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26-06-2018, 05:16 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by yggdrasil ->
Nia Rhiannon Griffith MP is a Welsh Labour politician, who has been the Member of Parliament for Llanelli since 2005.

It seems even T May thinks the NHS is more important than the Armed Forces right now, given what she is agreeing to raise taxes for.

Rehab44, I hope you look at other news sources than Fawkes to get a more balanced point of view.
Like I said, I do use the Guardian? I have done some research and I gather she is the shadow sec for defence I did read She was a ‘ global warming ‘ specialist and former teaching union official, In a recent radio interview she couldn't state the cost of Trident to the nearest billion. I bet she is a mate of Diane:lol
So what qualifies this welsh lass to hold such an important role? We know how Diane got her job, but Nia is a lesbian
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26-06-2018, 05:26 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

No-one can state the cost of Trident, it depends too much on the rate of sterling. And why should it be important, it is all outdated now. It is support for the aircraft carrier the MOD is after now.

In any case, what does being a lesbian have to do with her political ability?

And I see you have ignored
It seems even T May thinks the NHS is more important than the Armed Forces right now, given what she is agreeing to raise taxes for.

Even JC can't be in 2 places at once.
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26-06-2018, 05:43 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by yggdrasil ->
No-one can state the cost of Trident, it depends too much on the rate of sterling. And why should it be important, it is all outdated now. It is support for the aircraft carrier the MOD is after now.

In any case, what does being a lesbian have to do with her political ability?

And I see you have ignored
It seems even T May thinks the NHS is more important than the Armed Forces right now, given what she is agreeing to raise taxes for.

Even JC can't be in 2 places at once.
I laid the bait and like the good little leftie you are you bit
Her sexual preferences has nothing to do with her political ability, and no where in my post did I say that.
I did wonder how she got the job, Diane another lady with maths problem was Jeremy’s squeeze and therefore promoted. Nia could not have got her promotion the same way because she is a lesbian. Got it?
Don’t the women in Labour ever do any research prior to attending chat shows?
An apology would be very nice but I won’t hold my breath
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26-06-2018, 08:27 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by yggdrasil ->
I wouldn't trust anyone who quotes the rabid right-winger Guido Fawkes as a source.
A really poor diversionary stance, very weak. The facts remain.

Corbyn has history here. Last year he snubbed the Army celebrations in favour of bigging himself up at Glastonbury.

He refuses to sing the National Anthem.

We could go into his eager and willing attendance at various IRA events and the like but it's clearly pointless.

Corbyn isn't fit to stand for election let alone actually be PM.

No right minded British citizen can in good conscience vote for a man that clearly has no interest in Britain and who prefers to side with terrorists the world over.
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26-06-2018, 08:43 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by Realist ->
A really poor diversionary stance, very weak. The facts remain.

Corbyn has history here. Last year he snubbed the Army celebrations in favour of bigging himself up at Glastonbury.

He refuses to sing the National Anthem.

We could go into his eager and willing attendance at various IRA events and the like but it's clearly pointless.

Corbyn isn't fit to stand for election let alone actually be PM.

No right minded British citizen can in good conscience vote for a man that clearly has no interest in Britain and who prefers to side with terrorists the world over.
Well put and I do agree
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27-06-2018, 06:53 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by Realist ->
A really poor diversionary stance, very weak. The facts remain.

Corbyn has history here. Last year he snubbed the Army celebrations in favour of bigging himself up at Glastonbury.

He refuses to sing the National Anthem.

We could go into his eager and willing attendance at various IRA events and the like but it's clearly pointless.

Corbyn isn't fit to stand for election let alone actually be PM.

No right minded British citizen can in good conscience vote for a man that clearly has no interest in Britain and who prefers to side with terrorists the world over.

Anyone who sides with terrorists is incapable of winning an argument, as we we have found with certain members on here.
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27-06-2018, 11:58 PM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by rehab44 ->
i laid the bait and like the good little leftie you are you bit
Her sexual preferences has nothing to do with her political ability, and no where in my post did i say that.
I did wonder how she got the job, diane another lady with maths problem was jeremy’s squeeze and therefore promoted. Nia could not have got her promotion the same way because she is a lesbian. Got it?
Don’t the women in labour ever do any research prior to attending chat shows?
An apology would be very nice but i won’t hold my breath
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28-06-2018, 12:03 AM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->

Anyone who sides with terrorists is incapable of winning an argument, as we we have found with certain members on here.
How about those who embrace fascist ideals?
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28-06-2018, 12:10 AM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

I must concur that Compo shows, in almost everything he does and says, that he is anti-British.

The question already asked, and which I cannot fathom the answer to, is how he and his party manage to take so many votes.

I suppose in order to find the answer we must consider what sort of people do vote for him.

Well, there are the 'traditional' Labour voters: those who don't think about it, but vote for Labour simply because 'their dad always did'.

Then there are the 'sort of people' who Labour are actually courting for their votes. Of course, I may not specify their cultural origins other than to say that Compo's obvious hatred of Israel is one thing they find attractive.

I suppose that even now there might still be those naive young people, such as those whom he persuaded that he would pay all their university tuition fees.

Unless I have missed some other obvious sections of the voting population, I still find it difficult to understand how the people listed above provided so many votes for his party.
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28-06-2018, 12:32 AM

Re: Corbyn To Snub Armed Forces Day . . . Again

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I must concur that Compo shows, in almost everything he does and says, that he is anti-British.

The question already asked, and which I cannot fathom the answer to, is how he and his party manage to take so many votes.

I suppose in order to find the answer we must consider what sort of people do vote for him.

Well, there are the 'traditional' Labour voters: those who don't think about it, but vote for Labour simply because 'their dad always did'.

Then there are the 'sort of people' who Labour are actually courting for their votes. Of course, I may not specify their cultural origins other than to say that Compo's obvious hatred of Israel is one thing they find attractive.

I suppose that even now there might still be those naive young people, such as those whom he persuaded that he would pay all their university tuition fees.

Unless I have missed some other obvious sections of the voting population, I still find it difficult to understand how the people listed above provided so many votes for his party.
Puzzles me how anyone with half a brain could have voted for UKIP.
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