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09-05-2020, 12:51 AM

Re: This is terrible

The video looked pretty clear two men with shotguns attacked and killed an unarmed jogger .
Which part of murder is difficult to understand ?
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09-05-2020, 01:15 AM

Re: This is terrible

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
The video looked pretty clear two men with shotguns attacked and killed an unarmed jogger .
Which part of murder is difficult to understand ?
The 15 seconds before the video's always that part that ends up on the cutting-room floor that makes the difference...

Do things like this happen? Sure. People are animals and act like them often. However, the media makes things like this, even if it is a race-motivated crime, as if it's the norm rather than the exception.

Weigh the white on black vs the black on white crime and the statistics are HEAVILY weighed towards the later. Look at the amount of black on black crime vs white on black crime and the numbers are even more unbalanced.
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09-05-2020, 02:03 AM

Re: This is terrible

And so it should !
Police didn’t even investigate what happened until two months later until it was widely reported in the media
Glossing over daylight murder because the perpetrator is an ex cop stinks !

The police do stick together like the proverbial on a blanket

15 second before they murdered him they had followed him in a pick up truck.

The video was filmed by someone else following they
were hunting this man because he was black .

He was unarmed and carriing nothing.
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09-05-2020, 02:57 AM

Re: This is terrible

Where was the outrage?

Take a look at the stats for just one city Even with Covid 19, this year's murders are up over last year. Most of it is Black on Black crime...

This Outrage is purposely manufactured and nothing but Hypocrisy. Why is this one life more important than any other? Because it fits the agenda that the media wants to push. Flip the skin colors and this becomes a non-story so quick nobody would have even heard of it.

The media created the current racist atmosphere with their constant false stories of cops gunning down poor innocent black men. It took them 2 years after Michael Brown in Ferguson to finally find ONE incident where ONE BAD COP killed a black man. Think about the number of interactions daily with the Police and it took two-three years to find one bad out of how many hundreds of thousand traffic stops, domestic disturbances, investigations and arrests...but by then the Black Community had already been driven into a frenzy and started ambushing police officers. Then Police started blindly reacting because they were expecting to get ambushed. So suddenly, the media created a self-fulfilling prophesy because now the Police were shooting unarmed black men. These ambushes are STILL HAPPENING with more and more frequency.

Just like the panic the media created with their black plague Covid-19 coverage with the general public, they did the same thing within the Black Community insisting that cops just want to shoot black people.
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09-05-2020, 06:29 AM

Re: This is terrible

However IN THIS CASE the video clearly shows a unarmed black jogger being stalked and murdered by two white men with shotguns..

This is tantamount to modern day lynching .
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09-05-2020, 11:30 AM

Re: This is terrible

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
However IN THIS CASE the video clearly shows a unarmed black jogger being stalked and murdered by two white men with shotguns..

This is tantamount to modern day lynching .
If you believe everything you see on 'tnet and media Muddy I wish I was a car salesman in your area.....
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09-05-2020, 05:46 PM

Re: This is terrible

You can’t shut your eyes to injustice OGF I know I would not like to be born black in America .
I saw this on FB today written by a white man .
A white man who runs like you.

I’m a white, male runner.

Until I laced up tonight, I never thought much about how those two adjectives shield me every time I run.

Because I’m a white, male runner, I run down side streets. I run downtown.
I run down deserted trails. I run early in the morning and late at night.
Because I’m a white, male runner, I wear a sweatshirt when it’s cold. Sometimes with a hood. I’m safe to run shirtless or in jeans or barefoot.
It’s OK for me to run fast. Or I can stop and rest.

Because I’m a white, male runner, I never imagine encountering that driver with that sticker on that truck coming around that corner.
I never wonder why that police cruiser drove past me again.
I never hesitate to go into that store to get a drink.

Because I’m a white, male runner, I could never imagine confronting a self-deputized, self-proclaimed neighborhood militiaman.
I could never imagine breaking my cadence to fight off an attacker.

Because I’m a white, male runner, I know my son is safe to run by my side.
And I know he’ll be fine if he chooses to follow in my footsteps.

Because I’m a white, male runner, I don’t have to wonder whether my hobby is worth the risk.

I’m sure my privilege protects me from a hundred other concerns that I can’t even comprehend.

But I don’t have to worry about those things anyway.

Because I’m a white, male runner.

#ahmaudarbery #justiceforahmaud #runwithmaud #whiteprivilege
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09-05-2020, 06:15 PM

Re: This is terrible

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
You can’t go around shooting joggers like dogs .
This was all caught on video the young man didn’t have a chance .
This was racism in action .

They should receive the death penalty.
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09-05-2020, 06:47 PM

Re: This is terrible

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Just seen this pair of rednecks - an ex cop no less .
Shoot dead and unarmed black jogger .

What is with Americans ?
Originally Posted by Baz46 ->
Yes, they are doing that and worse. According to the links below the are also using fake NHS badges to move around in this lockdown!

"Drug dealers are dressing as joggers or using fake NHS ID badges to move around freely during the Covid-19 lockdown, according to an expert on gangs."

In America and various other countries around the world it's no better either:

"Drug dealers are using food delivery drivers to smuggle their products around during coronavirus lockdowns, Interpol has warned.

The international policing organisation said on Thursday it had received reports of the tactic from countries including the UK, Ireland, Spain and Malaysia."
Yes, this is happening in the US, and also in your own country. You were quick to point out it was the disgusting Americans.

Prejudice of blacks and whites is unacceptable. Prejudice of other countries is also a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Perhaps we should look within ourselves before giving an opinion when the finger points inward.
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09-05-2020, 07:02 PM

Re: This is terrible

Do you know if this young man was a drug dealer ?
Or just a black jogger out jogging ?

Any more excuses for overt and fatal racism ?
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