod, (holidays is my idea of hell) but I have enough to do here to keep me ticking over.

I certainly don't miss work and even when I was at my lowest ebb I never wanted to go back.
Hi Nicol nice calm approach to retirement tried to send you a PM but it wasn't workin??
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06-06-2018, 06:19 PM

Re: Retirement.

The best things about being retired are, not having to get up & rush around, being able to hop on a bus for free & go anywhere, do anything I like all weekdays.
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06-06-2018, 06:40 PM

Re: Retirement.

Im kind of semi retired

I have up full time work aged 38 due to ill health

Im at that stage where I cant work full time but I don't want to go onto benefits so sine then Ive just found small mindless part time jobs I can manage around my health

Right now Im doing 2 and a half days a week which is plenty

I cant see myself every retiring fully as I get so bored at home but then Im still young and that may change as I get older and more disabled

I enjoy the days I have off and Mr Missy is also only on a 3 day week now and we manage without pensions but I think we might just end up falling out if we were home 24/7 together
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06-06-2018, 06:48 PM

Re: Retirement.

Originally Posted by Missy ->
Im kind of semi retired

I have up full time work aged 38 due to ill health

Im at that stage where I cant work full time but I don't want to go onto benefits so sine then Ive just found small mindless part time jobs I can manage around my health

Right now Im doing 2 and a half days a week which is plenty

I cant see myself every retiring fully as I get so bored at home but then Im still young and that may change as I get older and more disabled

I enjoy the days I have off and Mr Missy is also only on a 3 day week now and we manage without pensions but I think we might just end up falling out if we were home 24/7 together
Interesting point Missy,it could be easy to be4come jaded if you are in each others company 24 / 7.
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06-06-2018, 07:04 PM

Re: Retirement.

I was lucky to be able to retire at aged not miss work one wee bit..have bus pass..will travel
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06-06-2018, 07:36 PM

Re: Retirement.

I retired aged 58 but I have been involved in two house renovations since then so not exactly putting my feet up. I have taken up a few hobbies... furniture renovation and gardening so that now keeps me busy too, I do miss the camaraderie of the team I worked with and to be honest I do sometimes feel some things are a bit pointless.

One thing I don't miss is the fight to get to work locally and further afield overall I think being retired is better than working
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06-06-2018, 08:44 PM

Re: Retirement.

Retirement should be a lovely leisurely time.
Some people hanker after all the things they did in their youth, but if it involves activates unless you have always exercised , alas they can no longer do them as limbs are not as agile and you could sprain various parts of the body!

Not much use trying to be a Ballet dancer late in life, as ‘Nobody loves a Fairy when they are 40,50,60,70, or even 80.

Who wants to be the ‘Oldest Teenager on the Dance Floor?
Also, it depends on one’s nature. If you are outgoing, you can join many Clubs and Societies many of which are free,
You can go to the many Adult Education classes run by every City. If you have a skill you can teach.
In Villages, there is always something going on in Village Halls
And….Shhh Sometimes there is wife swapping!!....... Don’t tell the Vicar!

Some men boast they can give much younger men a run for their money in the Boudoir
It is not true I’ve been told!! … But they can do a lot of ‘Moaning and Groaning and falling asleep after all that effort.

You should enjoy each day and give yourself a little treat even if you are alone.

Where’s that Chocolate Éclair?

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